
President Meets FBI Chief

President Michel Aoun received on Friday at Baabda Palace, visiting FBI Director Christopher Wray who expressed support to the Lebanese army.

A statement released by the presidential palace said Aoun received Wray and told him that Lebanon has succeeded in fighting terror groups thanks to U.S. support and that of friendly countries.

Aoun stressed the importance of “continued cooperation between the US and Lebanon’s army,” hailing the army’s role in the elimination of terrorists.

For his part, Wray praised “the ability and efficiency of the military to maintain security and combat terrorism.”

He thanked Aoun for “Lebanon's efforts to ensure the safety of Americans.”

Washington has been a major supporter of Lebanon's army, and has provided more than $1 billion in military assistance to Lebanon since 2006.

The Lebanese army last year captured areas along the Syrian border that were controlled by the Islamic State group and al-Qaida-linked fighters.

IS and al-Qaida had claimed responsibility for a wave of bombings in Lebanon over the past years that killed dozens.

Lebanese security agencies are still pursuing militants across the country.

Source: Naharnet, Associated Press

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