
Geagea Slams Nasrallah’s Speech, Warns of Meddling in Syria’s Affairs

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea slammed on Saturday Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, saying he can’t impose his policy and ideology pertaining to the situation in Syria.

“Nasrallah can express his political and ideological opinion on Syria but he can’t impose it on the Lebanese state or any other team locally,” Geagea told the Central News Agency.

Nasrallah said in a speech on Friday on the anniversary of Quds Day: “We are pleased with the Syrian people and leaders’ commitment to national principles and Arab rights in the face of the international pressure that did not manage to destabilize the Syrian leadership.”

Geagea wondered why Nasrallah support the popular uprisings in Egypt and Libya but oppose it in Syria.

Asked about what media outlets reported that Hizbullah members are participating in the Syrian regime crackdown on protesters, Geagea denied obtaining any information on the issue.

He warned of any meddling in the Syrian affairs as it will be reflected negatively in Lebanon, stressing that the wearing cabinet situation echoes the opposition’s plan starting with the parliament and the daily stances that are striking nearly ‘fatal blows to the government.”

Concerning Nasrallah’s rhetoric that criticized the Cedar Revolution saying that Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman and French Ambassador to Lebanon Denis Pietton are the ones that direct it, Geagea told the news agency that the one million Lebanese citizen and probably another one million stands behind them who rallied at the Martyr’s square in 2005 are the ones that direct the Cedar Revolution.

He noted that the current Lebanese cabinet situation reveals the ongoing attempts by the opposition to topple the government.

“We will not block the economic circle (in the country) to achieve our goals, because our opposition is based on following up the cabinet step by step,” Geagea said.

Regarding the electoral law, Geagea said that his party favors an electoral law based on proportional representation.

However, he ruled out any near meeting for the Maronite leaders, considering that the priority right now is for the broad Christian meeting on September 23.

Geagea declared that there are ongoing contacts with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat, saying “contacts weren’t cut… coincidences have their way in gathering us with MP Jumblat.”

However, he stressed that any alliance with the other team “is bound to fail.”

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