
Geagea Warns of Escalatory Political Measures over Electoral Law

Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, voiced a warning on Monday that the party will be compelled into taking some “negative political steps” shall it be embarrassed into having the elections postponed or having them staged on the bases of the current 1960 majoritarian system.

“We will exert efforts until the end, but we have good intentions. We are open to all parties but we won't accept these elections to be staged according to the 1960 electoral system,” stressed Geagea.

“We don't wish to resort to negative political measures. But, if we were embarrassed into either postponing the elections or having them staged based on the 1960 law, then we will be compelled into taking measures to stop this,” he added.

“We can not keep an election law, admitted by everyone as unfair,” he added.

“After deliberating around 17 draft electoral laws, it is time to agree on a new one. Otherwise let us turn to the parliament and put the proposed laws for voting. Let the democratic process take place,” remarked Geagea.

Asking every political party to take his words “seriously” he added: “We are not willing to have anything disrupt the positive process in the country.”

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