
Saniora: Nasrallah Orchestrating FPM's Moves and Trying to Usurp PM's Right to Resign

Head of al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc ex-PM Fouad Saniora snapped back Sunday at Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, condemning his remarks on the government and the domestic affairs and accusing him of orchestrating the latest moves of the Free Patriotic Movement.

“In the remarks he addressed to al-Mustaqbal movement, he openly declared that he supports the FPM in its coup against the Constitution and the government,” Saniora said in a statement, referring to the televised speech that Nasrallah delivered on Saturday.

“Sayyed Nasrallah admitted, without equivocation, that Hizbullah is orchestrating the FPM's moves and standing behind its attempts to undermine stability in Lebanon through paralyzing state institutions,” Saniora added.

On Saturday, Nasrallah called on Mustaqbal to engage in dialogue with the FPM to resolve the country's crisis, warning that a possible resignation by Prime Minister Tammam Salam would only plunge the country into further political vacuum.

The FPM has been seeking a change in the government's decision-making mechanism, after it accused Salam of infringing on the authorities of the Christian president.

“Yesterday, Sayyed Nasrallah added new tasks to his tasks as Hizbullah's secretary-general: giving orders to al-Mustaqbal movement to go to a dialogue with the FPM,” Saniora added.

“It was laughable yet lamentable that he specified the topics and results of this dialogue in advance, thinking that al-Mustaqbal movement would submit to his desire without any objections,” the ex-PM went on to say.

He also accused Nasrallah of “appointing himself as a political guide who gives orders and instructions” through “his attempt to usurp the premier's right to resign.”

"On this occasion, it is necessary to laud the patriotic and responsible role that is being practiced by PM Tammam Salam, who enjoys the confidence of the majority of Lebanese and who has enough wisdom and patience to rise above any dictates,” Saniora added.

“Sayyed Nasrallah's remarks clearly demonstrate that he is using (FPM chief) General (Michel) Aoun and the FPM to achieve his goals, while in return General Aoun is relying on Sayyed Nasrallah and Hizbullah's statements and trying to accuse a certain sect of infringing on the rights of another sect,” he said.

Saniora underlined that the solution to the political crisis lies in “the immediate election of a president so that the constitutional institutions can regain their role.”

“Hizbullah is asked to return to the principle of the state so that we can avoid further divides, sedition and gambling with the country's future,” he added.


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