قاسم يتهم المستقبل بـ"الميليشيا": لن نرد على نقيق ضفادع الطريق
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إتهم نائب الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" الشيخ نعيم قاسم ما سماه "حزب المستقبل" بـ"الميليشيا" مطالبا القيمين عليه باحترام "آراء الناس الذين أتوا بكم في يوم من الأيام هم الذين قالوا لكم لم تعودوا جديرين في يوم آخر".
وجزم قاسم أن "مسار المقاومة في "حزب الله" مسار تصاعدي لا يتأثر بالأحداث الجارية سياسيا وإعلاميا" مشددا على أنها "ستستمر في مشروعها ولن ترد على نقيق ضفادع الطريق".
ولاحظ قاسم خلال افطار للتعبئة التربوية في "حزب الله" في قاعة "تموز"- بعلبك أن "حزب المستقبل اليوم ميليشيا بكل ما للكلمة من معنى، فالميليشيا ماذا ينقصها؟ الميليشيا هي التي تحمل السلاح وتخرج الى الشوارع، وهم فعلوا ذلك في طرابلس وبيروت وطريق الجديدة وأماكن مختلفة".
وسأل "هل تريدون الدولة أم السيطرة كيفما كان؟ ما بالهم ان حكموا سكتوا وان خرجوا فجروا" مستنتجا أنهم "لا يريدون بناء لبنان ومشروع العبور الى الدولة الذي رفعوه سابقا".
وتطرق إلى حادثة انطلياس فقال :" باسم الله نقول عندنا دكاترة بالتحليل السياسي والجنائي حصلت حادثة انطلياس وهي حادثة جزئية عادية شخصية لا علاقة ل"حزب الله" بها أقاموا الدنيا وأقعدوها ليقولوا ان "حزب الله" يدخل الى المناطق المسيحية ليضرب الإستقرار، في الوقت الذي اكدت فيه كل الدلائل انها حادثة فردية".
وكان قد حصل انفجار في مدينة انطلياس الخميس الماضي أدى إلى مقتل شخصين وتم توقيف آخرين اثنين كانا يحضران معهما إلى عبوة وتحدثت تقارير إعلامية حينها أن القتيلين هما من الضاحية الجنوبية وأحدهما ملتزم بحزب الله.
وتطرق قاسم الى الشأن السوري فقال: "كلما ارتفع الصراخ في العالم ضد النظام السوري كلما عبر الأمر عن انهم لم يتمكنوا من الاضرار، كما يتمنون، أو ان مشروعهم الخارجي يعيش عقبات وصعوبات وتعقيدات".
وفي حديث آخر إلى صحيفة "السفير" صباح الإثنين أكد قاسم عدم قدرة اسرائيل على "شن أي حرب جديدة على لبنان نتيجة التخبط والازمات داخل كيان العدو وفي الدول الغربية الحليفة له".
ورأى انه "مع فشل اسرائيل من خلال الانتصار الكبير بتلاحم الشعب والجيش والمقاومة انتقل لبنان من موقع المستجدي الى موقع العزيز الصامد الذي يحافظ على ومطالبه والذي يستطيع فيه ان يقول نعم او لا بما ينسجم مع متطلباته او خصوصياته"، مشددا على ان "على هذا الاساس، فإن لبنان ما بعد الانتصار يختلف عما قبله".
واذ اعتبر قاسم ان "السبيل لتصحيح البوصلة هو ان تخرج بعض الجماعات اللبنانية من الحرتقات الداخلية ومن التكالب على السلطة"، لفت الى انه "قد أصبح واضحا ان إمكانية الفصل بين المقاومة ولبنان بشعبه وجيشه إمكانية غير متاحة".
وجدد نائب الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله القول أنه "ليست لدينا مشكلة اسمها السلاح، لدينا مشكلة في بعض الرؤى التي لا تريد ان يكون لبنان قويا ولا تريد ان تكون له مقاومة وهم يقبلون بإسرائيل المتغطرسة التي تدخل وتخرج الى لبنان ساعة تريد".

Why even have a Govt , when you make up your own rules as you
please go to iran or syria you BOOTLICKER.
PS please pay for all the outstanding Electricity first

Resistance Will Pursue its Project: "Only an Islamic regime can stop any further tentative attempts of imperialistic infiltration into our country. These are Lebanon's objectives; those are its enemies... We are an umma which adheres to the message of Islam. We want all the oppressed to be able to study the divine message in order to bring justice, peace and tranquility to the world... This is the Lebanon we envision."
The Muslim brotherhood, al-Jamaa al-Islamiya,Salafist are in total agreement with your project Sheikh Qassem.

This article came out of the twilight zone? i don't understand anymore!
It is a sad state for the country when someone like this makes the News!

Moallek: great post. Yes, it seems mr aoun is with holding this info. Prhaps bc of Hezbollah involvement or even due to the electricity bill dispute. Either way, it is a very scummy, damaging tactic that just further proves mr aoun is a liar and truly doesn't believe any of the crap he says to his sheep.

Always attributing to others, now Mustaqbal, the faults of Hezbollah. Its a psychological problem called transference. Who is the militia? Who is armed? Who uses arms to make political points? When it was out of power, who challenged not just the President, Premier, Parliament and constitution, but even the legitimacy of those who occupied the office and the precepts of the constitution? Who Naem??
Hezbollah and no one else. Now that they have seized power and are executing their "project" does Mustaqbal or any of the M14 parties have arms? Are any using arms against the government? No. They are conducting themselves as a bona fide Opposition to hold your feet to the fire and hold you accountable before a free press. The heat on your feet is hot, the glare of the light of truth is harsh and so you yelp and bark.

Is this guy an elected official? Why do people give his lies air time any more. NO ONE BELIEVES THE HEZZ LIES ANYMORE.

they have a militia funded by Iran, and yet they call everyone a militia. They have cut up a part of Lebanon into a mini shite state, yet they accuse everyone of Taksim. They have attacked soveregn areas of Lebanon, yet they have went on record numerous times saying that they will not use thier weapons internally. They have lied murdered and likely to be behind many political assasiantions, yet they claim to be Gods party.
The shite mini state today harbors many of Lebanon's outlaws, crime syndicates and drug lords. Hizbula's end will be the hardest of all - thier end will be in this life and the next, when God reclaims his name.

I thing the matters in lebanon are really very jumbled where clergy involve themselves in earthy matters which is evidently not what they are good at. Everybody knows that politicians lack integrity (certainly not all of them) and hence Qassem should be confining himself to religious matters rather than miring himself with guns and weapons which deminish his clout.
I also hope other religious leaders follow suit and instead of inciting hate work on establishing peace in this beautiful land.

All you march 14 losers should do Lebanon a favor and move to Saudi Arabia! One way tickets to all you corrupt baboons!

So PLEASE Enlighten us mr. Resistance, Great Defenders of Lebanon, What PROJECTS is the Resistance gonna pursue ? Killing more TRUE LEBANESE ?Stealing more Electricity & Public / Church Lands ? Or is it Crippling Lebanon from a NEW LIBERATION WAR against Israel ? Why Not start by paying your Electric bills before liberating Lebanon & Palestine and living Under the Law like the rest of us TRUE LEBANESE, Instead of of being a Hiding Den for Criminals of all Sorts & Thugs.

@Someone: So you think the March 8th politicians aren't corrupt eh? All politicians have dirty hands (some more than others-those in March 8th will need to wash their hands for about a year).
I don't mind being called a baboon as they are certainly more intelligent and decent than are cockroaches such as yourself. Please crawl under a rock and go back from where you came.

“It is a militia in every sense of the word. It possesses arms and they used them in Tripoli, Beirut and other areas. It turned to violence when the government’s decisions did not please it,”
HAHAHA!! Look who's talking... Oh the irony...

Is this a Joke ?????
Lost in the resistance. ....or in translation.....of what ??

Define your "project". Does it mean stealing electricity, building on church and government land? Does it mean planting bombs and running through Beirut with guns killing and burning?

I wonder what kind of hash he is smoking. Enough of the Hezbollah brainwashing. Whoever believes his absurdities is a real fool.

There's Hizb-Nasrallah "democracy" for you: Nasrallah says "Jump!", everyone is supposed to say "From which floor?"!
Hizb-Nasrallah's new slogan should be: "Siyadah min dùn mas2ouliyyah, ghasban min al-sha3b." ("Authority without responsibility, in spite of/in raping of the people.")

What is your project that you're defending alone, apart from the lebanese opinion? Continue fighting israel? what is your destruction potential in comparison with aiplanes, tanks, navies that own the ennemy? You did not understand yet that just one hour of flight of a F16 in our sky is sufficient to destroy our bridges, roads, electricity and teleocom generators? And what will u answer in return? some rockets on Haifa? How such logic can fit in your brain? Why are we the sole people to fight israel while all the others are enjoying prosperity and first of them the syrians? Why everything should start from our land; did'nt we fight enough? We want to liberate the south, the golan, palestine, and maybe the andalos; and all this alone?? Of course you're not so stupid to beleive in such war. You are just an employee executing orders. Shame on you.

he must be the funny guy they send out to entertain the troops with militia jokes.