الأسد: الحل بميثاق وطني ينبثق عنه دستور جديد لكن سنستمر بمحاربة الإرهابيين

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طرح الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الاحد بنود حل سياسي يقوم على ان تدعو الحكومة الى عقد مؤتمر للحوار الوطني بعد وقف العمليات العسكرية في البلاد، وذلك في خطاب مباشر هو الاول له منذ سبعة اشهر.

وقال الاسد في خطاب نقله التلفزيون السوري في دار الاسد للثقافة والفنون وسط دمشق على وقع تصفيق حشد من الحاضرين، ان "الحل السياسي سيكون على الشكل التالي":

- "تلتزم الدول المعنية بوقف تمويل وتسليح وايواء المسلحين ووقف العمليات الارهابية بما يسهل عودة النازحين.

- بعد ذلك مباشرة وقف العمليات العسكرية من قبل قواتنا التي تحتفظ بحق الرد.

- ضبط الحدود (...)

- عقد مؤتمر للحوار الوطني تشارك فيه كل الاطياف.

واكد الاسد ان اي مبادرة من الخارج "يجب ان تستند الى هذه الرؤية السيادية، معتبرا أن "أي مبادرة هي مبادرة مساعدة لما سيقوم به السوريون ولا تحل محلها".

واشار الى ان الحكومة السورية ستبلور خلال الايام المقبلة هذه الافكار وتطرحها، واي مبادرة "سوف تستند الى هذه الافكار (...) ولا داعي لنضيع وقتنا بافكار تخرج عن هذا السياق".

ورأى أن النزاع المستمر في بلاده منذ 21 شهرا، ليس بين حكم ومعارضة بل بين الوطن واعدائه.

ولفت الاسد الى أن "الكثيرين سقطوا في فخ صور لهم بانه صراع بين حكم ومعارضة، صراع على سلطة وكرسي ومنصب، من واجبنا ان نعيد توجيه الرؤية باتجاه البوصلة الحقيقية (...) انه صراع بين الوطن واعدائه بين الشعب والقتلة والمجرمين".

واضاف ان الصراع هو "بين المواطن وخبزه ومائه ودفئه ومن يحرمه من كل ذلك، بين حالة الامان التي كنا نتغنى بها وبث الخوف والذعر في النفوس".

وسأل "هل هذا صراع على كرسي ومنصب، ام صراع بين الوطن واعدائه؟ هل هو صراع على سلطة ام انتقام من الشعب الذي لم يعط اولئك الارهابيين القتلة الكلمة المفتاح من اجل تفتيت سوريا وتفتيت مجتمعها؟".

وأردف: "يسمونها ثورة وهي لا علاقة لها بالثورة لا من قريب ولا من بعيد (...) الثورة تكون ثورة الشعب، لا ثورة المستوردين من الخارج كي يثوروا على الشعب، هي ثورة من أجل مصلحة الشعب ليس ضد مصالح الشعب".

وسأل "بالله عليكم، هل هذه ثورة وهل هؤلاء ثوار؟ انهم حفنة من المجرمين"، في اشارة الى المقاتلين المعارضين الذين يواجهون القوات النظامية على الارض.

التعليقات 19
Missing peace 14:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

still in denial...seems he has taken an old speech from the baath drawers and recycled it without taking into account the real situation.
the speech of a desperate dictator believing all is white and he is the only one representing the values of the country! lol!
he ll burn his country just to stay in power but the fall will be all the more bitter along with his lebanese M8 supporters!!!!

Thumb andre.jabbour 14:20 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

Our friend Assad lives in fantasyland...

Thumb geha 14:22 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

Syria is doomed for the next 20 years.
hizbushaitan and fpm will start paying the price of their alliances soon.

Missing canadianadam 14:32 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

Wow. It looks like ASSad and Hezbollah share a common challenge. It's tough to find people to have dialogue with when you re trying to kill them all.
'Id really like to carry on a conversation, just let me bomb your car first'

Thumb andre.jabbour 15:04 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

Zanga Zanga or Bunga Bunga? Either way he's soooo over.

Missing phillipo 16:17 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

When I was a little boy all those years ago, I was taught that if I argued with one person the chance that I was right were 50%, if I argued with 3 people then it was a lot more than that. If I argued with more than that I was an idiot, because they all can't be wrong and me right.
However, here we have the "perfect case" where the whole world is wrong and only Assad is right. What a joke he makes out of himself.

Missing helicopter 19:50 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

In that case phillipo, how can 150 Million Arabs be wrong and 6 Million Israelis be right? I did not mean to disagree with your rule, but I was thinking loud.

Thumb jcamerican 22:29 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

Cute one.

Thumb andre.jabbour 00:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 07

Excellent argument!

Missing cedars 02:26 ,2013 كانون الثاني 07

I would argue yes maybe there is double your number Jews in the world that have been medium to highly educated and have taken high ranking positions to convince or alter the ship to sail their way. case in point the 10 times Arabs have relied on the Gulf and rich countries to get less education.
i.e. The 6 million Jews in the US are enough to steer the ship and politics accordingly.

Missing cedars 16:52 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

No partner = You are assassinating them, those chanting brouh bil dam need to be educated what a democracy means in the 21century, if someone opposes them they should not assassinate with a car bomb, at which point the assassins followers will not become Al-Qaeda. You have created the problem and now it is biting you back in the butt. Remember Al-Sa3eka and Damour, they came from Syria, Remember Hizbollah and 200 Marines/Paratroopers, remember Lebanon recent car bombs and yes Samaha was not invented by the westerns/Gulf states but he rather was following Hobeika's footsteps before you were able to eliminate the mafia way such as Ghazi Ken3an.

Thumb LebDinosaur 18:25 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

Assad is still in denial mode. That's not good. He is totally out of touch.

Missing cedars 19:19 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

It is a shame, you could have been smarter and shared the empire with what you call slaves, instead you're doing it the same exact way you entered Zahle, Knat, East Beirut so that you can free the Golan from the Zionists. Guess what the same way you got ejected from Lebanon your one way street ideology is going to earn you a one way out of Syria.

Missing cedars 19:41 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

It is the same one way ideology of Hizbollah, we will not disarm until the entire country get destroyed such as in 2006 at which point The idiot will go on TV and say: If we had known the massive destruction of the Zionists that have caused the ENTIRE country we would not have kidnapped the Israeli soldier.

Missing helicopter 19:54 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

There are those who seek to partition Syria and weaken it," he said....... thanks to those who thought they owned all of Syria (and Lebanon) and stole all its resources for over 40 years.,

Missing peace 20:11 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

no M8ers to praise their leader and thank him for this marvellous speech? hiding i guess...

Missing samiam 20:15 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

National dialogue again--the time to talk for ASSad was over a year ago. No way he stays in power as he doesn't have legitimacy in the eyes of many countries and people. The reason why he can't find a partner is that they are either too far in bed with him (Iran/Russia) or just don't like him (about everyone else).

Thumb beiruti 20:17 ,2013 كانون الثاني 06

How does he talk like this of his supposed negotiating interlocutors and then call for dialogue? This was not a conciliatory talk. More like a spoiled child following orders from his parents (the Russians) to make one last attempt at peaceful resolution (eating his spinach) before he gets banished to his room.
I suspect that Russia will be jumping off of the Assad ship soon so that its interests will not go down the drain with this rotten regime.

Missing raptor 02:46 ,2013 كانون الثاني 07

The giraffe has spoken... Remember bashour, the longer ur neck, the easier to cut...