قتلى لبنانيون جدد في القلمون السورية
Read this story in Englishسقط قتلى لبنانيون جدد أثناء قتالهم في سوريا ويرجح أنهم من معارضي النظام السوري.
وفي التفاصيل أفادت قناة "الميادين" مساء الأربعاء عن "مقتل اللبناني أحمد الحجيري و13 مسلحا في كمين للجيش السوري بين مزارع ريما والنبك" في القلمون.
إلا ان قناة الـ"MTV" كشفت عن "مقتل 13 لبنانيا أحدهم من آل الحجيري في حلبون بالقلمون".
في 18 تشرين الثاني الماضي قتل يوسف وخالد الحجيري في عرسال في انفجار لغم قبل وصولهما الى بلدة قارة حيث توجها للقتال ضد قوات النظام السوري.
ولعرسال حدود طويلة مع الاراضي السورية تمتد لاكثر من ستين كيلومترا، معظمها مع ريف دمشق، وقسم صغير منها محاذ لمحافظة حمص.
ومنذ اندلاع الأزمة السورية عام 2011 تفيد تقارير صحفية عن تدفق مقاتلين من المدينة للقتال إلى جانب المعارضة.
Better these Sannis falling there, leaving less of them here at home thus making it easier and quicker to pummel them soon.
Can shiites be so kind to explain to me how the "mehdi" has been alive and hiding for over 1000 years? I am curious to know how you reached this strange belief. I respect other peoples faith but this needs some serious explaining. Anyone willing?
Shed no tears on them or on HA fighters in Syria. Lebanon is better off without them both. We need people who place the Country above their religious affiliations.
very true helicopter... as long as they keep dropping them one by one... whichever side they maybe.. Lebanon will be safer and safer...
but the stupid thing is that now the family of the killed will block roads and blame the government... it always happens..
any Lebanese fighting in Syria should go to hell.
this is not our fight, and is only bringing misery on us.
just logging in at work to reply to a FT's post, and by the time I'm logged in, it has been deleted. Please STOP reporting him, that's not a way to debate...
Good riddance Syrian Army & Hezbollah! Keep it going, next = Siege on Arsal and Tripoli
the reason these young naive boys go to foriegn wars are 1. they get tricked by evil satans, who expolit their weaknesses and send them into trouble and use them either as human shield or dispose them as suicide bombers for thier own benefit 2.these boyes tend to believe all the propaganda coming through social media and terrorist are very good to lure people. 3. these evils satan terrorists use the holy words of Allah Akabar as cover for thier viciouse crimes, such as beheadings and torture or even rape. 4. the epi centre of terrorism ar SAUDI ARABIA. these evil satans think everyone is kaffir infidel except themselves. exporting hate and terrorism all around the world while serving Americans as slave at home