اشتباكات بين الجيش ومسلحين حاولوا ادخال السلاح الى لبنان
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تمكن الجيش اللبناني ليل الاحد-الاثنين من ضبط عملية تسلل مسلحين من الجرود السورية الى الداخل اللبناني بهدف تهريب السلاح وزرع الفوضى.
فقد أفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3)، صباح الاثنين، ان الجيش اللبناني اشتبك مع مسلحين في جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا موقعاً عدداً من القتلى والجرحى.
ولفتت الى ان مجموعات مسلحة في سرغايا وعسال الورد، في الجرود السورية المتاخمة للجرود اللبنانية، تقوم بنقل اسلحة الى الداخل بامرة الفلسطيني حاتم الحسن يعاونه السوري احمد الرفاعي الى معربون في جرود بعلبك.
وأوضحت ان المسلحين يدخلون اسلحة الى مغاور معربون لتوزيعها في المناطق اللبنانية لزرع الفوضى.
وخلال معركة عرسال بين الجيش اللبناني وجماعة "داعش" وتنظيم "جبهة النصرة" الارهابيين مطلع آب الفائت، أسر عناصر من الجيش ومن قوى الامن الداخلي، أفرج عن عدد منهم في وقت لاحق.
وقام داعش بقطع رأس اثنين من الجيش، في حين قامت النصرة بقتل عنصر بالرصاص، وسط مناشدات ومطالبات العسكريين لأهاليهم بالتحرك للافراج عنهم، في حين ان المعلومات الصحافية تفيد بمطالبة الخاطفين بالافراج عن سجناء في رومية لإطلاق سراح العسكريين.

The LAF could really use those newly purchased UH-2 Mr. ambassador Hale, can you please expedite?
Meanwhile, maybe the US led coalition can fly a sorti or two in support of our armed forces?

The US led coalition are not here for Lebanon, Syria or Iraq's interest, period. It's only a fantasy if you think that they are here to help us. They created Isis and probably encouraging them to enter Lebanon so the coalition would have have an excuse to bomb targets in lebanon.

why am i worried. how long have they been bombing Afghanistan for. You think we need that here to go on for how many decades. Let's see how many bombs will be dropped on innocent weddings by 'mistake' just like in Afghanistan. You many think i am being far fetched but you have to understand american involvement has nothing to do with Isis or for the good of people here, it is here to destroy plain and simple. Listen, i hated Saddam but i despised americans more for their attack on Iraq because i knew it would not help any Iraqi whatsoever.

when the syrian army was bombing terrorists in the no-man's-land around arsal all m14 cried and denounced a violation of sovereignty. now you want the US to come bomb them. i dont care what you think one way or another, but try to have some consistency in your BS.

You and others honed in on bombing and chose to ignore the context. I'm certain had it been Iran or syria's Assad doing the bombing you would have been ok with it. Double standards?
The USA's bombing in Iraq saved your beloved Iran's behind whether you admit it or not. When will you admit that the Shiites and Sunnis need to make peace with each other and adopt a philosophy other than hatred for each other? Only then will the Missle East experience calm.

Your family s rice in the south in the 1982 is the witness to the lies coming from your mouth.

Many in the M14 get that good vibe feeling believing that uncle sam really likes them more than M8. Maybe they really believe Tom Cruise is one of the pilots in action.

me toooooo, hahaha! But please, CFTC (Guest) use another screen name so people don't get mixed up between us. Thank you

I was thinking the same, exactly the same @cityboy. I mean how can I not considering we are the same poster.

KSA has offered to help like last week. so perhaps Leb gov can ask them to wipe out these terrorist pockets once for all..

KSA the key supplier of ISIS, wants to help Lebanon? Now that's a good one.

Why werent the 'Arabs' part of any coalition recently to stop Israeli massacre of palestinians in Gaza.

I was asking myself the same question @citymowaten! We always think the same and I am afraid people might start thinking we are the same person..

We have loads of armed and brainwashed people in Lebanon. ALL of them need to be disarmed. Its just a matter of which come first..

I see that all the M8 propagandists are having a pow-wow. Keep talking to yourselves boys. The "truths" and "facts" you spew are hilarious...

Time to wipe out Arsal and kick out all the Syrian refugees back to Syria

God bless the Lebanese Army! Down with the FSA-Nusra-ISIS jihadist terrorists!

You should be put in Roumieh! Seriously. You have no idea how people can read Through you.