
Geagea: Hizbullah-Mustaqbal Dialogue is 'Weak' if Sharp Differences Not Discussed

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea has welcomed a dialogue that is expected to take place between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement and considered a proposal made by Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun to end the presidential crisis as “not logical.”

Geagea told As Safir daily published on Tuesday that he is “in principle with any dialogue, in particular between Sunnis and Shiites in Lebanon.”

“The turmoil in the region makes contact between al-Mustaqbal movement and Hizbullah necessary to limit tension,” he said.

But Geagea stressed that “essential issues linked to national security and to the management of (political) affairs in Lebanon won't be part of the dialogue at this stage and this is a point of weakness.”

“The real challenge lies in approaching controversial issues that lead to the sharp divisions” among the Lebanese, the LF chief said.

Geagea told As Safir that he was ready to engage in dialogue with Hizbullah if the party expressed willingness to take certain steps to resolve the controversial issues.

“We are ready for bilateral talks or for dialogue between Hizbullah, al-Mustaqbal and the LF,” he said in response to a question.

Geagea expected al-Mustaqbal officials to propose to Hizbullah representatives in the talks for March 8 MPs to end their boycott of the presidential elections.

“Democracy would take its course. MPs would head to parliament to choose between the candidate of the March 14 alliance and the figure backed by March 8,” he said.

The second proposal lies in agreeing on a compromise candidate, Geagea said. But such a suggestion should later involve the Christian parties, he added.

The country's top Christian post has been vacant since the end of President Michel Suleiman's term in May.

Geagea is backed by March 14 while Aoun is the March 8 camp's candidate. The differences between the two sides have caused the vacuum at Baabda Palace.

There are several other figures who consider themselves candidates, mainly Aley lawmaker Henri Helou, who is backed by the bloc of centrist Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat.

Asked about a proposal made by Aoun to limit the presidential race between him and the LF chief, Geagea said he backs such a suggestion in its “essence.”

“But it's not logical for us to put a veto on another name or to force the parliamentary blocs to vote for either one of us,” said Geagea.

The LF leader did not express optimism on the ability of the rival MPs to elect a president anytime soon, blaming the FPM chief for the vacuum.

“Aoun is staging the last battle of his political life and Hizbullah is not annoyed by the absence of a president and is not ready to lose him for the sake of electing a head of state,” Geagea stated.



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