فحوص الحمض النووي تؤكد هوية ماجد الماجد
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أثبتت فحوصات الحمض النووي أن الموقوف لدى مخابرات الجيش اللبناني هو أمير كتائب عبدالله عزام ماجد الماجد التي تبنت تفجيري السفارة الايراني في تشرين الثاني الفائت.
وأكد فحص الحمض النووي تطابق النتائج مع احد انسباء الماجد، وبالتالي تأكدت هويته، وفق ما أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام".
وفي وقت لاحق اصدرت قيادة الجيش مديرية التوجية بياناً أكدت فيه أن مديرية المخابرات اوقفت أحد المطلوبين الخطرين، وبعد إجراء فحص الحمض النووي له، تبين أنه المطلوب ماجد الماجد من الجنسية السعودية.
ومن الجدير بالذكر أن أي جهة رسمية سياسية لبنانية لم تؤكد انه تم القاء القبض على الماجد، في حين أكدت المعلومات الصحافية الامر وأخذت بإيراد تفاصيل عن كيفية توقيفه.
والجمعة، نفت قيادة الجيش مديرية التوجيه "الروايات" الاعلامية المتعلقة بظروف توقيف أحد الارهابيين، مؤكدة أنها تحتفظ بحق الملاحقة القضائية تجاه كل وسيلة إعلامية.
يُشار الى أن اسم المواطن السعودي ماجد محمد عبدالله الماجد "مدرج على لائحة من 85 اسماً" لمطلوبين من السلطات السعودية للاشتباه بصلاتهم بتنظيم القاعدة، وفق ما نقلته وكالة "فرانس برس" عن المتحدث باسم وزارة الداخلية السعودية منصور التركي.
وهناك حكم صادر عن القضاء اللبناني في 2009 في حق ماجد الماجد (من مواليد 1973) بتهمة الانتماء الى تنظيم "فتح الاسلام" الذي قضى عليه الجيش اللبناني بعد معارك طاحنة استمرت ثلاثة اشهر في مخيّم نهر البارد للاجئين الفلسطينيين في شمال لبنان في 2007.
وقضى الحكم الغيابي بالسجن المؤبد لماجد الماجد بتهمة "الانتماء الى تنظيم مسلّح بقصد ارتكاب الجنايات على الناس والنيل من سلطة الدولة وهيبتها وحيازة متفجّرات واستعمالها في القيام بأعمال إرهابية".

Finally. Now see what these takfiris will do anything, because they are so desperately loosing in Syria, now they take it out on the Lebanese.

Syria is the only thing holding down the shia crescent. If Syria goes down, Iran will lose control over Lebanon anyway. Hezbollah invited the war to Lebanon when they went to Syria.

So you are the new takfiri who joined? What happend to the cannibal guy avatar. Btw Syria is being purged this very moment, and your takfiris knows that they can't win anymore.
God is not on their side, and now out of desperation they are targeting Lebanon, soon they will be bombing Christian areas too, i'm sure of that. Thats what you warmongers wants, a new war in Lebanon.

Sunnis are the majority, it's a matter of time. Remember, the Assads/Alawites only need to lose once and then.....
Iraqi Shias (who are in the majority) are also killing assyrian christians, so it's hilarious how opportunists try to claim that they are 'friends of christians' and at the same time they say that they are 'enemies of the evil crusader-zionist conspiracy'.
The biggest warmongers in the region have been the shias backed by iran, Shia Iran sponsored the 'crusader-zionist' invasions of iraq and afghanistan, and was even willing to sell-out hezbollah in exchange for complete control over iraq. The fact that even the iranian masters of hezbollah don't believe in the long-term viability of the organization speaks volumes in and of itself.

Of all the secterian slogans i've heard on this website, you are a prominent Yazid. Your Al Qaeda propaganda wont help you, you are fighting a loosing battle, and it is only a matter of time before you are finished in both Syria & Iraq, you are being crushed between two fronts, and the more you make gains, the more you will be crushed. That is the reality you have to face

You are spawning like insects, and then you will be stomped as ones.

You Yazid salafi, are the ones beheading christians and other minorities, you are the worst example of a human being.

Saddam crushed the iranian fire-worshippers like insects until the us invasion and the iranian backed puppet regime was installed in iraq. Saladin alone annihilated the fatimid shias. And in Iraq, there is a huge amount of instability, still to this day after many years of iranian shia maneuvering in the region. Not to mention Afghanistan, which is a total defeat for the US and Iran, the Taliban is defeating everyone in their path. When the US leaves Afghanistan, the Taliban will be back in power. Shias only do well when they have foreign assistance, without foreign support from the crusaders/mongols, etc. shias don't stand a chance. Even the Safavids had to form an alliance with the Habsburgs against the Ottomans. Selim even conquered the Safavid capital. LOL

Yazid, it's actually the Sunni in northern Iraq where the Christians live that are killing them not the Shia. The Christians in Iraq do not live by the Shia.

In Iraq, it's both shia and sunni extremists who are killing each other including assyrian christians.
You see here the mahdi army killing an assyrian girl for being christian.
And a Shiite Iraqi Ayatollah has issued a fatwa to convert to Islam or die for iraqi christians:

He killed many people indeed, not just shias, also kurds whom are sunnis. But his biggest mistake was when he lost in Iran, he thought he could win, even by using tons of gas and scuds. Back then he was also supported by US. Against the Iranians

Al Qaeda propaganda, you should change that with a saudi sheikh pledging fatwas. Yazid

Zahle, it's true what you are saying. Normal people wouldn't give such a fatwa. Christians must be protected just like all other minorities, but unfortunately people like this new Caliph, wants all other religions except Wahabism to be exterminated.

Most Sunnis in Syria are against the shia terrorist hegemony, same as in iraq and even lebanon. Many former iraqi baathist sunnis are now supporters of the mujahideen, just the same.

Go look at the Safavid conversion of Iran. Iranians were Sunnis up until the safavid turk shia invaders engaged in the mass-conversion of iranians by the sword to the shia creed. Anything that can be said for islam in general, can also be said for that of the shia.

nooooo, there is no al quaeda in Lebanon , listen to some politicians they confirm it

Thank u kana... This is ur new year resolution? Btw 14 march are saudi? Takfiri? Zionist? Imberialiyeh? Bc i'm a litle confused there or did the all world united against hezbollah and syrian regime?...
In fact it did, last un resolution in favor of syrian revolution and against assad regime was backed by 190 countries in Un general assembli...
U would hv had ur plus one but u are using the name of a village that represent resistance against israel , and this as the name of the resistance used by hezbollah is missliding and an insult to true lebanese resistant as georges hawi....
So no plus one for u, but keep the good work..
No matter who is caught in Lebanese jurisdiction, he or she must remain under Lebanese jurisdiction. If in case the man is wanted by the Saudi authorities fir crimes he committed in the KSA, and in Lebanon he did no harm, then if in case there is an extradition between our two countries, then yes, his return to the KSA to face justice there could be negotiated under terms to be mutually agreed upon. But in the case where the suspect has been proven to commit crimes in Lebanon, then he has to face Lebanese justice. That so far now is explained, but my fear remains that this terror suspect will be shipped incognito to the KSA under some dubious arrangements and even more dubious excuses. We've seen that happen enough in recent memory to feel highly suspicious of Lebanese authorities, most of whom are easily bought.

If he is wanted in Saudi, they will behead him. if he is wanted in Lebanon, he will go take drugs in Roumieh prison.