
Mikati urges leaders to stop obstructions and accusations, elect president

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati urged Wednesday all leaders and politicians to stop the obstruction approach and the political accusations.

Mikati dubbed the obstruction and accusations as "useless," adding that they have no meaning to "the people who are patiently suffering."

As he launched the Joint Committee for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework, the PM hoped for the election of a new president, which he said would put Lebanon on the recovery path and prompt the required reforms.

In an interview with al-Jadeed TV on Tuesday, Mikati had said that the dollar exchange rate would decline when a president is elected, and that the Lebanese pound would trade at 10,000 less against the dollar.

He added that he does not regret being designated to form the government, but that he doesn't wish or seek to return to the premiership.

The meeting on Wednesday aims to secure technical and developmental support to put Lebanon back on the road to recovery, Mikati said.

He added that "after extensive consultations and meetings between the relevant Lebanese ministries and United Nations organizations, we have come to define priorities that will put us back on the path of sustainable development and economic and social recovery."

Source: Naharnet

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