
Syrian Opposition Forms United Common Front

Syrian opposition movements meeting in Turkey said in a statement on Sunday they had formed a common front uniting all groups that oppose the regime of President Bashar Assad.

"The Syrian Council is open to all Syrians. It is an independent group personifying the sovereignty of the Syrian people in their struggle for liberty," Paris-based Burhan Ghalioun told reporters.

"The council rejects any outside interference that undermines the sovereignty of the Syrian people," he added.

Ghalioun, a France-based academic, had recently been designated leader of opposition group the National Transitional Council, which has Islamist and nationalist supporters.

The new opposition grouping announced on Sunday unites Syrian opposition movements across the political spectrum, and includes the Local Coordination Committees which groups activists on the ground, liberals, and the long-banned Muslim Brotherhood as well as Kurds and Assyrians.

Representatives of Syria's six-month-old protest movement and opposition had been meeting since Friday to forge a united front against Assad's regime which the U.N. says has killed at least 2,700 people since protests erupted in mid-March.

Source: Agence France Presse

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