Bassil Says World Wants to 'Weaken, Subjugate' Lebanon through Economy


Free Patriotic Movement chief and Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil warned Sunday that the world wants to "weaken and subjugate" Lebanon through the economy.

"We passed through difficult days and we persevered and it will not be difficult to us to resolve an economic crisis," Bassil said during a visit to the Keserwan town of Ghazir.

"The economic crisis will not be stronger than us, despite all the bad intentions that are accompanying it domestically and externally," Bassil added.

Warning that some Lebanese parties have intentions linked to "corruption and hegemony over the state's assets," Bassil cautioned that foreign forces want to "confine Lebanon and its debt to certain projects and deals with the aim of weakening and subjugating us."

Comments 16
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 05 May 2019, 13:47

Bassil Says World Wants to 'Weaken, Subjugate' Lebanon through Economy

Yep as if the 'World' has nothing to do but worry about Lebanon and its bankrupt economy.

Missing womendoc 05 May 2019, 16:30

Agree and all the corrupts! It is failed country indeed

Thumb natour 05 May 2019, 14:38

Answer this question

ميشال عون :النظام السوري قال أنه جاء إلى لبنان ليخلّص المسيحيين من الإبادة، وهنا أريد أن أسأله من كان يريد إبادتنا; غيرهم، ومن أرسل القوى التي كانت تقوم بأعمال الإبادة؟

Thumb Mrknowitall 05 May 2019, 17:22

Don't waste you time, tric.portugal AKA libanaisresilient cannot read Arabic.

Thumb Maxx 05 May 2019, 23:35

Forget Arabic, tric.portugal can't read or write English either. The jury's even still out on whether he can read, speak or write Portuguese...

Thumb lebanon_first 05 May 2019, 15:02

What kind of a stupid comment is that? Like if we are the center of the world!!!.

Noone cares about us. Everybody is so busy with their own shit to give a rat's ass about us or our economy.

Bassil is trying a cheap polularity stunt. He thinks people are stupid and feeds them what they want to hear to get popularity. It ia amazing how gullible and stupid the populace is.

Thumb EagleDawn 05 May 2019, 15:25

Ladies and Gentlemen: Today you've just listened to the future president of Lebanon. Learn people, learn."

Thumb marcus 05 May 2019, 16:06


stfu shia thug!

Thumb Mrknowitall 05 May 2019, 17:18

@libanaisresilient you're not fooling anyone with the portugal thing. Also you fool already used Christians instead of the derogatory demeaning Cristian in your first post. So you know the word is Christians but insist on using Cristian. It show the disdain you Syrians feel towards the Christians of Lebanon and how you still haven't gotten over the fact the Lebanon itself exists as a separate nation.

Thumb Mrknowitall 05 May 2019, 17:31

Instead of wasting people's time with stupid comments Bassil should ask the Syrian ambassador about this

شاحنات نقل عسكرية كبيرة، عبرت قبل يومين حواجز للجيش في بلدة كفرزبد ودخلت الى موقع الجبهة الشعبية القيادة العامة بقيادة احمد جبريل في جبل عين البيضاء، وافرغت حمولتها من المعدات الثقيلة
28 Apr 2019

Missing un520 05 May 2019, 22:04

These kind of statements from a potential future president of Lebanon is awkward, painful and extremely embarrasing to listen to or read. He seems to be looking for an imaginary enemy that he can rally the people against, and then he chooses....the world! Yup, the same world that donated 1,2 billion US dollars to Lebanon after the 2006 war (and we all know who started that war). So the world is behind the economic crisis in Lebanon. Why didnt I realize that before?

Thumb Maxx 05 May 2019, 23:51

One day I would like to find out what sort of a bacterium Baseel is that he is able to survive on just the methane that he inhales with his head so far up his own arse.
The World isn't out to get Lebanon. All these sanctions are against Hizb and their Baseels/collaborators, not against Lebanon as a country or as a people. Excise the cancer, and the body of Lebanon may live and breathe more freely.

Thumb Maxx 05 May 2019, 23:52

Baseel, as well as his Hizb overlords, are using Lebanon and the Lebanese as Human shields to deflect focus away from their own criminality.
The same way Nathanyahoo erupts in screams of "Antisemitism!" each time somebody criticizes the Israeli policy of murdering Arabs, using all the Jewish people of the world as his shield, so do his pupils among Hizb and their collaborators use Lebanon and the Lebanese as rag-doll Human shields.
Because - oh, I'm sorry - between Israel who last bombed the Eff out of us in 2006, and Hizb, who have been a continuous cancerous presence for decades, who, exactly, is actually "weakening and subjugating" our country?

Thumb dasphinx 06 May 2019, 13:28

Someone needs to tell this idiot/dwarf/7arame that the Lebanese economy is beyond "weak" and is in intensive care.

Missing incorruptible 06 May 2019, 13:29

Bassil is using the same old “blame others for your failures tactic”. It’s nauseating. The world doesn’t care about you or Lebanon, that’s the reality. All our failures are our alone.

Thumb im.bassil 06 May 2019, 15:01

incorruptible over 2 years
Thought you would have blown your brains by now. Oh well. It'll be fun to see your friends and you squirm as Lebanon rises with Aoun.