
Importers Reassure Lebanon Has Enough Foodstuffs for Two Months

The Syndicate of Importers of Foodstuff, Consumer Products & Drinks on Monday reassured Lebanon’s residents that the country has sufficient stocks for at least two months, as reports that authorities intend to close supermarkets and grocery shops prompted consumers to panic buy.

In a statement, the Syndicate said it understands “citizens’ eagerness to buy foodstuffs with the inclination to declare a one-week general lockdown,” but noted that “the ongoing rush is unnecessary and would increase the spread of the pandemic.”

It accordingly reassured that “all types of foodstuffs are available in the depots of importers with quantities that can supply the country for at least two months,” adding that it is always ready to cover any shortages.

The Syndicate also urged citizens and residents to “purchase only what they need for a period of one week to avoid crowding at supermarkets and commercial shops.”

Source: Naharnet

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