سقوط قذائف على ست بلدات عكارية من الجانب السوري وتضرر منازل
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إنهالت القذائف مساء الثلاثاء على بلدات عكارية من الجانب السوري وتضرر بعض المنازل، في حين سجل أيضا إطلاق نار.
وكشفت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أنه "نتيجة الاشتباكات الدائرة في الجانب السوري سقطت قذائف في خراج بلدات: النورا، قشلق، وعمار البيكات".
كما سجل اطلاق نار استهدف الاوتوسترااد الذي يربط العبودية بمنجز.
كذلك سقطت قذيفة في حرج شربيلا بجانب مطعم "العيلة" في بلدة دير عدوية.
وتكرر سقوط القذائف في خراج بلدة عمار البيكات "وفي خراج بلدة عين تنتا" بحسب الوكالة.
وقالت الوكالة أنه "أصيب منزل خالد عبد الحميد بشظايا في بلدة عمار البيكات".
وشهدت بلدة الدوسة أيضا سقوط قذائف بالقرب من مقهى.
وتشهد القرى والبلدات الحدودية منذ بدء الازمة السورية في آذار 2011، اطلاق نار وسقوط قذائف وصواريخ من الجانب السوري، تؤدي في بعض الاحيات الى سقوط قتلى وجرحى، هذا فضلاً عن الاضرار المادية.
ويوم الجمعة الفائت كان من الأيام الأكثر دموية إذا شهد عدد من قرى وبلدات قضاء عكار سقوط أكثر من 50 قذيفة ما تسبب بوقوع قتيل وجرحى.

I wish all Lebanese were patriotic as you.
If you decide to go that way you will be labelled as an enemy of the state & deemed to be a terrorist takfiri

the problem is not with the Syrians, rather it is with the Lebanese army!
if the army was defending our territory, I bet you the Syrians would not dare to aggress us.

Well where is the LAF?
Isn't there job to protect the borders?
Or are they doing the polices job which in turn the police are just merely traffic police.
Why are we backwards?

of course no M8ers to be outraged like they are when israel crosses a technical fence! LOL
double standards of collaborators...

If there is evidence that terrorist are these areas how come Syrian army knows about it & not LAF?
Don't you think the LAF would have gone in to get these so called terrorists?
The towns are asking for LAF to be present, to protect them from in discriminate attacks by Syrian side.
Buy unfortunately they are not present to protect the borders and or not present to catcher the illusionary ghostly terrorist figures.....

The same goes for all the reasons people give that HA is in Syria. No evidence of anything f

"Taste of your old medicine"?
It's ok for Syrian army to bomb Christian Muslim and Alawite towns in Akkar?
I never mentioned HA OR Shia.
Why are you painting akkar with one brush?
Can you elaborate who exactly is dragging us into a war with Syria?
Who in akkar are harbouring terrorists?
It's seems all of akkar is suspect since every town is being hit indiscriminately!
What are you saying nasrallah is lying then?
Are you Lebanese?
You are surely not patriot Lebanese? It seems your an imposter!

Taste of your old medicine?
It's ok for Syrian army to bomb Christian Muslim and Alawite towns in Akkar?
I never mentioned HA OR Shia.
Why are you painting akkar with one brush?
Can you elaborate who exactly is dragging us into a war with Syria?
Who in akkar are harbouring terrorists?
It's seems all of akkar is suspect since every town is being hit indiscriminately!
What are you saying nasrallah is lying then?
Are you Lebanese?
You are surely not patriot Lebanese? It seems an imposter!

Sinbad there are no terrorists in the north or south.
It's merely a political tool to fool the masses.

How shameful that the Lebansese just sit there and take the abuse. I am ashamed to have a government like this... what a joke.

Why is the Foreign Minister of Lebanon not sending in a complaint to the UN Security Council?
Is it because his masters in Damascus, and not the Prime Minister of the SOVEREIGN Republic of Lebanon, dictate his activities to him?