الاقطاب الموارنة يدعون لرئيس "وفق الاصول" ومسؤول بكركي الاعلامي: الـ4 مرشحون
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شدد الاقطاب الموارنة الاربعة الذين اجتمعوا في بكركي، على ضرورة اجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية في موعدها، مطالبين برئيس "وفق الاصول"، في حين أكد المسؤول الاعلامي في الصرح البطريركي وليد غيّاض ان الاربعة مرشحون للرئاسة.
وفي بيان صادر عن بكركي، ظهر السبت، حول الاجتماع الذي عُقد الجمعة في بكركي، أكد الاقطاب على ضرورة الاسراع في اجراء جراء الدورة الاولى من الانتخابات الرئاسية.
وشددوا على وجوب توفير "آلية تضمن انتخاب الرئيس وفق الاصول، وانتخاب رئيس قادر على تحمل مسؤولياته الوطنية بشكل فعلي".
كما أكدوا على متابعة التنسيق في ما بينهم وبين البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي.
يُذكر ان رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع غاب "لأسباب أمنية"، عن اجتماع بكركي الذي ضم رئيس "حزب الكتائب" امين الجميل، ورئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" ميشال عون، ورئيس "تيار المردة" سليمان فرنجية.
وبعد تلاوة البيان، رد غياض على سؤال حول ما اذا كانت بكركي لم تبدِ ارتياحاً لغياب جعجع، قائلاً ان الاجتماع سبقه اتصال بين الراعي وجعجع الذس اكد انه يتبنى كل ما يتفق عليه المجتمعون.
وأشار غياض الى انه سبق اجتماع الاقطاب عدة لقاءات مع موفدين من قبل جعجع، لافتا الى ان البطريرك كان قد التقى النائب انطوان زهرا قبل الاجتماع.
وبدأت المهلة الدستورية لانتخاب رئيس جديد الثلاثاء الفائت خلفا للرئيس ميشال سليمان الذي تنتهي ولايته في 25 أيار المقبل.

the person who got the majority of Christian votes should be president
that is democracy
democracy all over the arab world

when there is a meeting and a person do not come , and goes somewhere else, he is out of the game
who attend the meeting is a candidate who does not is nothing

democracy=people power
so if we consider ourselves democratic the president should be the one with most Christian representation (like the prime minister and head of parliament are respectively the representative of their majority
do the same for the presidency
god bless Lebanon and democracy

Mr administrator
banning my posts which are very respectfull shows how narrow minded you are and the people who are paying you
god bless democracy and freedom of speech

That's a simple answer ya FD. It's because he doesn't have blood on his hands, he is honest, he is not corrupt, he is respectful, and the biggest one... He would more than likely unite the Christians. That's why not Baroud! Unfortunately Lebanon will always be run by warlords, illiterates, playboys and persons with illusions of grandeur!

We the People do not want any of the them, nor do we want Berri as Parliament Speaker. We want fresh faces and term limits on political service. With term limits, by the the time the new faces become powerful and learn how to steal then their term is over and we start fresh again. Enough of the same old same old.

But josephani ... hows can you imagine the head of a militia and a thug with many medals being the head of thee Parliament? How can you imagine the head of a Militia (that once was a Resistance) taking over the whole Government?
Either Ziads will do for me, either Baroud or Rahbani, or even better Demianos Kattar.

the four clowns all want to lead the lebanese circus LOL
people of lebanon should revolt against these warlords!

Patriarch has planted himself in the middle of the Presidential selection process. He has been tasked by Pope Francis to hold the Christian line in Lebanon for the sake of Christians in the entire region. The good thing about this is that the various warring Christian political leaders all must respect the call of the Patriarch and so you can gather around Bkerki.
The bad thing about this is that it legitimates Hezbollah and clerical activity in political affairs.

The Lebanese Christians held the official standard of public conduct in Lebanon. It was a standard that has been long ignored by all parties. Al-Rahi however will not be ignored, so rather than revitalize the old standard, he has abandoned it to take on the Hezbollah paradigm of involvement into political activity.
The Maronite Patriarch has, in the past, been a national symbol of the unity of the Lebanese State. On the national stage, the Patriarch was not just a Christian symbol but a national symbol. By succumbing to his political instincts, al Rahi has shrunk his office to a Lebanese Christian symbol, rather than a Lebanese symbol, but a symbol nonetheless.

we are still living a joke of a country as long as all our system is driven by sects.
we will always be hopeless due to such a system.

A better solution would have been to bring forward new Christian leadership instead of the collection of dinosaurs who gathered at Bkerki who harbor their ancient feuds, and whose followers harbor the same animosity toward the other due to the personality of the other's leaders. To end the division, retire these dinosaurs and bring forward new leadership from the Christian constituency. This would have been a mission worthy of Patriarch, rather than this.

Poor Lebanon
So we are limited to choose our next president between 3 warlords and a delusional..
I'd say all these four OUT and let's get a new clean and honest blood to be president