شريط مصور للعسكريين المحتجزين لدى "النصرة" و"اعمال حزب الله بعرسال وسوريا"

Read this story in English W460

بث تنظيم "جبهة النصرة" الارهابي شريطاً مصوراً قبل ظهر الجمعة، يظهر فيه عسكريي عرسال المحتجزين لديه، و"جرائم" حزب الله في سوريا وعرسال.

ويبدأ الفيديو بمشاهد من سوريا، تظهر عناصر "حزب الله" يعتدون على مواطنين في مخيم اليرموك للاجئين، فضلاً عن عمليات قتل اطفال ونساء وعزّل اضافة الى اعمال الاغتصاب.

كما اظهر، قيام عناصر الحزب بقصف عرسال من بلدة اللبوة، "تحت انظار الجيش اللبناني".

وينتقل الشريط المصور، الى العسكريين الاسرى لدى "جبهة النصرة"، وهم يتحدّثون كاشفين عن ان حزب الله هو من يقوم بعمليات القتل، فضلاً عن انه قصف الجامع في البلدة بهدف قتل العسكريين الذين كانوا متجمّعين بداخله.

هذا الى جانب، احتراق خيم اللاجئين السوريين في عرسال جراء الصواريخ التي أطلقت من اللبوة على البلدة.

ولفت العسكريين الاسرى الى ان التفجيرات في لبنان بدأت مع دخول حزب الله على القصير السورية.

وتابع شريط الفيديو بإظهار مشاهد عن الجرحى تحت عنوان: "الجيش المسيّر من حزب اللات يعذّب الجرحى والمعتقلين في لبنان".

وتوجهت النصرة الى السنة داعية اياهم الى دعم "اخوتهم في سوريا" قبل ان يدفعوا الثمن جراء التورط في حرب بصفوف الجيش اللبناني "ضد اخوتكم المجاهدين".

وحذّرت كافة الطوائف، من دعم "حزب ايران، فإن سكوتكم عن جرائمه قد يحسب عليكم".

وأكدت، متوجهة الى الشيعة ان "معركتنا معكم مستمرة"، مضيفة ان مساندتهم حزب الله سيجعلهم "يدفعون الثمن".

يُشار الى ان "جبهة النصرة" كانت غير معروفة قبل بدء النزاع السوري (في آذار 2011)، لكنها اكتسبت دورا متعاظما على الارض وتبنت سلسلة تفجيرات كبيرة استهدفت في غالبيتها مراكز امنية وعسكرية. وادرجت الولايات المتحدة الجبهة على لائحتها للمنظمات الارهابية لارتباطها بتنظيم "القاعدة" في العراق.

ومطلع شهر آب الفائت وفي معارك عنيفة مع الجيش اللبناني في بلدة عرسال قام المسلحون بأسر أكثر من 35 عنصراً من الجيش وقوى الأمن. واعلن قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي ان عدد عناصر الجيش المفقودين "يبلغ 20، ومن الاحتمال أن يكون بعضهم قد استشهد".

وكانت جبهة النصرة قد افرجت عن عدد من المخطوفين، وسط معلومات صحافية عن مطالبة الخاطفين بمقايضة العسكريين بعدد من السجناء الاسلاميين في رومية.

التعليقات 82
Missing imagine_1979 12:24 ,2014 أيلول 05

No hezbollah are secular, modern and progressist, they would never engage in a sectarian conflict extending from irak, yemen,syria... to lebanon... This is certainly an israely/zionist/takfiri/ksa/neo nazi...propaganda....
Now we are in the middle of all this mess between retarded suni fanatics and retarded shiite fanatics....
Yalla chupachups for all lebanon...

Thumb galaxy 13:23 ,2014 أيلول 05

what are you justifying??? Sure HA can occupy all of lebanon and it has already done that. I don't want to live with people like you who keep telling us if HA wants to do this or that it could do it anytime. HA is a terrorist party of cancerous consequences.

Missing imagine_1979 13:26 ,2014 أيلول 05

Ahrra el sonna twitter account was a good move to not to enter sectarian striffe... And the exemples are all over the place, but u r right, hezbollah is preserving national unity indeed...
After all hezbos in irak, yemen,syria... Is all because oukab saker was sending "nido and pampers" as they to syria...
U r perfectly right flame, i will go light a candle for hezbollah for preserving a so great political/social/security environment in lebanon...
Now chupchups?

Default-user-icon Mas'ud Behrooz Esmail (ضيف) 16:35 ,2014 أيلول 05

hahaha! my brother couldn't believe it so he asked me to check your comment!!! I agree, you're something another flamethrower, something completely another!

Default-user-icon Wolf Hunter (ضيف) 12:37 ,2014 أيلول 05

The people of EVIL.

Thumb Sanelebanese 13:13 ,2014 أيلول 05

FT, Southern and Mowaten are still in denial. HA removed all mirrors so they do not see the beast. They pretend to defend Palestenians, Syrians and even God. Good work HS, (HizbSatan)

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:26 ,2014 أيلول 05

sane? lol

Default-user-icon mknl (ضيف) 13:31 ,2014 أيلول 05

lol @mowaten

Thumb Sanelebanese 13:32 ,2014 أيلول 05

Yes, MoWati, haha

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:37 ,2014 أيلول 05

yea keep repeating yourself that, maybe it'll come true some day :)

Thumb galaxy 13:18 ,2014 أيلول 05

many of hezbollah atrocities are well documented in this video. A lot of these videos were posted here but deleted by flamer and mowaten. Nasrallah's lies are well exposed in this video. I pray for the safety of our soldiers and continue to say it was HA who brought retaliation against our country.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:38 ,2014 أيلول 05

yes galaxy yes, you caught me and i have to confess: i deleted your videos because i'm the secret admin of this website and couldn't stand the insanely poignant super-documented impartial proof and evidence that you have and that was not fabricated by screming takfiris high on captagon.

Thumb galaxy 13:49 ,2014 أيلول 05

I posted links sometime ago from southlebanon.org showing some of these videos and showing your hizb shelling arsal. I am sure you know who southlebanon.org is and I seriously doubt they were fabricated.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:56 ,2014 أيلول 05

we just went from "hezbollah atrocities" to "hezbollah shelling arsal" and just a couple of steps away from "unidentified men shelling an unidentified location".
i'm pretty sure

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:25 ,2014 أيلول 05

let them come, and just remember this: you asked for it.

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 13:33 ,2014 أيلول 05

i was thinking the same mowaten, exactly the same. Sometimes i think you and i are the same person with 2 completely different screen names

Thumb Sanelebanese 13:35 ,2014 أيلول 05

let them come and help you during Ashura,

Thumb ex-fpm 13:41 ,2014 أيلول 05

fight your own battles mowaten. Your hezbollah is a curse and not better than the ISIS. I wish you guys battle it out in Syria and Iraq and leave us alone.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:48 ,2014 أيلول 05

yea whatever. just don't come crying afterwards.

Thumb geha 15:39 ,2014 أيلول 05

are they talking about hizbushaitan, the baby killers, sectarian iranian terrorist militia?

but those are the masters of the likes of mowaten, ft,.... and other idiots who keep crowding all the blogs on naharnet!

those are the ones that ppay the salaries of those mouthpieces!

terrorists equivalent to ISIS: one and the same.

may they both kill and destroy each other so we can live in peace.

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 16:33 ,2014 أيلول 05

I will save it for your appearance on a video of ISIL

Default-user-icon shah (ضيف) 13:25 ,2014 أيلول 05

flamethrower...you are one man army...in this site so many person against you and you never backdown you tweet them back...I salute your spirit..

Default-user-icon Captain (ضيف) 13:27 ,2014 أيلول 05

I used to sometimes visit Naharnet not to read its sided articles but to read FlameThrower's comments. Now I visit it all the time

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:34 ,2014 أيلول 05

No, actually you visit naharnet to post that same message 20 times a day. Do you feel like you're achieving something? Making your life somehow more meaningful with that?

Default-user-icon Captain (ضيف) 16:46 ,2014 أيلول 05

I used to sometimes visit Naharnet not to read its sided articles but to read FlameThrower's comments. Now I visit it all the time to read mowaten comments as well

Thumb ex-fpm 13:37 ,2014 أيلول 05

they really made a mockery of nasrallah in this video:) from "nobody should interfere in the syrian crisis" to "if we now have 5 fighters will send 10", to "if we have 100 will send 200", to "if we have 5000 will send 10,000", to " I will go myself and all of hezbollah".

Default-user-icon Moxberg (ضيف) 14:00 ,2014 أيلول 05

So this is the deal. Obviously lebs can't run their own country by themselves, who are we kidding? So we need to look at the region as a whole. Only thing that makes sense is the aoun HA Syria Iran China Russia way. Fuck everyone who still thinks that the US and Europe are on our side, especially if that someone in a Christian. I'm a Christian, wtf did the states ever do good to us In the ME? Nothing. So stop acting like idiots and criticizing what we are doing right. Shut the f#%^ up and go home. Rafiq hariri bankrupted the country, his son financed the takfiris, their day is coming, everyone who helped persecute a Christian in the ME will be faced with the same fate as rafik hariri.

Default-user-icon illiterate-Southern (ضيف) 14:01 ,2014 أيلول 05

Well said Souther.
السياسه بعد نظر، أخلاق وضمير !!!

Thumb Sanelebanese 14:17 ,2014 أيلول 05

It's very appeasing to know that most Sunni do not follow Al-Nusra, yet most Shiite follow HA.

Default-user-icon moderate sunni (ضيف) 14:33 ,2014 أيلول 05

don't speak for me southern; I categorically do NOT support hezbollah. Thankyou

Missing imagine_1979 14:48 ,2014 أيلول 05

Of course sputhern the majority of moderate sunnis support hezbollah (hachem minkara, billal chaaban, ahbech... As u can see in lebanese elections, or u were talking of irak, egypt, syria, yemen?....)
, u can add also moderate christian (moderate like aoun who is a secular person...) support hezbos, as all the secular person (hawi, kassir..)...
In fact everyone moderate support hezbos and all the others are just zionist/takfiri/ksa/neonazi/imperialists...
Well man please look a litle outside, take ur head out of ur arse and confront reallity a litle.... Hezbos are driving more and more the country into this regional sectarian war...
Did u have chupachups today, yalla have some, it will do u good...
And of course labayka ya nasrollah...

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 16:38 ,2014 أيلول 05

funny flamethrower, we happened to be on the same coffee break. I am going back to work... how about you?

Default-user-icon tont (ضيف) 17:00 ,2014 أيلول 05

ya flamethrower, You interfere with every member who posts regarding any article with your continued following & attacks on a personal level directed at that person.
Why are you here? to debate, discuss the articles or to follow & harass people all day long?

Thumb Sanelebanese 14:24 ,2014 أيلول 05

An average religious Muslim prays 5x/day, 1825/year, 73,000/40 years. How can you not be a serial killer if the verse is about killing the unbeliever.

Default-user-icon theresistance4.0-ashrafiehBurnISIS (ضيف) 14:25 ,2014 أيلول 05

these videos are fake and produced by al baghdadi/Geagea/Hariri/BoutrusHarb/Nayla Mouawad

Default-user-icon sajad (ضيف) 14:36 ,2014 أيلول 05

hezbullah will teach these terrorists a lesson soon, you will see

Thumb Sanelebanese 14:41 ,2014 أيلول 05

I want to thank BlameThrower, MoWati, and Slattern on their sense of humor. Southern, look up the meaning of Slattern.

Thumb Sanelebanese 15:16 ,2014 أيلول 05

You are so cute Slattern boy, esp. When you are angry.

Default-user-icon Mas'ud Behrooz Esmail (ضيف) 17:04 ,2014 أيلول 05

dear flamethrower, my brother is a student at the university and he is taking a political science course. He asked if he could use some of your comments in his mid-term paper. Hope you don't mind

Thumb EagleDawn 17:17 ,2014 أيلول 05

wow! A sudden burst of 9 flamethrower votes in 10 minutes.

Default-user-icon labalabalaba (ضيف) 15:55 ,2014 أيلول 05

why, you don't like to see the truth about what your killer militia is doing. I bet you love to keep those videos of slaughtered women and children hidden so the world would never see your evil deeds.

Default-user-icon more false flags (ضيف) 16:13 ,2014 أيلول 05

everything is is saying mimics what samaha was planing to do and what the free sunni baalbek brigade was tweeting and everyone remembers who was behind those

Missing humble 16:32 ,2014 أيلول 05

You are both exactly alike:...war; hatred; violence; conquest. You bring our world to stone ages.
your destiny is hell in eternal fire.

Thumb Sanelebanese 16:37 ,2014 أيلول 05

Thumbs up.

Missing humble 16:38 ,2014 أيلول 05

Hatred is in both parties, deep in their hearts. They start being trained at the age of 7. Do you want them to be tolerant and compassionate?
Go and Read the objectives in their Chart.

Default-user-icon frencheagle (ضيف) 16:40 ,2014 أيلول 05

sorry folks, flamethrower is not what you think he is. I can vouch for his impartiality, honesty, and manners.

Missing humble 16:40 ,2014 أيلول 05

FPM is the underdog who is the servile obedient to the orders.

Missing karim- 16:41 ,2014 أيلول 05

blabla it's because you got used to the official al nusra isil bradcaster's broadcasting the full terrorist YouTube advertisement


Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 16:57 ,2014 أيلول 05

As a parent flamethrower is well placed to know what these poor people feel and are going through. the cheap thing is trying to make a scoop out of it, like you (anonytexus)) are trying to do. you're trying to pass of as some golden hearted person on the backs of parents and patronizing whoever sees through the cheapness of this article.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:05 ,2014 أيلول 05

oh no! dont say that! we were counting so much on the likes of you!

Thumb EagleDawn 17:20 ,2014 أيلول 05

anything you can contribute to the article or you just bored. Use your other clolorful accounts it might lift up your mood. Have a "Crush" on me

Thumb Tony.Farris 17:47 ,2014 أيلول 05

All roads lead to Damascus.

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 17:08 ,2014 أيلول 05

Multi Cancers
I feel sorry for someone who has prostate cancer, another one with lung cancer, a third with breast cancer and a fourth with blood cancer
But I feel very very sorry for Lebanon with. all these cancer HA(lung cancer), IS (prostate cancer),
Aoun (blood cancerand breast cancer together)

Default-user-icon lou Williams (ضيف) 17:08 ,2014 أيلول 05

why didn't you tell me you are on a break flamethrower??? are you trying to avoid me!

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 17:14 ,2014 أيلول 05

Do not forget Basshar (brain cancer)

Thumb EagleDawn 17:18 ,2014 أيلول 05

anony, he is another version of @tric.portugal

Thumb ice-man 17:34 ,2014 أيلول 05


Thumb Tony.Farris 17:39 ,2014 أيلول 05

The United States and its allies in Europe and the Middle East should consider steps now to counter the Islamic State's expansion before it more seriously threatens traditional political, social, and economic relationships in the region, and rewrites Islam for the majority of the Muslims in the world.

Thumb Tony.Farris 17:40 ,2014 أيلول 05

To disrupt ISIS advance, the USA and its allies should start by addressing the source of the problem — the conflict in Syria ASSad.

Thumb Tony.Farris 18:12 ,2014 أيلول 05

We’re particularly high risk of conflict spillover stems from our crippled government, division among our internal security forces, and continued external/Iranian support to HezebCocaine. As the Syrian opposition continues to battle supporters of ASSad both in Syria and in Lebanon, the propensity for conflict to spill over will remain high and drag us closer into a full-blown regional conflict.

Thumb Tony.Farris 19:07 ,2014 أيلول 05

I am praying @Texas

Thumb Tony.Farris 17:44 ,2014 أيلول 05

All roads lead to Damascus and then back out again, but in different directions.

Thumb nickjames 17:51 ,2014 أيلول 05

Flamethrower you always alter your stance when you get cornered. You said the victims' families should have no say in security matters before changing your position, blaming the media for broadcasting the families' emotional and irrational pleas. To avoid looking like an idiot, you should take a position and defend it instead of changing it.

Thumb nickjames 18:07 ,2014 أيلول 05

There's no way to make me see your stance because you don't have a stance. You argue like a little kid, bouncing around like a pinball; you can never stay focused on one subject/topic/point. Then when I try to make you clarify yourself you get all defensive and say I'm blinded by hate and prejudice which has nothing to do with the argument. How is hate and prejudice involved in this argument about the families having a say in national security matters?

Thumb nickjames 17:52 ,2014 أيلول 05

-..flamethrower.. Yesterday
the families of the abducted now have a say in national security matters.

-..flamethrower.. 21 hours ago
i said whatever decision they might make on tv CANNOT be taken seriously because it stems from emotions and not from rational thinking, which is normal. pathetic, nickjames.

Thumb nickjames 18:00 ,2014 أيلول 05

You could have defended your position that the families should have no say in national security matters and it'd be respectable. You could have supported your position by saying the families of the abducted are not in the position to decide how the authorities should free the abducted as it could lead to more people getting kidnapped, or something along those lines. Perhaps people would disagree with you but at least you would have supported your position with understandable logic. Instead you changed your stance like a little kid like "no what I said was..." Yeah...right.

Thumb Sanelebanese 20:02 ,2014 أيلول 05

FT is right, he was sarcastic and did not change his stance.

Thumb nickjames 20:35 ,2014 أيلول 05


Thumb nickjames 18:03 ,2014 أيلول 05

It isn't irony, it was your argument. Read my comment above.

Thumb Sanelebanese 18:12 ,2014 أيلول 05

ما اروع الإلحاد امام مذهب يشجح على القتل.

Thumb Sanelebanese 18:12 ,2014 أيلول 05


Thumb Tony.Farris 18:23 ,2014 أيلول 05

Thumb-Robot in full force today. lol

Thumb Tony.Farris 18:36 ,2014 أيلول 05

In 2006, al-Qaeda congratulated HezbCocaine for its posturing against Israel and for its role in the brief war that year. Clearly now they are at each others throats rhetorically and physically as well. Let them finish each other...

Thumb Tony.Farris 18:38 ,2014 أيلول 05

In 2006, al-Qaeda congratulated HezbCocaine for its posturing against Israel and for its role in the brief war that year. Clearly now they are at each others throats rhetorically and physically as well. Let them finish each other...

Thumb nickjames 20:32 ,2014 أيلول 05

Million-dollar question right there

Thumb nickjames 22:12 ,2014 أيلول 05

Where's your response to my above question? Like always you ignore me and go pick on other people because you don't know what to say to me. Oh I just remembered now, I'm a "binary simpleton" and unworthy of your responses.

Default-user-icon abbas.mcknl (ضيف) 07:12 ,2014 أيلول 06

I just counted 21 posts for flamethrower on this article alone, and he still said nothing.

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