
Hizbullah Anti-Terrorism Act: U.S. Assistance Depends on Dismantling Hizbullah Infrastructure

U.S. Congressman Howard Berman has introduced the Hizbullah Anti-Terrorism Act (HATA) that sets rigorous requirements for the provision of foreign assistance to Lebanon during periods when the Shiite party is part of the majority governing coalition.

The cosponsors of HATA include three Congressmen of Lebanese origin -Darrell Issa, Charles Boustany, and Nick Rahall.

The introduction of the legislation comes in the wake of the formation of Premier Najib Miqati’s government that is led by Hizbullah. Its goal is to signal to “American friends in Lebanon” that Washington continues to support them.

HATA will declare that the U.S. policy is to promote the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Lebanon, and “oppose those organizations, individuals, and countries that practice or support terrorism and use Lebanon as a base to instigate attacks of any kind against the United States, the West, and the State of Israel.”

The legislation also says that Washington would “promote the rule of law, democracy, the cessation of terrorism and incitement, and good governance in Lebanon, and urge members of the international community to avoid contact with and refrain from supporting the terrorist organization Hizbullah until it renounces violence and disarms.”

Furthermore, HATA will prohibit U.S. foreign assistance to a government in which Hizbullah is part of the majority coalition, unless the president certifies that the Shiite group “has ceased its support for terrorism, renounces violence, and disarms - and ceases using Lebanon’s territory as a base to launch attacks against the State of Israel.”

The legislation says that U.S. assistance won’t stop if the president certifies that the Lebanese government made demonstrable progress toward dismantling Hizbullah military infrastructure within Lebanon.

But HATA allows the U.S. government to provide humanitarian, democracy-building, and educational assistance. There is also an exception for International Military Education and Training funding, in order to allow for continued contact with the Lebanese military.

“The emergence of a Hizbullah-inspired Lebanese government, under the leadership of a Hizbullah hand-picked prime minister, is a disturbing development,” said Berman.

“The goal of the legislation is to ensure that none of our assistance to Lebanon benefits Hizbullah in any way. We certainly want to assist our friends in Lebanon – and we will – but we also want to make sure we don’t inadvertently help our enemies at the same time,” he added.

Issa described the Shiite party as a “cancer,” while Boustany said: “This government must be willing and able to work with its neighboring countries to promote peace and stability in the region.”

“Our president is given waiver authority and the government of Lebanon is given the incentive to improve democratic institutions, reduce inflammatory influences, and assure the sovereignty of Lebanon,” said Rahhal.

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