
Saudi Ambassador Meets Aoun, Urges Speedy Govt. Formation

President Michel Aoun met Tuesday in Baabda with Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Walid Bukhari.

The Presidency tweeted that Aoun and Bukhari discussed “the general situations and the latest governmental developments.”

“Lebanon’s sovereignty is a historic achievement that was reached through the struggles of the brotherly Lebanese people and we respect this sovereignty,” Bukhari said after the meeting, reciting a written statement.

The kingdom “stresses the need to speed up the formation of a government that can meet the aspirations of the Lebanese people as to security, stability and prosperity,” Bukhari added.

“We also call on all political forces in Lebanon to put the higher national interest first, based on the urgent need to immediately begin implementing drastic reforms that can restore the confidence of the international community in Lebanon,” the ambassador went on to say.

He added that the kingdom has always stressed “the importance of the stipulations of U.N. resolutions 1701, 1680 and 1559 and the related Arab and international resolutions.”

“We emphasize that the Taef Accord is what is entrusted with national unity and civil peace in Lebanon,” Bukhari underlined.

A Washington-based Saudi diplomat had earlier told MTV that Bukhari's visit to the Baabda Palace was aimed at “helping alleviate the impact of the economic collapse.”

Source: Naharnet

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