
Suleiman: We Must Not Allow Lebanon's Stability to Be Presented as Sacrifice to Arab Spring

President Michel Suleiman noted on Tuesday that Lebanon has always remain an open ground for individual freedom and belief, which has also made its a victim of foreign interests.

He added: “Lebanon should no longer serve as an open ground for these foreign powers, but we must not allow our stability to be presented as a sacrifice for the Arab Spring.”

He made his remarks during a ceremony at the American University of Beirut Medical Center where he laid the foundation stone for a new medical facility at the institute.

“The state's respect of every culture and the coexistence of these cultures has made Lebanon an oasis and possibly the only democracy aspired to by the people in the region,” continued the president,

This democracy cannot but be shared by the Lebanese people, away from extremism, said Suleiman.

“Peoples' freedom ends when it infringes on the freedom of others,” he remarked.

“We know that your university has long played a pioneering role in instilling the culture of openness among sects,” he told the audience of various medical, university, and political officials.

“The Lebanese youth have presented an admirable of education that has led to their prosperity in all fields,” Suleiman concluded.

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