
Mashnouq Responding to Qassem: He Wants to Destroy Arsal, Not Liberate it

Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq criticized on Sunday the recent remarks of Hizbullah deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem on “liberating” the northeastern border town of Arsal, saying that the army should be responsible for such a mission, reported the daily al-Mustaqbal.

He told the daily: “Qassem is calling for the destruction of Arsal, not its liberation.”

Qassem had voiced on Saturday Hizbullah's “determination to confront the takfiri threat on the outskirts of Arsal to liberate the land.”

He referred to the case of Iraq's Ramadi region and slammed those who “proposed that we sit aside and allow the official armed forces to perform their duties.”

“In Ramadi,” continued Qassem, “officials said that we do not need the help of the Popular Mobilization forces to combat the Islamic State group in order to avert Sunni-Shiite strife.”

“The forces therefore did not get involved and fighting ensued in Ramadi and the IS infiltrated and seized the region,” he explained.

Mashnouq slammed the Hizbullah official's statements, adding: “Liberating Arsal does not take place through a sectarian attack.”

“This is the mission of the state, army, and official security forces,” he stressed.

“They are responsible for freeing Arsal and any other inch of Lebanese land,” he declared to al-Mustaqbal.

Arsal municipal chief Ali al-Hujeiri expressed concern Saturday over attempts by Hizbullah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant to drag the town into battle.

The official called on Hizbullah to avert a crisis in Arsal and the region as the repercussions of its fall will impact everyone, stressing that the town supports the army and its decisions.

Hizbullah backed by Syrian forces controlled strategic areas in Syria's al-Qalamoun that abuts Lebanon's eastern border as fighting rages in the region.

Hizbullah cites that fear of militants from the IS and al-Qaida-affiliate al-Nusra Front sweeping through Shiite and Christian villages in Lebanon as one of the main reasons for its involvement in Syria.

Some observers however fear the Qalamoun offensive could prompt Islamist militants to launch attacks in Shiite areas of Lebanon itself, including Beirut's southern suburbs.


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