الجيش ينفي "الروايات الاعلامية حول ظروف توقيف احد الارهابيين"
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نفت قيادة الجيش مديرية التوجيه "الروايات" الاعلامية المتعلقة بظروف توقيف أحد الارهابيين، مؤكدة أنها تحتفظ بحق الملاحقة القضائية تجاه كل وسيلة إعلامية.
وفي بيان أصدره الجيش، الجمعة، نفى "نفياً قاطعاً" ما أوردته "بعض وسائل الإعلام المرئية وكل من الصحف المحلية الآتية: الأخبار، الديار، اللواء، البناء، النهار، الأنوار، السفير، روايات حول ظروف توقيف الجيش أحد الإرهابيين".
وأكد أن التحقيقات لا تزال جارية و"بسرية تامة، وهي غير مسؤولة عن أي معلومات تنشر حول الموضوع أو عن التحقيقات الجارية".
وشدد البيان على أن الجيش يحتفظ "بحق الملاحقة القضائية تجاه كل وسيلة إعلامية وأي مصدر كان، يعمل على بث أخبار ملفقة تتعلق بشؤون المؤسسة العسكرية ومهماتها، ولا تمت إلى الواقع بأي صلة".
يُذكر أن وسائل اعلامية محلية وعربية كانت قد أفادت في الآونة الاخيرة عن أن مخابرات الجيش أوقفت قائد كتائب عبدالله عزام ماجد الماجد، التي تبنت تفجيري السفارة الايرانية، وهو مطلوب خطير من قبل المملكة العربية السعودية.
ولفتت المعلومات الى أن جهات غربية وعربية ساهمت بإلقاء القبض عليه. الا أن قيادة الجيش لم تؤكد ولم تنفِ ما اذا تم القبض عن الماجد.
يُشار الى أن اسم المواطن السعودي ماجد محمد عبدالله الماجد "مدرج على لائحة من 85 اسماً" لمطلوبين من السلطات السعودية للاشتباه بصلاتهم بتنظيم القاعدة، وفق ما نقلته وكالة "فرانس برس" عن المتحدث باسم وزارة الداخلية السعودية منصور التركي.
وهناك حكم صادر عن القضاء اللبناني في 2009 في حق ماجد الماجد (من مواليد 1973) بتهمة الانتماء الى تنظيم "فتح الاسلام" الذي قضى عليه الجيش اللبناني بعد معارك طاحنة استمرت ثلاثة اشهر في مخيّم نهر البارد للاجئين الفلسطينيين في شمال لبنان في 2007.
وقضى الحكم الغيابي بالسجن المؤبد لماجد الماجد بتهمة "الانتماء الى تنظيم مسلّح بقصد ارتكاب الجنايات على الناس والنيل من سلطة الدولة وهيبتها وحيازة متفجّرات واستعمالها في القيام بأعمال إرهابية".

terrorist: the american embassy issued a warning a few hours before yesterday's attack.

Did the U.S travel warning mention the next target will be a Shia like Berri did?

they are killing their own for sure. they want to look like victims of terror they created in the first place.

yea and surely they're also behind isis and nusra, because we all know those takfiris were created by alawite assad to mass murder alawites and shias.

no sir, Nusra is not controlled by the Assad gang, but ISIL is.

What is your proof that Isis/nusra/qaeda were created by Assad? They came from the whole world into Syria, mainly from Turkey. So all the false fact you saudi sympatizers suggest, are utter lies as always.

Assad originally supported sunni mujahideen in both Lebanon and Iraq against Christians/Americans.
Also, Iranian-backed Shia death squads in Iraq (where shias are in the majority) have been butchering sunnis.

So you are about to talk about atrocities and genocide, you of all with the yazid sword avatar? You must be joking boy, i can tell you another thing to your suprise, most sunnis in Syria are with their government, and all they want is to go back to their old lives, free from your takfiri salafi cancerous envoirment.

Most Sunnis in Syria back the revolution, moderate ones who formerly backed the FSA, are now being forced into extremism to counter shia extremists. Same thing happened in Iraq, with former saddam supporting baathist moderates being driven to extremism by shia extremists.
The Syrian army is almost entirely alawite/shia, that's why they need iraqi/lebanese shia mercenary gangs on their side. The last time a census was taken on the Syrian army was long before the war began.

What mercenaries are you talking about? The ones from Chechnya, Somalia, Pakistan, Indochina, Lebanon, Magreb, etc.? You are a real hypocrit yazid, the moderate sunnis are with the government, look around the news, they don't want you so called "revolution" they want to go back to their lives, without Khalifah. They will triumph as Syrians against foreign backed fighters, which are you and your Al Qaeda brethren.

@Mystic : technically, Hezbollah are mercenaries (and terrorists). They are armed and funded by a foreign country to fight in another foreign country.
There is no way to escape this definition.
As for terrorists, Hezbollah terrorizes it's opponents to achieve political gains with the use of weapons, threats. Therefore, Hezbollah is a terrorist entity. There is also no way to escape this definition !
You are the same as any other terrorist groups and are an enemy to the state and sovereignty of Lebanon.

There was a secular contingent of the FSA, and that was backed by the US/UK, but now that it's disappearing it's forcing the issue to be between the alawite terrorist government of Assad and his iranian THEOCRATIC masters and ordinary sunnis who are driven to extremism. How do you explain former baathist sunnis in iraq now supporting sunni mujahideen in iraq? The Alawite terrorist government is sustained by shia theocratic militias from lebanon, iraq, iran, yemeni houthis, etc. The Syrian government is even granting citizenship to foreign shia theocratic fighters. The Shias will lose without foreign interference, just like how the Taliban is set to re-take Afghanistan, at the end of the day, every single time, the crusaders/mongols, etc. always betrayed the shias, because they were still regarded as 'ragheaded muslims' no matter how much they pretended otherwise.

@game: please mind your language. i despise ice-boy probably more than you do, but using such language lowers us more than anything else. hoping you understand.

no, they were less precise. i suspect they didnt really want to help, just make sure no americans were around.

@Yazid i recall it were the Syrian opposition, that screamed for the West to come and save them. But nobody wants to help Al Qaeda, you have to understand, that nobody wants to live with, you not even normal sunnis likes you. So just drop you hatred, and go explode yourself in a desert somewhere, without killing civilians that is.