شربل: طائرة معراب قد تكون "اسرائيلية"
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أكد وزير الداخلية في حكومة تصريف الأعمال مروان شربل أن "الطائرة التي تحلق فوق معراب باستطاعتها أن تحمل صاروخاً متفجّراً بوزن 200 أو 300 كلغ"، مرجحاً أن "تكون طائرة إسرائيلية".
ونقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، السبت عن شربل قوله إن " تحليق الطائرة فوق معراب فعليّ وحقيقيّ ومثبت"، كاشفاً أنّ "تقريراً للقوى الأمنية أكّد هذا التحليق".
ولفت الى أن"مسؤولاً أمنياً أكّد له بأنّ التحليق حصل فوق جونية ومعراب، وأنّ الطائرة شوهدت بالعين المجرّدة مرّات عدة".
واعتبر شربل أنّ "هذا النوع من الطائرات باستطاعته أن يحمل صاروخاً متفجّراً بوزن 200 أو 300 كلغ"، مرجحاً أن "تكون هذه الطائرة إسرائيلية".
وأشار شربل في حديث لاذاعة "لبنان الحرّ"، الثلاثاء، الى أن "المسألة بحسب التقارير الأمنية جدية وليست مزحة وقد شوهدت بالعين المجردة".
وشدد على "وجوب إتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة لحماية معراب وكل من يتعرض لمحاولة إغتيال"، مؤكدا أنه "مهما كان مرجعها يجب التعامل معها من قبل الجيش اللبناني".
وفي التفاصيل قال بيان صادر عن الحزب عصر الجمعة "عادت الطائرة المجهولة الهوية لتحلّق منذ ايام وعند الرابعة فجراً في أجواء المقرّ العام لـ”القوات اللبنانية” وبيت رئيسها الدكتور سمير جعجع في معراب وعلى علوٍّ منخفض".
وبالاضافة الى صوتها المعتاد "فقد شاهدها حرس الحماية بأم العين وبلونها الابيض، لتظهر اقرب ما تكون الى طائرة من دون طيّار" بحسب البيان.
هذا وأشار الحزب إلى أن قيادة الجيش أخذت علماً بهذا الامر "ووعدت انها سوف تتابع الموضوع عن كثب".
وكان قد كشف جعجع في أحاديث عدة أنه "لأول مرة في الثامن من الشهر الجاري سمعنا صوت طائرة تحوم فوق الموقع حوالي الساعة الثانية عشرة منتصف الليل، لم يتجاوز تحليقها الدقائق القليلة".
وبحسب جعجع "تكررت هذه الحادثة في الرابع عشر من هذا الشهر أيضاً فاستمر تحليق الطائرة لحوالي الساعتين من الساعة الخامسة والنصف عصراً الى السابعة والنصف مساءً، بعلو غير منخفض نسبياً ولكن مرتفع الى حدّ عدم التمكن من رؤيته ولكن بالإمكان سماعه".
يذكر أن جعجع تعرض لمحاولة اغتيال برصاص قنص خرقت جدار منزله بينما كان يسير في الحديقة بحسب ما أعلن في الرابع من نيسان عام 2012.

yes, it is israeli made and offered to their ally HA.
makes sense that way

"is believed to be Israeli"… Charbel has adopted the official response of the Glorious Axis.

he is a hopeful presidential candidate too :) what do you expect?

Allah yimik ya Hakim ya habib il malayeen!!!
sorry icey I borrowed one of your "gems"

Allah Yihmeek Ya Kbeer Ya Hakeem Ya Habeeb Al Malayeeeeen!!!!:)))))

Shameful for a minister to make such claims. The plane was not even picked up by LAF antiquated radar systems for him to make such a silly claim.
Hakim Hakim Hakim Hakim

@mckinl: How many gold medals you think the resistance' slalom skiers will get in Sochi?

I do not know about the skiers but the Iranian militia's 600 metre military rifle team should do well as long as they are allowed to shoot from behind civilians.

Ice, that was a terrible spanking you gave Southern with that password comment… we could't stop laughing.

Wolfy let someone untie your restraints so you can join us. Ill put in a good word with your vet.

Last I saw of him, he was strapped in a strait jacket and condemned to solitary confinement.

What an incredible logic you have where Israelis intend to kill Geagea, their long-term ally. The same logic that is making you believe that the 15 officials belonging to M14 where killed by the Zionists as well....The most important is to keep apart Hezbollah from all the assassinations....:)

That drone was mystic dressed in white self elevated by his own hot air carrying a high power camera trying to spy on our Hakim!!
Allah yihmik ya Hakim ya habib il mallayeen!!

I remember that the Hizb became an expert in sending drones over the South of the Zionist State, as they claimed not a long time ago. So they are not able to send a drone in Lebanon? Our country is more secured than Israel?

It seems sovereignty is sect, area, and party specific according to you. Selective sovereignty is something new to Lebanon's already crumbling values.

"is believed to be Israeli. " is believed to be .... that says it all... so if anything happened M8ers will cheer up and say : see! we told you!
they are preparing their sheep with brainwashing so they will directly point to israel as usual! LOL
but evidence? none as usual....

"since the accusation against Hezb through the STL has failed."
LOL the trial is just at the beginning, wait and see before wishing it is true!
but even with hard evidence you d say it is fabricated... typical from losers...

@Jaafar: Please, refrain from insulting your fellow posters. If you want to act like a father figure, you need to stay away from insults, sectarian rhetoric, respect opposing point of views, and stay cool, calm and collected. I am not going to vote you down this time in the hope this will act as an incentive for you to improve your online social skills.

you should have offered your services to the stl southern, you got it all sorted out it seems! LOL

HA cant shot down israel MALE drones, not now, not in 20 years, same for syria and iran.

I remember a few months back last year, I'm jogging my memory a group (I won't name for censorship reason)
Claimed to have successfully flown an unarmed plane over Israel. Could it be the same equipment used over to Maarab Hmmm?
Why is no one mentioning this?

Dakheel Allah. I wonder what's Israel's cut in this fabricated finger pointing.

The only fact that it disturbs u so much that some think it´s a hizballah´s drone shows that you are one of those brainwashed kids. Why do you want it so much go be a israeli one ? where did you read that they identified it as an israeli one ? Who told you that Charbel wasn't just giving his own opinion about it as an M8 politician or was just triyng to cool down the tension between lebanese as the interior minister. Isn't hezballah accused of the murder of march 14 figures ? Doesn't own drones ? So why couldn't be it ? Apply those lessons your trying to gice to others to yourself boy.

That proves that harriri as Hezbollah claimed was assassinated from the air. You see every assassination was executed by Israel to create rife between Lebanese. Even Gibran and May were intended to be eliminated from the air. Cut the BS these drones are thé same as the ones that were sent over to Israel by HA last year and got shot down by IDF

It is the duty of HA to protect all political figures from the aggression of Israel.

yes cedre! hurray to israeli drones!! they make you feel like a female dont they?