ظريف: قررنا إرسال فريق إلى لبنان للمشاركة بالتحقيق مع الموقوف السعودي
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أعلن وزیر الخارجیة الإیرانیة محمد جواد ظريف الجمعة أن وفداً إیرانیاً سیتوجه قریبا إلی لبنان للتعاون في مسار التحقیق مع "المطلوب الأول" في قضية التفجیر الانتحاري المزدوج الذي استهدف السفارة الإیرانیة فی بیروت في 19 تشرین الثاني الفائت، ماجد الماجد.
وذكرت وكالة الأنباء الإيرانية "إرنا" أن ظريف عبّر في اتصال هاتفي مع وزير الخارجية في حكومة تصريف الأعمال عدنان منصور، عن شكر الرئیس الإيراني حسن روحاني "للجهود التي بذلها المسؤولون اللبنانیون للقبض علی المطلوب الأول في جریمة الهجوم الإرهابي ضد السفارة الإیرانیة في بیروت".
وقال ظریف إنه "نظراً لدور المتهم في انعدام الأمن في المنطقة وکذلك استشهاد اثنین من موظفي السفارة الإیرانیة في بیروت وعدد من المواطنین اللبنانیین فإن إيران قررت إرسال وفد إلی بیروت للتعاون في مسار التحقیق مع هذا الإرهابي" في إشارة إلى أمير "كتائب عبد الله عزام" السعودي ماجد الماجد الذي تبنى تنظيمه تفجير السفارة الإيرانية في بيروت.
من جانبه أعرب منصور عن شكره لهذا الاتصال متمنیاً عوده الأمن والاستقرار إلی لبنان والمنطقة.وثمن منصور استعداد إیران للتعاون مع لبنان في مسار التحقیق مع الماجد.
وقد أعلن الجيش اللبناني رسميا اليوم عن اعتقاله الماجد واصفا اياه بـ " المطلوب الخطر".

Good for Iran. These Saudi terrorists killed 7 Iranians including 2 diplomats.

lebroar or (game1/2/3/4/5): Do you have a life? a job? a hobby?

LeBroar I'm not sure why you re so offended - sorry we offended the Australian Farci community you dirty traitor.

LeBroars only hobby is being on the receiving end of zawaj al met3a.

I don't care if iranian, saudi, nepale want to be present, in fact let's make it public hearing so we can all hear what he has to say....
Again good job LAF please don't let hom die or vanish, he surely has a lot to say on who is backing takfiri in syria, irak, lebanon....

I really don't think so, in anyway if saudi, komaini or any other is shaking in his dress how would it change the fact that our country is in a deadlock? We hv enough to argee on our soil... Really man... Except if lebamon is mot really ur land....
Anw bill no plus one for ur post.. Again.. Make some effort bro...

terrorists are terrorists. they have no religion and no country.

I agree my comment was silly.
But it doesnt compare to the sheer foolishness of your satements which range from:
Hez and Israel are working together
Assad and al-qeada are working together
Saad Hariri is a great leader

So can u tell me march 14 is with imperialistic west? With takfiri? With zionist entity? With saudi?.... This sound more logic to u, enno all 13 anti assad regime politicians assassinated in lebanon since 2005 were assassinatedby israely?...
This u find logic?...
Anyway might i be wrong....

Yes they are working together(hiz and Israel, as for Iran and the US, the 4 biggest hypocrites) otherwise hizb alshaytan would have been erased like rats by these so called big shit(powers) ....They dont give a them shit about hizb elshaytan in leb, its the best excuse to destroy Lebanon has a free indpendant state. They are not afraid of blackskirts thugs, because most of them are not educated. They manipulate them like black sheeps, so they can expand their hegemony on the region and the country. So death to Iran(regime), america(goverment), Israel(goverment) and hizb alshaytan in leb...The day will come and ure blackshirts will become red of blood, the blood of syrian, lebanese, that u have spilled on ure hand in the name of God. U don't know God, and God has now party u bunch of brainwashed thugs. Yes go kill and hell is waiting for, the opposite of what ure masters told u....

Waw southern what a logic... Bravo..
Let me try; is hezbollah zionist :after assassinating cominist leaders in south lebanon and taking down a secular resistance front:yes
Is hezbollah a takfirist: after treating all political oppnents as sionist plus the jilling in front of cameras of a political discident (hashem salman) :yes
Is hezbollah imperialist: imperialism despite what u think is not only americans and west property it is every nation trying to take control of another nation to benefit from it's wealth and position; that is exactly what hezbollah is doing in lebanon for iran so yes
Is hezbollah saoudi; no this one is right but he is affiliated and depend financialy and militarly on islamic republic of iran with its ayatollah and islmaic revolution gards so is it better?
Nice game indeed but are we more advanced?....

Please naharnet allow me to express my view as a free lebanese, just like u let the others do so...My comments are always never shown....

You guys
You never cease to amaze me
always supporting M8 or M14. Can't you see that both groups are lousy and are taking the country to the abyss. They hold uncompromising standings and that leaves no room to compromise while the country is slipping in the chaos and blood.
wake up guys bypass both groups and think Lebanon for a change

right on dog killer
all I read is simply people defending M8 and blaming M14 or vice versa.
No one is thinking Lebanon and Lebanese are going into the abyss and that both groups are just as bad

I am so disappointed that Naharnet lets these three fools with multiple accounts to keep posting purely sectarian TRASH.
A few months ago we as some intelligent pipeline who contributed to the forum, and although it wasn't always in line with my political beliefs, it was intelligible and contributed to a dialogue.
I have pretty much stopped posting here because you have some sectarian filth - Mowaten and his many accounts and FlameThrower - paid propagandist for the FPM with his accounts. It's pathetic, and if you re going to keep this trash (and anyone who wires sectarian trash) people will stop reading and contributing.

Exactly. FT actually has a brain as opposed to Southerner and Mowaten, you can tell, but he's paid to tow the party line. I ve see. His posts degenerate to the point where he just responds with lame replies but makes no more arguments.

When will you people learn. Lebanon is being run by Iran and Saudi Arabia. Our problems is born out of and arises form their regional interests. Lebanese puppets keep blaming each other while these regional players are "attempting" to reach their goals with LEBANESE BLOOD. Wake up and look yourselves in the mirror. Wattan or religion?

As Lebanese we should reject any Persian or Saudis interfering with our sovereignty. God bless the Lebanese Army unfettered by these opposing foreign interests.

@Vincent the answer to your question watan or religion? In Lebanon it is......Money.