Hizbullah Slams U.S. Sanctions on Bassil as 'Interference in Lebanon Affairs'


Hizbullah on Friday condemned the U.S. sanctions on Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil as “a purely political decision and a blatant and insolent interference in Lebanon’s domestic affairs.”

“The United States, which is the sponsor of terrorism and extremism in the world, is the last side that has the right to talk about combating corruption,” the party said in a statement.

“America is using its domestic laws, including the laws of combating terrorism and corruption, to extend its hegemony and influence over the world,” Hizbullah added.

Comments 4
Thumb ashtah 06 November 2020, 21:56


Thumb janoubi 06 November 2020, 21:59

“أميركا تستخدم قوانينها المحلية بما فيها قوانين مكافحة الإرهاب ومكافحة الفساد لبسط هيمنتها ونفوذها على العالم وهي تستخدمها ضد كل دولة أو حزب أو تيار او شخص حر وشريف لا يخضع لسياساتها ولا ينفذ تعليماتها ولا يوافق على خططها التي تهدف إلى زرع الفتن والتقسيم وخلق الصراعات الداخلية والإقليمية وان هذا القرار بالتحديد يهدف الى إخضاع فريقٍ سياسيٍ لبناني كبير للشروط والاملاءات الأميركية على لبنان”.

But the Hizbullah of terror has no problem when the USA brands ISIS as a terrorist organization? It seems only when the USA sanctions the Hizbullah allies then it becomes the great satan:)

Thumb ansarullah 06 November 2020, 22:02

God bless hezbollah aka the Lebanese government, army, and presidency for condemning the U.S. sanctions on Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil. With the guidance and blessings of our Sayid and Marja' those sanctions will be defeated and Jebran Bassil will be appointed the President of our Islamic Republic in Lebanon.

Shia Shia Shia !!!

Default-user-icon toto (Guest) 07 November 2020, 07:37

trash trash trash