لؤي المقداد يندد بـ"الاجتياح البرّي" الذي نفذه حزب الله في سوريا

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تساءل المنسق السياسي والاعلامي لـ"الجيش السوري الحر" لؤي المقداد، عما اذا كانت "مشاركة فصيل في الحكومة في القتال في سوريا" هو جزء من سياسة النأي النفس التي تتبعها الحكومة اللبنانية، وذلك، اثر الاتهام الذي وجهه المجلس الوطني السوري المعارض لـ"حزب الله"، الاحد، بشن "هجوم مسلح" على قرى في وسط سوريا.

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "النهار"، الاثنين، رأى المقداد ان "الاجتياح الذي يقوم به حزب الله هو الاول من نوعه من حيث التنظيم والتخطيط والتنسيق مع طيران النظام السوري".

واذ اوضح انها المرة الاولى التي يقوم فيها حزب الله بـ"اجتياح برّي يترافق مع غطاء ناري من المدفعية المتمركزة في القرى التي سيطر عليها داخل الاراضي السورية وفي بعض القرى الحدودية اللبنانية".

كما كشف المقداد عبر "النهار"، انه فور انتهاء خطاب الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، السبت، بدأت "العملية العسكرية، وذلك باشراف مصطفى بدر الدين ووفيق صفا".

واعتبر المقداد ان "الخطاب كان ساعة الصفر وسيستغل نصرالله هذا الظهور ليؤخر اطلالته المقبلة لعدم تبرير ما يحصل".

الى ذلك، توجه المنسق السياسي والاعلامي لـ"الجيش السوري الحر"، الى الحكومة متسائلاً "اذا كان ارسال المازوت والديناميت الى (الرئيس السوري) بشار الاسد جزءاً من النأي بالنفس، فهل تعتبر مشاركة فصيل في الحكومة في قتل الشعب السوري بشكل سافر ومعلن هو نأي بالنفس ايضا؟".

وفي حديث الى الـLBCI، قال المقداد ان "الحكومة اللبنانية تسهل وصول المحروقات الى نظام الاسد وأعداد قتلى حزب الله في سوريا تجاوزت الـ40 في الساعات الماضية".

وكان المجلس الوطني السوري المعارض اتهم حزب الله، الاحد، بـ"التدخل عسكريا" و"شن هجوم مسلح" في منطقة القصير في محافظة حمص الحدودية مع لبنان لمساندة قوات النظام السوري. الا ان مصدراً في حزب الله افاد وكالة "فرانس برس" الاحد، ان ثلاثة لبنانيين من الطائفة الشيعية قتلوا وجرح 14 آخرون في معارك في سوريا، مشيرا الى انهم كانوا "في مواجهة للدفاع عن النفس".

التعليقات 34
Missing greatpierro 08:01 ,2013 شباط 18

HA does not have the choice but to defend the regime. IF the Assad regime falls then bye bye the dream of Iran of wilayet al Fakih from Iran to Lebanon going through Irak and Syria. Unfortunately yet again because of their divisions, the Lebanese will be paying the cost.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 09:02 ,2013 شباط 18

This is an idiotic move on the part of the Hizb. What will they do when the regime falls? Can Lebanon afford to be surrounded by enemies? What for? Have they really calculated the dangers to Lebanon? I used to think that it is possible to compromise on the weapons of the Hizb. No more. The Hizb and its weapons have become a present and great danger to Lebanon.

Missing greatpierro 10:00 ,2013 شباط 18

Rightly Said but it's a question of life or death. They don't have the choice. They are not even hiding the fact that they are fighting in Syria. That is a clear proof to all m8 that The distance is not a resistance against Israel but a resistance to maintain the tyrannical Syrian Iranian axis.

Default-user-icon hedger (ضيف) 10:13 ,2013 شباط 18

I don't disagree. ..but everyone seems to forget or ignore that for them this is a resistance against those who will keep them from resisting against Israel, it is a resistance against an axis that is openly looking to eliminate them.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:03 ,2013 شباط 18

Al-kafi: saying "shia terrorist SCUM" is as despicable as saying "sunni terrorist SCUM". Please stop it.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:07 ,2013 شباط 18

Hedger - then they are as delusional as Bashar if they think that the arab people will forfeit palestinian rights. Simply put it, the hizb takes its orders from iran and when these orders come, they are not subject to debate. Iran has its own agendas - not all in the supreme national interest of lebanon and the arab countries.

Thumb ziziyeklak 15:02 ,2013 شباط 18

chou hall propaganda hayde! Syria now needs HA, waooow. enno hala2 hezb alla sar super power & invading the continent!! ye3ne your saying ma sunni are so stupid & they are x200 more!!!
propaganda propaganda propaganda

Thumb geha 08:16 ,2013 شباط 18

hizbushaitan is a confirmed terrorist militia acting against the interests of Lebanese and Lebanon.
they are only here to execute the orders of their Iranian masters.

Thumb scorpyonn 08:37 ,2013 شباط 18

The time will soon be over for Assad, those rancid Iranians who are a cancer to this planet and the Lebanese who side with foreign powers against their own people.

Thumb andre.jabbour 11:49 ,2013 شباط 18

Hehehehe I enjoy being pamperred by you. You do it better than any other maid. May Allah grant you freedom one day. Not physical freedom, but a brain transplant so you can free yourself from the master Aoun you serve so faithfully and blindly. Might as well include a new pair of eyes :)

Thumb pierotgourmand 14:47 ,2013 شباط 18

FT lol

Missing lqu7 08:44 ,2013 شباط 18

As long as they're keeping those dirty salafists out of our country, HA can invade China for all I care.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 09:10 ,2013 شباط 18

Please stop being bigoted against salafists. There are many salafists in lebanon who are trying to live their lives and raise their families in these terrible economic situation. The problem is that the Hizb will bring in with them some of the Jihadists who will see to exact revenge from the Hizb. Do we really want a return to car bombs? What will happen when the regime in syria falls? Will lebanon pay the price?

Missing greatpierro 10:03 ,2013 شباط 18

The biggest enemy of salafist are Muslim moderates. HA is giving a good excuse for salafist such as Adair and el Qaeda to exist.

Missing phalangistes 09:44 ,2013 شباط 18

I really hope that when the FSA finishes with the regime, they come finish the dirty filthy iranian tumors in the dahye with our help

Thumb geha 16:26 ,2013 شباط 18

hizbushaitan actions are calling for reprisals against them.
if that happens, assume the result, but do not expect any true Lebanese to stand by you.
you reap what you saw....

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10:13 ,2013 شباط 18

hahahaha the Syrian army an anvil.... hahahahaha... more like a feather duster...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11:00 ,2013 شباط 18

i dont care if the FSA cries today.. tomorrow and on Christmas... i dont even care if they hold hands with the Syrian army and sing kumbaya... im just laughing at the anvil metaphor... hahahaha.. at least i can take smart pills... you are just hopeless..lol... a whole pharmacy wont cure what you got...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10:14 ,2013 شباط 18

from the earlier article for the dense:
i don't know how much clearer it could be... those villages and towns are IN Syria.. how some people can justify HA being there and condoning it is beyond me... so if the United States dives into civil war it is OK for HA to send "defenders" to Dearborn, Michigan to protect the majority Arabs (also mostly Lebanese)? how ludicrous.. not to mention lacking in any substantial argument.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11:04 ,2013 شباط 18

FT i am not defending the salafists in the north interfering.. i am pointing out to the people who defend this action from either side... this was a response to mowaten who called them heroes.. i dont go around calling the salafists who want to meddle in Syrian affairs heroes.. and people who do are just as retarded as the ones who defend HA meddling in Syrian affairs.
end of the line i do think Assad is a sectarian pig... but it is no faction in Lebanon's interest to interfere.. let alone call them heroes..

Missing beirutbastard00 13:42 ,2013 شباط 18

Sidon93... I'd have to agree on ur last comment. That's what sux, our choices as Lebanese are so limited, but of course I would rather live in an m14 area.

I think Arabs, as a whole, don't see the importance of cleanliness as propaganda.

Thumb geha 16:29 ,2013 شباط 18

same as I said to mowaten:
you reap what you saw....
the Syrian regime is doomed whatever happens, and reprisals will come your way sooner than later, and that is due to what you are doing now in Syria.

Default-user-icon Jonathan (ضيف) 10:32 ,2013 شباط 18

Oh really. Well I fkn hope Hezbollah is fighting in Syria to protect our fellow Lebanese from Salafist Terrorists. God Bless the Lebanese Resistance.

Thumb geha 16:32 ,2013 شباط 18


Thumb andre.jabbour 10:53 ,2013 شباط 18

Of course you're in good position to know this since you're a homo.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11:05 ,2013 شباط 18

oh so there is a distance limit??? another country is another country... which argument are you using.. they are inhabited by Lebanese even though the villages are in Syria? or the distance?

Missing beirutbastard00 13:51 ,2013 شباط 18

Man u guys have the stupidest comments!!! Most of u cannot be over 18yrs old.

N who is the moderator on this site??? I've read things that would send some1 to jail, yet normal free speech gets deleted. I know I'm not in America, but is there like a supervisor I could speak to? Lol

To be honest, these comments are a big part of y I come to this site. Super entertaining!

Missing cedars 14:55 ,2013 شباط 18

This is how I see the future, Car bombs in the shiite areas in Lebanon as retaliation by the Syrians opposing the regime, Car bombs assassination elsewhere in Lebanon by Hezbollah (i.e. politicians fashion that we have seen) in retaliation.

Thumb kanaandian 22:24 ,2013 شباط 18

retaliation by syrians? or retaliations by salafist muslims for the shia "corrupting" their religion?

Thumb geha 16:33 ,2013 شباط 18

how about defending our borders first against the daily Syrian aggressions?

Thumb geha 16:34 ,2013 شباط 18

what a pitiful excuse!

Thumb shab 16:48 ,2013 شباط 18

filthy militia

Thumb shab 16:48 ,2013 شباط 18

filthy militia

Thumb barbar 19:37 ,2013 شباط 18

The Hezb need to stop its foreign operations. How can they not realize that obeying Bashar and Iran will only lead to strife for Lebanon? The statements are becoming more paranoid, like children, not taking responsibility for things everyone knows they did. Haven't we been through enough because of them? It is undeniable now, Hezbollah is on the decline, w 3arfeen, and hopefully they won't bring down the rest of the Lebanese too.