
Shea Says Nasrallah Threatening Lebanon Stability, Hizbullah Preventing Economic Solution

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea on Friday accused Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of threatening Lebanon’s stability and his party of preventing a solution for Lebanon’s dire economic and financial crisis.

In an interview with Al-Arabiya’s al-Hadath TV, Shea said Hizbullah is in control of Hassan Diab’s government, confirming that U.S. sanctions might target non-Shiite allies and supporters of Hizbullah.

She added that Washington would support any reformist government not controlled by Hizbullah, noting that such a government should be comprised of experts and that Diab’s government has not yet achieved the promised reforms.

Charging that Hizbullah’s so-called mini-state has cost the Lebanese treasury billions of dollars, Shea said Washington has major concerns over the group, which is on the U.S. list of “terrorist” organizations.

Noting that Washington is among Lebanon’s biggest supporters in terms of aid, the ambassador said the Lebanese are not suffering due to U.S. policies but rather because of decades of rampant corruption.

Shea also said that the demands of the Lebanese are legitimate, calling on the government to address the demands of the October 17 uprising.

As for the Caesar Act, the ambassador reiterated that it does not target the Lebanese people or economy but rather the finances of the Syrian regime.

Source: Naharnet

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