
Bassil: Spiritual leaders' statement opens door to resolving presidential crisis

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil on Thursday hailed a statement issued by the Christian spiritual leaders in Lebanon, saying “it delineates a promising course and opens the door to resolving the presidential crisis on the basis of partnership and national balance.”

“Since last summer, we have been the first to respond to this existential appeal and we will still be the first. This is what I stressed to Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi in my latest visit to him and I hope everyone will respond to this call,” Bassil added.

In their statement on Wednesday, the Christian spiritual leaders had called on parliament to “hurry up in carrying out its national duty and electing a president.”

“We entrust Patriarch al-Rahi with meeting with whomever he finds suitable to achieve the statement’s content, including inviting Christian MPs to meet in Bkirki and urging them to take initiative together, along with the Muslim MPs, to elect a president for the Lebanese republic as soon as possible,” the leaders added.

Source: Naharnet

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