
Loyalty to Resistance Says Saudi Blacklisting of Hizbullah 'Most Ridiculous' Decision

Hizbullah's Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc on Thursday slammed Saudi Arabia's labeling of Hizbullah as a “terrorist” group as one of the “most ridiculous” decisions that have been taken by the kingdom.

“The Saudi regime's designation of Hizbullah as a terrorist organization is one of the most ridiculous innovations of this flabby regime that has lost its balance,” said the bloc in a statement issued after its weekly meeting.

“This is an endorsement of Israel's approach and a cover for its aggression against Lebanon, especially after Saudi Arabia dissociated itself from approving the clause on 'solidarity with Lebanon in the face of Israeli aggression' in the latest statement of the Arab foreign ministers in Cairo,” Loyalty to Resistance added.

Accusing Riyadh of “blatant interference” in the internal affairs of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen, the bloc said Saudi Arabia is “continuing to incite against and oppress anyone who criticizes or opposes its policies and anyone who dares ask it to correct its stance and improve its behavior.”

Loyalty to Resistance also accused the kingdom of “using the gangs of takfiri terrorism recklessly and maliciously with the aim of fragmenting the region and weakening its capabilities.”

“These are sufficient indications on the confusion and bankruptcy of this regime and its entanglement in unrest, chaos and subordination to foreign forces,” the bloc added.

Saudi Arabia started a series of measures against Hizbullah and Lebanon on February 19 when it announced that it was halting around $4 billion in aid to the Lebanese army and security forces over “hostile” Lebanese positions resulting from “Hizbullah's stranglehold on the State.”

The kingdom later slapped sanctions on individuals and firms accused of ties to Hizbullah and advised its citizens against travel to Lebanon while urging those already in the country to leave it.

Saudi Arabia also pushed the Gulf Cooperation Council to label Hizbullah as a “terrorist” organization over purported "terrorist acts and incitement in Syria, Yemen and in Iraq."

And on Friday, the council of Arab foreign ministers labeled Hizbullah as “terrorist” amid the reservations of Lebanon, Iraq and Algeria, in a move that echoed a similar one by the council of Arab interior ministers.



Source: Naharnet

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