
Geagea Lashes Out at Hizbullah's Role in Syria, Describes Party as 'Illegal'

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea slammed on Monday Hizbullah's intervention Syria, considering that the party surpassed the state's decision, canceled its existence and described it as an “illegal” party.

“The Lebanese fear Hizbullah's endeavors in Syria and it's clearly stated goals that toppled the constitution and the Lebanese law,” Geagea said in an interview with An Nahar newspaper.

Hizbullah's intervention in Syria and its major role in taking over the Syrian town of al-Qusayr by government troops threatens to bring that country's conflict even further into Lebanon, where rebels have vowed to retaliate with attacks on the Shiite group's home turf.

Only 10 kilometers from Lebanon, Qusayr is strategic for the regime and Hizbullah because of its proximity to the border and because it lies on a route linking Damascus to the the regime's bastion on the Syrian coast.

For the rebels, it was an important conduit from Lebanon for men and weapons.

The Christian leader lashed out at Hizbullah's supporters, saying that “several protests took place near foreign embassies in Lebanon, in particular the U.S. and French embassies, but none of the demonstrations ended like Sunday's sit-in near the Iranian embassy” in Bir Hassan area south of Beirut.

He considered that Hashem Salman, the Lebanese Option Party supporter who was killed on Sunday near the Iranian embassy, “paid the price of Freedom in Lebanon.”

“This is Hizbullah's actual nature and this is the violent community it represents,” Geagea added.

On Sunday, Hizbullah protagonists wearing black shirts and yellow ribbons around their arms beat up the Lebanese Option Party protesters near the Iranian embassy without giving demonstrates any warning.

Salman, who was the head of the party's student committee, was killed and at least 11 others wounded in the clash.

Concerning the process of cabinet formation, Geagea expressed hope that Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam would form his cabinet this week or give the chance to another person to do so.

“We have to confront the non-state concept that some party's adopt,” Geagea told An Nahar.

He stressed that the March 14 alliance backs the state and will take a series of endeavors to press the formation of the government.

“If Hizbullah rejects the formation of the cabinet then it's the party's concern. It's not the majority of the people,” Geagea said, describing it as an “illegal” and “unconstitutional” party.

The PM-designate's efforts to form a new government came to a halt in recent weeks in light of the dispute over the extension of parliament's mandate and the political powers' failure to reach an agreement over a new parliamentary electoral law.

Salam will launch new consultations with various political powers to garner their views over the new government after the legislature extended its term for 17 months.

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