
Jumblat: Only Cabinet Concerned with Appointments of Civil Servants

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stressed Thursday that the cabinet is the sole authority concerned with the appointment of civil servants.

Jumblat criticized some journalists without naming them, considering they have “a wide imagination.”

He reaffirmed via his Twitter account that he backs the Lebanese army and the state's security agencies.

The Druze chief has been seeking with Speaker Nabih Berri to prevent cabinet paralysis over the appointment of high-ranking security and military officials.

The government plunged in a further crisis last week when it failed to agree on the appointments controversy.

Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun has bluntly rejected any attempt to extend the terms of the officials.

He has been lobbying for political consensus on the appointment of Commando Regiment chief Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz, his son-in-law, as army chief as part of a package for the appointment of other top security officers.

Roukoz's tenure ends in October while the term of army commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji expires at the end of September.



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