الجميل يحذر من عدم التصويت على قانون انتخابي فورا: حل السلسلة بخصخصة الكهرباء
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دعا عضو كتلة "الكتائب اللبنانية" النائب سامي الجميل الأربعاء إلى التصويت على قانون انتخابات في جلسة يدعو إليها رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري قبل الدعوة لانتخاب رئيس جمهورية، مشيرا إلى أن الحل لإقرار سلسلة الرتب والرواتب هو خصحصة قطاع الكهرباء وضبط الفساد في المرفأ.
وقال الجميل في مؤتمر صحفي عقده بعد الظهر "لدينا استحقاق كنواب لا يتكلم أحد عنه وأنا مستغرب ومتأسف ولا نرى أي ردة فعل تجاهه وهو إيجاد قانون انتخابي جديد كي نذهب إلى ترشيحات على قانون جديد وإلا نقع في المأزق نفسه".
وشدد على أنه "يجب الوصول إلى قانون انتخابي عصري ولا نذهب إلى انتخابات بقانون قديم".
عليه حذر الجميل الجميع من عدم "التصويت على قانون جديد للإنتخابات من الآن وحتى الدعوة لانتخاب رئيس جديد وكي لا نأخذ الديمقراطية إلى الخطر".
وطلب من جميع الكتل الدعوة "إلى إجراء جلسة تشريعية في الأسبوعين المقبلين كي يتم عرض جميع القوانين على الهيئة العامة ويتم التصويت عليها والقانون الذي يربح نترشح على أساسه في 18 آب" موعد بدء الترشيحات.
وأضاف "لا يقول لنا أحد يجب الإتفاق على القانون قبل الذهاب إلى الجلسة والدستور يقول أن قانون الإنتخابات هو قانون عادي يصوت عليه بأكثرية عادية".
وجدد الجميل دعوة بري إلى وضع "كل القوانين على جدول الهيئة العامة قبل الدعوة إلى انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية كي نكون ضمن المهل الدستورية والقانونية وإلا نكون في مأزق كبير".
يذكر أن الخلاف حول قانون الإنتخاب وعدم الإتفاق عليه دفع بري إلى دعوة لجلسة استثنائية في 31 أيار الفائت مدد فيها المجلس لنفسه 17 شهرا بأكثرية 97 صوتا. ومع بدء فتح دورة عادية للمجلس حاليا يتم درس مشاريع قوانين أخرى دوت التطرق إلى قانون الإنتخاب.
وفي ملف آخر، رأى الجميل أن سلسلة الرتب والرواتب "مطالب مزمنة" قائلا أن "ما نعيشه من حركات مطلبية في الشوارع ما هي إلا نتيجة 25 سنة من الإدارة السيئة وغير المسؤولية وما زالت حتى اليوم هذه الإدارة تتم بشكل عشوائي ولا مسؤول".
وأعطى الجميل وصفا للمشكلة بالقول "المشكلة اليوم حول الإيرادات وميزان المدفوعات سلبي في الدولة اليوم ففي الفترة السابقة كان الإنفاق والإيرادات يؤدون إلى ميزان إيجابي وتأتي خدمة الدين لتقلب الميزان إلى سلبي".
أما منذ سنة إلى اليوم فـ"المشكلة التي وصلنا إليها هي أننا بدون احتساب خدمة الدين ميزان المدفوعات أصبح سلبيا بسبب الوضع الأمني والمشكلة الإقتصادية ووجود النازحين" بحسب الجميل.
واستنكر الجميل كيف تتم "مقاربة ملف الإيرادات تحصل بشكل عشوائي" كاشفا أن "العمل _في جلسة اللجان المشتركة) يتجه نحو "تنتيش" مليون من هناك و10 ملايين من هناك وإضافة ضريبة من هنا وضريبة من هناك ما يعني حلول "الترقيع".
عليه دعا الجميل إلى "إيقاف الترقيع وحل موضوع عجز كهرباء لبنان السنوي" مشددا على ان "هذا هو الحل الوحيد إذا أردنا أن نكون جديين ولا نصل بالبلد إلى أزمة كبيرة".
وشرح عضو كتلة "الكتائب" أنه "ما من دولة في العالم تنتج الكهرباء وهناك مافيات كبيرة تستفيد من الشعب اللبناني ويجب تحرير الإنتاج اليوم قبل الغد وخصخصة قطاع الكهرباء وهذا هو طلبنا وهذا ما نريد نقوله اليوم".
وأشار إلى أن "المدخل الثاني لحل قضية السلسلة هو المساواة بدفع الجمرك فمن دون جمرك هناك سطو في المرفأ ما يؤدي إلى المزيد من الهدر".
يشار إلى أن هيئة التنسيق النقابية أجلت الأربعاء تحركاتها بعد وعد من بري بحل قضية السلسلة للأحد. ويدفع حاكم مصرف لبنان ومعه الهيئات الإقتصادية إلى تجزئة السلسلة لما لها من "مخاطر" على الوضع الإقتصادي كما يقولون، في حين ترد الهيئة التي تمثل العمال أن فساد الدولة والهدر إذا توقف يتم تمويل السلسلة.

100% agree cheikh sami.
You always put your finger on the issue while the other politicians beat around the bush.

@ibinharathreik, you would be incorrect, the Republicans have proposed multiple alternative health care solutions (non of them perfect mind you) but they were all shot down by the liberal progressive cancer eating our country and society part and parcel. Do you want to know why? Because the part of society that wants something for nothing and their counterparts in the ruling class who want them dependent on government handouts for the rest of their lives agree that those who work their buns off and pay their own way must share their wealth with lazy womb to tomb mentally retarded people. They've tried this approach in Europe and in Canada and the horrors speak for themselves. Please check your facts before you go on the attack.

Thank you for the labels: "typical republican response". I learned a long time ago never to attempt to reason with unreasonable people. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but to waste time on a mind programed not to receive, is time very badly wasted. I came to the US at the age of 16 by myself as an exchange student with $500 in my pocket. I never borrowed a dime from the government, I cleaned toilets, scrubbed sinks and tubs, waited on tables, parked cars and worked as a doorman until I graduated college...then I made my life with my own two hands....you don't know, don't you dare call me a republican or anything else. You have no right! This country is built on capitalism, not handouts, if you beg to differ, feel free to cleanse your soul from Amrika el sheitan and pack up and return to wherever you came from. Plenty of room to reform healthcare and make it better for all but turn it over to the government to implement it and the IRS to enforce is a crime! Good day sir!

FT. Spare me the conspiracy theory. As long as EDL is a public company, it WILL be a badly run company swallowing 2 Billion dollars a year from the government and without providing real services to clients.
Look at libanpost. It is employing lebanese, it is making profits, paying taxes and not costing the treasury money. But Amal does not want to privatize EDL because Nabih is making money out of mazout for private generators trade (together with jumblat and franjieh)

Wrong. EDL cannot employ foreigners. EDL, well run needs plenty of engineers (lebanese staff)- a call center (lebanese staff), technicians (lebanese staff). But instead of paying gas and a car and a salary to contractual to take readings and collect bills, you could invest in modern electricity meters, read meters right from EDL and sms the dues to subscribers. You know how much u would save in inefficiencies?
True i appreciate gemayel. But it is not abt gemayel. It is about someone having the chutzpah to point out where our money is being drained to.

The points I raised were an answer to the "srilankization" risk that you issued.
Lebanese people will hold diddly accountable. Public companies are subject to the vagaries of politics and hence will not be run correctly. The only way to go is privatize and REGULATE. Because the job of government is to regulate. not to have a bunch of government thieves operating a 4 Billion dollar company.

You hit the nail on the headd lf.
Not only Berri is profiting from the mazout, but he also has thousands of his cronies employed and drawing salaries. These thousands are part of his voters base. Most of them have no real work to do and are not qualified for any real work to be done........ but can you blame him for using public funds to boost his own popularity? Look how many posters here do not see anything wrong with that.

I see you are working hard on a smear campaign with no substance. what stated above is nothing more than defamation of character due to fear of a young man outshining corrupt losers with no self respect who only judge victories by how much they collect regardless of which direction they had to bend to get it. sorry bud, but Samy is as clean as a politician gets and unless you can show the slightest particle of proof to the rubbish you listed above, then all you have are lies based on desperation.

the proof of what I am saying is clear in Aoun's actions. He sent a message to Harriri that he will not run for president unless he (harriri) nominates him. I do recall Aoun stating that Harriri got a one way ticket. seems to me like it is no longer one and that Aoun cannot be president without Harriri's approval. If that isn't the definition of bending over, then you need a lot of help understanding life my friend. Also, do you mind showing me any proof of Sami stealing anything in the past. I will make it easier for you, show me one time he was ever accused or someone even requested that an investigation be launched against him. I will even take a statement by any one of your FPM buddies.

@FT : yes, the internet sucks ... but if you think of blaming Butros Harb for this, you will make my week :)

Solution :
1- Privatise
2- Fire everyone
3- Hire clean staff amongst which old can be eligible through strict screening
4- Legally Enforce collection in zones known for not paying their bills (ie Dahyé)
5- Enhance electricity distribution where over 50% of production never reaches the end user because of innefficiencies

and if i ever considered taking you seriously again, its now completely gone with that last statement. ma ahdamak when you're trying to be subtle :)

can you remind everyone what happened last time the power was cut to the non paying law abiding citizens that you so highly praise as defenders of Lebanon? my memory is a bit vague but I seem recall tires burning, streets blocked, shots fired. I'm sure your memory is better than mine, why don't you remind everyone?

you can do better than that bud. I know you remember. It is enough for me to know that you are aware of what I referring to. Privatize the darn thing, make everyone pay their bill regardless of who they are and move on. end of story.

Lebanon has no hope as long as we have the FT's roaming our streets freely.

Jerry, I said exactly the same about him, few months back. And the more you insult him, the more he excels in his knowledge.
BTW, he was released from asfourieh for annoying too much the other patients

at least he is proposing things... what do hezbis propose for the lebanese economy? nothing... just destruction ....

@MP Gemayel, wallow? "We cannot ask public employees not to accept bribes and to commit to the working hours unless their salaries are sufficient" We shouldn't have to ask anyone not to accept bribes or stay and work their full schedule. It is illegal, immoral and down right criminal to accept bribes or not work a full shift. I am not familiar with their cause and they may very well be due a raise but rationalizing bribery to make their case? La2 3eib, ma bi sir heik 7akeh! Wein el sharraf? Walaow?

right on Bandoul
no more sharaf as it seems to me bribery corruption theft are the norm.... pity the nation

Yep. People should be adequately compensated for an honest day's work.
FT, I must disagree with you here. I understand what Sami is saying, EDL must be privatized and No, Sami is not the kind to want to wiggle himself as you want us to believe. Demianos suggested the same years ago and even yesterday he was on NTV giving us great suggestions. EDL is a hog, over abused to the point where to improve it will kill our resident mafia, you know well whom I am alluding to. Privatization will also kill off all those who tap and steal from EDL's power posts. Then sorry to negate your claim again, since M14 returned to cabinet, power has seen a marked improvement, the moteur bill expected to drop dramatically, and the internet contrary to what you said has returned back to speeds many times better than when Sehnaoui was minister. Just goes to defeat all the claims that M8 worked better. Leave M14 to work freely and results will come quickly. Now it's time to raise the GDP too.
Ft, on this post I say yes, my full agreement, but you know that umbilical chord, let's cut it too.

Go Flame Go!!!!
31 comments on this article alone!!!
Amazing how such a productive and important person has time to post so many comments on every article every day, especially on a website he says is biased against him, and replying to all other posters comments, which requires such vigilance and devotion.
The dedication you show to your job is truly commendable.
We should offer a special prize to the person who posts the most comments on each article, and call it the "Flamethrower Award", in honor of our most prolific commenter.

@flamethrower, how can you judge Sami Gemayel like that? you say he can own shares by privatizing the electricity sector? please explan to me how. He is the only one that suggested a law in order to stop the salaries for MPS until a new law for elections is implemented because of the illegal extension. He is also the only one that is making lebanese remember what they have forgotten, which is that we have had no elections! He is totally right, we should have a new law before a president. Having the same bunch of creeps with a new president does change anything....

@ Flamethrower, in fact, it would be better to focus on new elections and then elect a president, the mps are scared because they know if our people have a little bit of brains, neither march 14th or march 8th mps should be elected again, only very few of them that are actually working for the people. And by the way, i have been reading your comments throughout months, although you support march 8th, and i dont, ( neither all of march 14th) ihad found that you had lots of nice arguments, but it seems you are resorting to insults on others these days. Like for ibnharethreik, im not defending him, but lets keep it to a decent level of communication and disagreement, i know there are several retards from both camps commenting here,i have seen that, but well, indifference is the best way for insects to disappear

roar wolf josephani mystic and whatever other screen names you have, get a life. You have been exposed several times yet you continue with your repulsive games of hate.

Privatizing electricity is the only way.. I mean COME ON!!! 80% of the public debt comes from EDL's losses.. Renewing its CEO's term is a mockery, he might not be given all the tools to succeed but he still is the head of this bankrupt, corrupt, mismanaged organization...
Between $1 billion and $2 billion in yearly losses since 1994. That's 20 years or $30-40 Billion.. So privatize it for God's sake...

lol, stop complaining! You know damn well why your posts are deleted. They have nothing to do with your political views and have everything to do with your manners or lack of. You offend every poster with bad language and your arrogance knows no limits. Again, if you feel harmed here, don't post because honestly you offer nothing of value.

I hate to burst your bubble but a comment of mine was deleted as well and it had zero insults in it. This isn't a conspiracy against the valiant and patriotic M8 who are always a victim of society. This is simply the work of lazy mods who delete comments based on reports as apposed to taking the time to read them. It is a staple of the Lebanese work force. Lazy, under-qualified and did I mention lazy?

witty comment...str8 on. And also. u forgot to mention Lazy....
(I love ur avatar, but hate your name btw)

Thank you Lebanon_first. That name is a result of my frustration with several traits we Lebanese seem to posses.
1. The lack of common sense.
2. the abundance of arrogance and aloofness
3. the majority of the population continually looks down upon 1st world countries while remaining as a 3rd world country,.
4. Most importantly, the day Pierre died, Lebanon lost all hope of coming out of this muck we pretend to be a country.