Virgin Radio Lebanon Records Highest Reaching Page on Facebook Worldwide


The Virgin Radio Lebanon has recorded the highest engagement and reach of any Facebook page worldwide, according to, one of the renowned tools for monitoring Facebook pages traffic and stats, said that Virgin Radio is now ranked number one in the PTAT, People Talking About This, which is the measure of engagement across all of Facebook worldwide, and across all categories.

“The ranking is considered a phenomenal achievement for a page, coming out of Lebanon, and that is only just over a year old,” said the General Manager of Virgin Radio Lebanon, Naji Cherabieh, in a statement.

“Thank you for your support since day one and for making Virgin Radio Lebanon not only the highest reaching social media in the world, but also the highest reaching radio station in Lebanon.

“Several market research have now shown that Virgin Radio is leading across ages 13 to 45, within both genders, across Greater Beirut & Mount Lebanon,” he added.

“Thanks again, and we promise the best is yet to come,” concluded the General Manager.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon Caps (Guest) 24 September 2014, 14:23

Who cares

Default-user-icon Najy Cherabieh (Guest) 24 September 2014, 18:18

Thank you Naharnet

Default-user-icon Guest (Guest) 24 September 2014, 18:47

I think it's amazing that such a Lebanese company has reached such a milestone, moreover (for once) we have a bit of positive news!!

Default-user-icon skyboy (Guest) 25 September 2014, 00:16

Well done!! At least this is one positive news

Default-user-icon Tamara Hayek (Guest) 25 September 2014, 20:12

It's strange why local media only promote the bad news and never pickup on great local acheivements like this. Mabrouk Virgin Radio Lebanon.