بلبلة صور جاكي شمعون: اللجنة الأولمبية تقرر عدم إيقافها لأن "ما قامت به يتعلق بحياتها الشخصية"
Read this story in Englishاحدثت صور جريئة للمتزلجة جاكي شمعون مشاركة في الالعاب الاولمبية الشتوية المقامة راهنا في مدينة سوتشي الروسية التقطت قبل نحو ثلاثة اعوام وتم نشرها الاثنين بلبلة دفعت وزير الرياضة الى اجراء تحقيق بالامر.
تمثل جاكي شمعون (22عاما) لبنان في مسابقات التزلج الالبي الى جانب الكسندر مخباط، وذلك للمرة الثانية بعد العاب فانكوفر 2010، لكن قبل بدء المنافسات نشرت مواقع محلية صورا جريئة على الثلج التقطت لها مع البطلة اللبنانية السابقة شيرين نجيم في منتجع فاريا، خلال تصوير روزنامة نمسوية تظهر رياضيين محترفين على صفحاتها في فصل الشتاء، من بينهم البطل الاولمبي السابق مارك جيرارديلي من لوكسمبورغ وبطلة السنوبورد النمسوية يوليا دويموفيتس.
وزير الشباب والرياضة في الحكومة المستقيلة فيصل كرامي اصدر بيانا ذكر فيه انه اتصل "برئيس اللجنة الأولمبية اللبنانية جان همام طالبا إجراء التحقيقات اللازمة في هذا الشأن بأقصى سرعة وصولا إلى اتخاذ ما يلزم من اجراءات بما لا يضر بسمعة لبنان ومشاركاته الدولية".
لكن مصدر اولمبي ذكر لوكالة فرانس برس انه لن يتم ايقاف شمعون "لان ما قامت به يتعلق بحياتها الشخصية، خصوصا ان الصور الملتقطة لم تكن خلال الالعاب بل قبل سنوات".
وبالفعل، لم تتخذ اللجنة الاولمبية اللبنانية في الجلسة الاستثنائية للجنتها التنفيذية التي اجتمعت اليوم برئاسة همام وعلى جدول اعمالها بند واحد وهو مناقشة ما تداولته وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والصفحات الالكترونية بخصوص شمعون، قرارا بايقاف المتزلجة واكتفت في بيانها برفض واستنكار تصرف الاخيرة ومضمون ما نشر جملة وتفصيلا واعتباره لا يمثل الصورة الحقيقية للرياضيين اللبنانيين.
كما دعت الجهات الرسمية المعنية للتحرك واعتبار بيان اللجنة الاولمبية بمثابة إخبار، واتحاد التزلج لاجراء التحقيق الفوري وافادته بنتيجته باسرع وقت ممكن ليبنى على الشيء مقتضاه.
واشارت اللجنة الاولمبية اللبنانية انه و"نظرا للقانون الاولمبي وتطبيقا للشرعة الاولمبية بعدم امكانية سحب اي لاعب من المسابقات الاولمبية خاصة وان المخالفة لم تحصل خلال فترة الاعداد والمشاركة في هذه الالعاب الاولمبية الشتوية ودون معرفة اللجنة الاولمبية اللبنانية بمضمون ما نشر عند تسمية اللاعبة شمعون، تقرر الابقاء على مشاركتها في الالعاب الاولمبية الحالية على ان يتخذ قرار توقيفها عن المشاركات الاولمبية والخارجية بعد ورود نتيجة تحقيق اتحاد اللعبة.
من جهتها، اوضحت شمعون على صفحتها الرسمية على موقع فيسبوك ان: "الصور الأساسية التي التقطت ليست كالصور التي يتم تداولها حاليا عبر شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي. الفيديو والصور التي ترونها الآن هي جزء من صناعة الصور وإعدادها (مايكينغ اوف)، ولم يكن من المفترض أن تصبح في متناول الجمهور".
وتابعت: "على أي حال، أريد أن أعتذر اليكم جميعا، فأنا أعلم أن لبنان بلد محافظ وهذه ليست الصورة التي تعكس ثقافتنا، وأتفهم تماما إن كنتم ترغبون في انتقادي أو إنتقاد الصور".
وختمت: "أما الآن وأنا في دورة الالعاب الاولمبية، وفيما يجري تداول هذه الصور التي لم أرها أبدا من قبل، وهذا أمر محزن، كل ما أستطيع أن أطلبه هو التوقف عن نشرها وتداولها، مما سيساعدني حقاً في التركيز على ما هو أهم: تدريبي وسباقي".
وتباينت التعليقات على مواصل الاجتماعي، بين داعم لشمعون ورافض لاعتذارها باعتبار انها حرة للقيام بما تريد، وبين منتقد لعرض جسدها على كاميرات التصوير.
وقال رئيس بعثة لبنان في الاولمبياد فريدي كيروز لوكالة فرانس برس انه "بعد اصابة ناتاشا مخباط (شقيقة الكسندر) بركبتها في تشرين الثاني في النمسا خلال استعداداتها، وبالتالي عدم تمكنها من خوض الالعاب، طلب من شمعون المشاركة، فتركت عملها في سويسرا وخاضت سباقات تأهيلية في صربيا وايران من اجل تمثيل لبنان".
وتشارك شمعون، بطلة لبنان في التعرج والثالثة في التعرج الطويل لموسم 2012-2013، في سباق التعرج الطويل للسيدات في 18 شباط الحالي والتعرج في 21 منه.
وكان لافتا ان الصور المنتشرة على المواقع لم تكن مدرجة في الروزنامة، انما اخذت من شريط فيديو اعتبرت شمعون انه لم يكن من المفترض ان يصبح في متناول الجمهور.
يذكر ان الصور التقطها المتزلج المكسيكي هوبرتوس فون هوهينلوهي (55 عاما) الذي قام بصناعة الروزنامة، وهو رجل اعمال، مصور ومغني بوب متحدر من عائلة المانية ملكية يشارك في الالعاب للمرة السادسة.
وكانت شمعون ذكرت في مقابلة صحافية سابقة ان والدها لم يكن سعيدا بالتقاطها الصور لكن والدتها لم تمانع.

Utter Hypocrisy.
Jackie. You are pretty. These pictures are art. Celebrate your body, you worked hard to make it so well proportioned. Don't listen to our medieval hypocritical politicians who think it is ok to shoot your wife with a gun, but not ok to shoot someone's naked body.

You cannot kill your wife and you should not be naked representing your country. She should not go to jail for this but should not be allowed to represent our country. I am for women's rights, I have 3 daughters. Women's rights is an issue. But marketing our athletes nude is not respectful or appropriate. How many of you supporting her will upload top less photos of yourselves, your wives, your ddaughters. Any priest or sheikh would be against this.

zahle. stop the morality.
I have got one daughter. And if she wants to do a photoshoot of herself and show herself like jackie did, it is her choice. This is real freedom for women. Not my interfering with her decisions at 23 y o.

Lebanese first, I live in the US now and don't go for the she is 23 she is not my responsibility anymore. I have no issues in the photo. But respectful women do t walk around in the nude to take a photo. The photo is fine. But she put herself in a situation. Do you want your daughter at 23 walking around nude to take a photo? "Baba, I want to take a picture with clothes on, but in order to I need to walk around naked in front of horn me with cameras first." "Oh sure habibi go ahead, walk around naked first, you are an adult, it is art, it is ok." This is so wrong. I cannot believe I am a minority here. No wonder there is a line at church to marry my daughters.

Stop bringing up the "my daughter" argument. If you believe in a women's freedom to make her own decisions, then whether it's your daughter or a girl you never met, the argument is the same.
For your daughters, you can instil your own morals and values (and religion) in them, but you can never permit them (as adults) from making a decision.
And why bring god into this? Maybe Jackie doesn't care about your god? Or is that still a taboo subject?

zahle. You said " I wonder there is a line at church to marry my daughters".
This is where we differ. I dont want someone to marry my daughter because she subscribes to judeo christian morality. That is a wrong reason. I want him to marry her because she is herself, including her craziness, if any.
Plus, as FT said, pictures were not slutty. The US is ultra conservative and overly feminist in a bad way. I have more of a european view on this I guess...

coming from you, a terrorist extremist Iranian, makes me wonder how we can still live with you.
all know my religion, thus your comment is so empty....

Shame on u 4 impersonating a Lebanese civilian without her consent. U should be ashamed. I'm reporting u.

Primesuspect, it's just someone who's bored and what's attention. No need to do anything but ignore.

Faisal Karami should stop speaking and appearing on TV that would be great for Lebanon's reputation.

I agree with everything you say except for poor tase and poor judgment.
She posed for a calendar and it was not a nude picture but whoever took the video obviously sold it to Al Jadeed.
So the only poor taste and poor judgement should be attributed to NTV, its owner Tahseen Khayyat (one of those old men) and the creep who took the video.
Jackie should sue them all.

helicopter. I love how you slipped "calling HA resistance" in your list between marrying age 12 and being a takfiri hahahaha... I want to see the face of southern or mowaten when they read that.
But seriously. this is not poor judgment. She is free to express her opinions in the way she dresses. Some women decide to put on a tchador. Their choice. She might go full monty- it is her choice. She is not breaking the laws of the country she is in.
we should give people the leeway to express themselves.

I am not denying her right to express herself in any way she wishes, I was only expressing my opinion on that. I happened to be a social conservative and I believe in modesty. Morality is an essential pillar for nation building. Empires implode when Immorality becomes rampant and wholesome families are marginalized.
Sorry for the preaching I just wanted to explain where I am coming from.

god bless you u Jackie
the people who criticize you do worse in hiding ou bindro el 3efeh
and most of all this our war in Lebanon thank you for showing it
and thae the war is
either Lebanon will: be open democratic secular and empowering women
or :feudal, jahilieh ,sectarian,fanatic and demonizing woman

Lebanon's reputation? Oh PUH-LEAAASE! Go investigate the lack of women's and children's rights and THEN talk about Lebanon's reputation Mr. Minister. Sigh.....
This is all a smear campaign against a girl who made it farther than many idiots out there. Why is this surfacing now?

I am glad to see that commentators from all political sides support Jackie Chamoun! Support our athletes, support freedom of expression!
This gives me great hope in Lebanon!

She is free to express herself. She should not be arrested. I would frown upon a loved one being nude in public. Regardless of the end product. Go ask your sito if this is ok? Again no harm should come to her, and it is her right on her own time. Just not as an official representative of our country. She is beautiful. Good for her. I'm proud we have women this beautiful. But she is embarrassing her family by being nude on these photo shoots. Not one father wants their children doing this, male or female.

"Faisal Karami calling on Tuesday for an investigation into the photos to ensure "the protection of Lebanon's reputation.""
LOL what us lebanon's reputation? politicians unable to set up a gvt? terrorists everywhere? no water because of political disputes? YOU SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED FOR INEFFIENCY!
poor retarded people!!!
go Jackie go!

There are bigger issues that are more important I agree. It doesn't make it right. We are not a country of women who support public nudity.

I'm part of this country, and I publicly support equal rights for men and women. If men are allowed to sunbathe topless on the beaches, so should women.
Also, who are you to dictate my morality? Why do you feel the need to tell me what is right and wrong? If you think it's wrong, don't look at the images. It's simple.

Marhaba, please don't misquote me. I fully support equal rights for men and women. Men and Women have different parts. I support women's right but not topless women in public. Again, I have no issue with her images. I do think she put herself in a poor position as a representative of our country and should not have to get nude in public to take a non-nude photo. That is all.

Zahle, my definition of equal rights differs from yours. If I can show my nipples as a male, I cannot see why its "wrong" for a woman to show hers.
Who defines the sanctity of these different parts besides a preconceived cultural notion (which I think is outdated)?

Jackie Chamoun and Olga Graf made this the best Winter Olympics ever!!

....should have said at end those that see her as a role model for competing in the Olympics..

Don't worry about me anontexas, I am in no way a paranoid individual, but I do believe many things don't happen by mistake but are rather planned out and it is the gullible ones that fall prey to such plans. Do I think that Jackie was thinking, absolutely not. If she were, she wouldn't allow herself to be used in this way.

Women are at a great disadvantage in our country, legally, socially, economically and politically.
Jackie Chamoun emerged as a cool hero defying, unwittingly, our country men and women's hypocrisy, sense of moral superiority, religious taboos and Neanderthal social norms.
She is our response to a region that is sinking in sectarian intolerance, barbarism and treacherous massacres.
She is a light in our darkness. She is beauty amidst a sea of killers in the name of a man made god, of traders in human souls, of ugly sectarian thieves and warlords.
Thank you Jackie Chamoun for reminding us that freedom, courage, self confidence and humour exist in our country.

I can not believe what I'm reading. Seriously has any of you heard of freedom? I guess not? She is a woman that is free to do whatever she wants when she wants. I live in sydney and freedom is something everyone respects. Women suntan top less on the beach and no one even flinches u know why ? Because it's normal. Women breastfeed in public places, in the shops, basically anywhere they are when the child feels hungry and no one flinches and goes oh that's wrong. Because it is the norm. Seriously we should be proud that an athlete like her can represent Lebanon. I bet all you haters do worse things behind closed doors then she does. Far more serious issues need to be looked at other than jackie's pictures. No one will ever say Lebanon is bad because some lebanese girl has nude pictures on the Internet. I think Lebanon's has already painted a bad picture with all the bombings and deaths that is going on..

Flame bravo... U see we can agree sometimes..
Couldn't say it better..
Chupachups faysal, chupachups....

You make us proud. You are a talented and wonderful athlete. we love you and wish you the best

What does Saudi Arabia or Iran have to do with this. Don't try to flatter yourself too much. Maybe you shouldn't be so consumed about them because I hardly think they are killing themselves worrying about you or any Lebanese for that matter. No need to turn every issue in Lebanon to Saudi, Iran thing.

I am not here to instill my moral norms on anyone. I am just saying that stunts like this are not by accident and have a purpose. I am rather trying to defend and not impose on others.

Next time I see either one of them I will ask them about that. Thanks for enlightening me.

This topic transcends religions and cultures. Within my family many would agree with you and argue with me. As a Lebanese I am sure this forum is to express opinions. My opinion on social morality happens to be similar to cityboy on this matter. My image of the ideal Lebanon is one of moderation politically and socially. This translates to rejection of HA and Salafi culture as well as decaying Western values. I support wholesome family values.

Helicopter, I commend your views or at the very least speaking out about them regardless if they don't align with your fellow political believers. I would just like to point out that HA is not a culture, it is unfair to group it with the likes of salafism. Many of HA support is drawn from moderate and sometimes non-religious elements and will defend Lebanon's freedom and its plural society to the end. This does not mean we should abandon our defences when it comes to protecting our culture by tactics used by our enemies even if they may not come in the form of guns and bullets. For a Lebanese girl, regardless of faith, to expose herself has never been part of our proud Lebanese culture. Actions like this send wrong message of liberation to the rest of the Lebanese females.

ashrafieh, it is great that you are offering your side of the debate. All I can do is share my opinion and point out what I think you are wrong in some senses. Of course you motivated by good will to our female population and want equal freedom for them. You point to the fact that some politician said this or that about Jackie. I just ask that you go beyond that, the politician is insignificant in the equation, in fact he is part of the blame in blowing this incident even bigger in order to attract more attention which the whole purpose was in the biggining. Once it is exposed you get many misled folks and the paid chills cheering her on saying stuff this is great for woman that she is making her own decisions. This is another form of cultural attack.

helicopter, you also mentioned decaying western values, I totally agree and don't want the same thing to happen to Lebanon and the rest of the Arab culture for that matter. This is why I point to incidents like this and try to expose them for what they are, just as Mily Cyrus' performance. The decay of western values didn't happen by accident. It was pushed upon them. It happened with out them even knowing it was taking place. Stunts like Miley Cyrus as an example are not motivating purely for money but rather as a message to destroy the fabric of the society. Mily is just a shill in the scheme of things. The message is what is important. You get radio hosts the next day saying crap like good for her a free woman they say, because even the hosts have to toe a line. I hope people get my gest.

Cityboy, what do you mean by the destruction of the fabric of the society? I don't agree with Miley's performances and her ilk that's for sure, but I don't think that the social fabric of the western society is more broken than ours. Sectarianism, which is a purely oriental invention, has broken the fabric of our society a million times more than what happened to western societies, putting sexuality at the forefront of the definition of morality and the moral health of a society is just plain wrong because simply it's far from our reality.
We should be dead worried about sectarianism in Lebanon because it has broken our society killed our children for decades and we're plunging in dark ages because of it, it's not sexuality that did it to us.

Cityboy, and comparing the decaying western societies to our conservative ones I don't see more crimes, more deaths, more divorce, more social disintegration in them. I'm all for family values and family bonds that we have in our societies, but I don't think Miley for example or anyone like her can affect that in the way you're saying, it's not these things that are threatening the social fabric as you put it as much as many other things like forced immigration to find a job for example, you have way more females than males in Lebanon don't you think that this leads to huge problems in society and in our social fabric?

To cityboy again, Another example is excessive conservatism and religious intolerance even when it is the normal mainstream Lebanese intolerance that is not extreme, they wrecked our social fabric, we can't manage anything in this sorry country because of it, and the list of other issues goes long. So let's set our priorities straight then we'll worry about sexuality when it's degrading to young men and women and to human values, which is not the case with Jackie's photos.

We have an infestation of dumpy Islamic women in Lebanon with those hideous headscarves covering their medieval heads. It is so refreshimg to see a woman that looks like a real woman.

I think you guys are missing the point that - regardless of the failings of the lebanese state and its statesmen alike - jackie chamoun is not appearing at the olympic games in her own personal and private capacity. She is a representative of a nation that is a competitor at the games and therefore, as would a person be in any organisation or trade, is required to present herself in a manner appropriate to whom she is representing.

You cannot blame the state for wanting to appear in a conservative way. it is the rightful perogative of the state to act in a manner that they believe best befits the nation, and in this instance they wish to at least propagate the country as a conservative self-respecting society. Now in her personal capacity nobody has a right to criticise the moral path that she sees fit for herself, that becomes her perogrative. Only then are the arguments of feminism and liberalism and her right to bare all become relevant. However as long as she is representing her fellow countrymen you must keep in mind there are many many people who would not approve of the image Chamoun portrayed on their behalf. finally, I personally find it mind boggling that society's norms have disintergrated to the point that a women will wilfully expose herself for gain. I worry that we are losing self-respect, self-worth as a society and in humanity in general. Is it appropriate?

You are missing that she didn't make those photos in the Olympic games nor as a representative of Lebanon, she's representing Lebanon as an athlete not as anything else, that's the image she's portraying about Lebanon. She's the best female skier in Lebanon and that's what she's representing in the Olympics.
As for the photos, she didn't willfully expose herself, the pictures are more decent than any average video clip you see on Lebanese TVs. The video of the shooting that was not meant to be public, was on purpose searched and released by Lebanese media to get a scoop without caring for the harm it might cause.

Minister of sports is ordering an investigation and demanding a report?
What about gang land in tripoli, your home town.???
Don't you care ?
No need to go into women, men, morality debate in a morally bankrupt society ?
Dormant politician when crime and violence continue to rule the street
Politicians giving Monday useless speeches,
And suddenly everyone woke up when a young female poses for a photogenic session......that woke everybody in the sleepy country,
May be time for more photos as this will take over the daily news from the useless political speeches.
Great way to wake up

we are united on an issue for ONCE!
Thank you all for showing that when it boils down it, we share a deeply intrenched set of values that make us who we are: free, stubborn and indomitable LEBANESE.

"All I can ask to each of you who saw this is to stop spreading it, it will really help me focus on what is really important now: my training and race." Quoth Jackie. So how does Naharnet support our leading Olympian? Publishes a story about it, fueling the media "firestorm" that it mentions in said article.
And don't worry about Lebanon's reputation; after the "Hommos, Hizballah and Haifa" image we have given off so far, a reminder that Lebanon has both beautiful women and Olympic participants can only be refreshing. Go Jackie!

oh and also, you were saying i was going to vanish here and not provide a source:
but as always, i provided the source and you vanished.

SO? What's all the fuss about? Let the woman concentrate on her competitions for crying out loud! As someone mentioned earlier in a newsreel.. the only golden medal Lebanon deserves is for stupidity.

yeah Naharnet,,,,,where the heck did my comment go. I commented hours ago. It was a clean comment or are you bias news