
Report: Aoun Hints Riyadh is Impeding his Election as President, Says Assad Should Win Nobel Prize

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun asserted that he is the sole strong presidential candidate that should be voted as head of state, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Saturday.

He also added that only “foreign powers” are impeding his election, which al-Joumhouria said he was hinting at Saudi Arabia.

The lawmaker made his remarks during a meeting a few days ago with a delegation of Maronite institutions.

Trusted sources that took part in the meeting added that Aoun stated that discussions between the FPM and the Mustaqbal Movement over the presidential elections will continue.

The talks between the two sides focused on the parliamentary electoral law, cabinet issues, and an alternative presidential candidate if it is not going to be Aoun.

An agreement to cooperate over government affairs was reached, while talks on the other two issues will require further contacts, revealed the sources.

Regarding the government, Aoun said that Foreign Minister and FPM official Jebran Bassil “will place restrictions” on Prime Minister Tammam Salam, while the Change and Reform bloc MPs “will place restrictions” on Speaker Nabih Berri.

He did not elaborate on his meaning.

Moreover, Aoun accused “the bloc that nominated Democratic Gathering MP Henri Helou for president of obstructing presidential elections sessions.”

The source did not disclose further details.

Addressing regional developments, the source quoted Aoun as saying that Syrian President Bashar Assad deserves a Nobel prize for combating terrorism.

He added that he supports Assad “because he opposes his alternative.”

The Maronite institutions later denied the al-Joumhouria report, saying that their side talks with Aoun “did not address any political figures or sectarian equations.”

Five presidential election sessions were held, but parliament has so far failed to elect a new head of state.

Four of the sessions were not staged due to a lack of quorum caused by a boycott of March 8 lawmakers, mainly those Hizbullah and Aoun's Change and Reform bloc, over the ongoing dispute with the March 14 alliance on a presidential candidate.

The next session is scheduled for June 9.

President Michel Suleiman's term ended on May 25, plunging Lebanon in presidential vacuum.

Aoun has not nominated himself to the presidency.

Helou and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea are the only candidates who have submitted their nominations.

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