
Mustaqbal Demands Investigation in Attack against Aoun Convoy, Rejects All Forms of Violence

The Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc condemned on Tuesday the spread of kidnappings in Lebanon at the hands of armed groups, saying that such incidents are aimed at undermining the authority of the state.

The bloc also addressed after its weekly meeting the shooting against Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun's convoy, demanding an investigation in the matter.

“We reject and condemn any use of violence or armed assault against any side or individual in Lebanon regardless of the motives,” it declared.

It therefore demanded that an investigation be launched in the affair to reveal the truth to the people.

Aoun's convoy came under gunfire on Saturday in what the lawmaker said was an attempt against his life.

He was not in the actual convoy, which turned out to be a decoy.

On the kidnappings, the Mustqbal bloc attributed the spread of arms to the persistence of the phenomenon.

It therefore demanded that the government and the security forces take the necessary measures “to put an end to these developments without hesitation.”

It praised the Lebanese army for its raids on the Bekaa and Beirut's southern suburbs during which it arrested a number of suspects wanted for various abductions, hoping that it will keep up its efforts in order to improve stability and security in Lebanon.

Addressing Syrian violations of Lebanon's border, the bloc considered that any “infiltration of the border is an attack against the Lebanese people and a violation of the country's sovereignty.”

It therefore stressed the need for the army to bolster its presence along the border with Syria to protect the people and Lebanese territory.

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