تكثف الاتصالات لحوار "المستقبل"- "حزب الله" المرتقب في منتصف الجاري
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تتجه الانظار الى الحوار بين "حزب الله" و"تيار المستقبل" المنتظر عقده في النصف الاول من الشهر الجاري في عين التينة، وتنشط الاتصالات من أجل بلوَرة جدول الاعمال.
فقد نقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الاثنين، عن زوار رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري انه أعلن أمامهم ان وتيرة الاتصالات ستنشط هذا الاسبوع مع عودة، مدير مكتب رئيس "تيار المستقبل"، نادر الحريري وآخرين من لقاءات مع رئيس التيار، من أجل بلوَرة جدول اعمال الحوار.
ونوَّه بري بالمواقف التي عبر عنها الحريري إزاء هذا الحوار ومجمَل الاوضاع، "ما يساعد الحوار على النجاح في المهمة التي سيضطلع بها".
ووفق المعلومات الصحافية، فإن الجلسة الاولى للحوار ستنعقد قبل منتصف شهر كانون الاول الجاري في عين التينة.
ورجّحت المعلومات ان يشارك في الحوار عن "حزب الله"، المعاون السياسي للأمين العام للحزب الحاج حسين خليل وأحد أعضاء كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة"، قد يكون النائب حسن فضل الله، وسيمثل "تيار المستقبل"، بنادر الحريري والنائب جمال الجراح.
يُشار الى ان بري، يسعى الى انجاح هذا الحوار، وهو يقوم بسلسلة اتصالات، وكان قد أعلن في أكثر من مناسبة، عن "اشارات ايجابية" في الملف، واتمام هذا الحوار، يعني بوادر حلحلة في الملفات السياسية الخلافية، وأبرزها انهاء الشغور الرئاسي الذي يعيشه لبنان منذ ايار الفائت، بسبب رفض رئيس الجمهورية السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته وفشل النواب في التوافق على اسم رئيس.
ويدعم تيار المستقبل، المنضوي في فريق 14 آذار، رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" في المعركة الرئاسية، في حين أعلن "حزب الله" دعمه رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر".
الى ذلك، نقلت صحيفة "اللواء" عن مصادر نيابية في كتلة المستقبل قولها انه "من المبكر الحديث منذ الآن عن تفاؤل أو تشاؤم بما يمكن أن يسفر عنه هذا الحوار من نتائج".
ولفتت الصحيفة الى ان "حزب الله" ثابت على موقفه حيال رؤيته للملف الرئاسي وهو ان المصلحة الوطنية تقتضي ان يكون في موقع الرئاسة الاولى الشخص الذي يحظى بتمثيل حقيقي في بيئته وعلى المستوى الوطني، ويمكن ان يشكل موضع توافق وتوفيق بين القوى اللبنانية.
وكشف قيادي بارز في 8 آذار، للصحيفة عينها ان "حزب الله لن يحاور المستقبل خارج مزاج (رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر") النائب ميشال عون.
وأشار الى ان هناك ثابتتين تتحكمان بموقف الحزب، أولها "عدم انتظار أي موقف جديد من الحزب، أقله في البداية، حول كيفية مقاربة الحوار، لا سيما في شقه الرئاسي".
اما الثابتة الثانية فهي "ترحيب الحزب المسبق بالحوار الذي سبق وتلا قبول الحريري رسمياً به، لن يتغيّر قبل تحديد موعد اللقاء المنتظر بين الطرفين".
يُذكر ان رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري، الخميس، انه ذاهب الى "حوار جدي" مع حزب الله ، داعيا الى أن "يكون له نتائح خدمة لمصلحة البلد"، لافتا الى انه "سيضع المشكال الاساسية جانبا للتحاور في الامور التي من الممكن التوافق عليها".
وصرح الحريري ان الحوار ليس من اجل التداول في اسماء لرئاسة الجمهورية بل للاتفاق أن الرئيس التوافقي هو الحل.

This so called dialogue will lead to no-where. It is a waste of time to sit down with an armed militia that takes orders from Iran. You cannot initiate dialogue with someone who is illegally armed, uses these arms to intimidate you, thinks he is above the law, and tells you I will discuss everything except my arms. All goodwill gestures initiated by M14 and Hariri specifically have been interpreted as a sign of weakness instead of a sign of care about the country's interests. Dialogue will be productive when either hizbollah returns to its senses and acts as a political lebanese party OR M14 is equally armed thus creating a balance.

Exactly. They're negotiating out of weakness. They have no choice but dialogue. Even if Hezbollah "agrees" to something it doesn't mean they'll honour it (the Baabda Declaration)

Certainly one can't help but empathize and agree with @ex-fpm. Past precedence of HA reneging on agreements is also not encouraging as is well known. Nevertheless, even if the only thing that comes out of this dialogue is burying Aoun's dreams of ever becoming president then it will be well worth it.
That aside, I believe HA - certainly Iran - sees the writing on the wall. In about a year from now, the LAF will be the strongest military force in Lebanon and as such will be the one providing the balance for M14. Remember, we are for having a state be the entity that is the strongest rather than create yet another armed entity to counter HA. Having a strong LAF is the best solution for Lebanon and will render HA irrelevant, cornered and eventually disarmed.
@Ex, I fully agree with you, this is another exercise in futility and another waste of time. Saad Hariri is just too inexperienced and gullible to sit with Sayed Hassan and must not believe one word from him or the rest of Hezbollah or Amal. Right now these people are pinning their hopes on buying time, in the hope that the Syrian regime would now have hopes to win the war in Syria with the allied airstrikes against the Takfiris and possibly turn events in their favor. They want neither presidency or anything regarding the consitution. Hariri was fooled twice before by Sayed Hassan, a third time would strip him of any remaining credibility.

Why to be afraid from the tapette caporal? He is a loser.
What makes me truly worried are the christians who follow a traitor...!!!

Hezbollah are the storm troopers of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
They are the best weapon Iran has against their frenemey Israel.
If Hezbollah goes, the Mullahs in Teheran are out of power.
Hezbollah does not care about the Lebanese presidency. In fact they do not care if Lebanon exists.
Furthermore, By boycotting the electoral process, General Megalomania has proved that the presidency in Lebanon is irrelevant and is just symbolic sectarian insurance.
Hezbollah can only applaud his efforts.

Yes yes your alternate universe makes so much sense... thats why the West and Israel installed the puppet Shah before these ayatollahs who was overthrown in a violent revolution, its because these ayatollahs are also friends with the West and Israel. BRILLIANT!!!!

A little bit of history to those who needed:
The Iranian revolution was the work of leftist elites and the West did not like leftists back then.
They thought Khomeini, who was comfortably living in exile in France, better take over.
Khomeini came to Teheran on an Air France plane and hijacked the revolution.
The US did not allow the Shah to enter its territory.
When Iran and Iraq were at war, Iran bought weapons from Israel.
And in 2014, Iran was till buying weapons from Israel: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/10649567/US-investigates-illegal-military-equipment-shipments-from-Israel-to-Iran.html
Like I said frenemies...Sometimes friends, sometimes enemies...depending on their interests.

A little bit of history to those who need it:
The Iranian revolution was the work of leftist elites and the West did not like leftists back then.
They thought Khomeini, who was comfortably living in exile in France, better take over.
Khomeini came to Teheran on an Air France plane and hijacked the revolution.
The US did not allow the Shah to enter its territory.
When Iran and Iraq were at war, Iran bought weapons from Israel.
And in 2014, Iran was till buying weapons from Israel: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/10649567/US-investigates-illegal-military-equipment-shipments-from-Israel-to-Iran.html
Like I said frenemies...Sometimes friends, sometimes enemies...depending on their interests.
Anyhow, Iran is talking to the Great Satan directly and Hezbollah, an Islamic militia, is killing Islamic Militants. Funny!

Phoenix, it's no secret that they have good relations with Iran, and Syria, nobody denies it.
LF people though, have a way to deny that you are aligned with Saudi, Israel, USA. As much as you like to deny that, is amusing.
I can provide you an interview video with Bachir Gemayel, as he claims that the LF fights for American values and interests.

If you ask a takfiri, he would've answered the same as accountability. "Iran, Syria and Hezbollah are allied with Israel." Oh ofcourse why didn't we think about that, When Israel shot down Syrian jets, and bombed Resistance bases, and convoys going in from Syria? Or their continues hostile approach towards Iran, and begs the U.S to invade Iran, every single day. While the KSA he is so fond of, continues to sell oil at discount prices to the West.
Mystic, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah were once deemed giants and all too powerful, so what do you expect of those who oppose you, to ignore the outstretched hand? Now in the closing stage of 2014, Iran has been seriously dented by economic boycotts, Hezbollah has been bled by the war in Syria and the Syrian regime simply tethering. About Bachir though, he sure espoused values, and he wasn't afraid to voice it either, unlike the current leaders of Lebanon who seem to find shelter behind their little finger. Don't worry, I have all of Bachir's archives. Give me one quarter of his values today, and I'll follow faithfully behind.
Roar, if you don't reply, you would have done us all a favor. That thing you referred to as slither is not slither, it's instead decent, brave and courageous arguments coming from people who have not opted to for the language or attitudes of gutters. Trust me, if this is what you're doing, best you keep your peace. What I post, or for that matter what others post, if they don't sound sweet to your ears, it certainly doesn't mean your right to abuse. Khalik 2a7san min heyk ya Roar. Everyone has a right to free opinion, without being insulted.

the_roar bro, I don't agree with you on this one bro. Phoenix is 1000 times better than you will ever be, sorry bro!
Mystic, show me where I denied being pro-American, in which book if you please. My being a Lebanese centrist does not make me a subject of wild interpretations. If I go to the US, I see many more Shiite siblings there than there are in Lebanon, for God's sake ya man, desist this stale old tune, Amreeka, even Iran loves the mighty greenback, I bet you your serious savings are in USD and not in Aussie Dollars, right? If Lebanon can be only a semblance of US democracy, then we would be in heaven, trust me, and in the US there are a lot less citizen waiting for visas to Lebanon than Lebanese in Lebanon queuing for US visas, ma heyk? No double standards with me if you please.
Roar, I spew NOT, check it out and let the readership make the comparison between me and you. You are indeed a sad case of bad language whereas I am NOT, big difference man. Now about the old man, or better known as Aoun, check it out again, I never insult him, I just call him by his rightful acronyms. When I call him clown, or sick or liar, or whatever, sure, I know it hurts you and this is where you go nuts against me. Check it out Roar, me I insult NOT, whereas with you, even your greetings are laced with slur. Ma3leysh, unless old man Aboul Mish is your dad, I see not why you should get so acrimonious or rancorous, or sultry, or acidic, or sulfuric or barbaric, he is another politician as dishonest as a dingo, so he should expect no less in our opinions than being called fittingly and aptly and wantonly, if only you'd cool down all the way from down there.
Ah, by the way ya Roar, dear Roar, you were full of praise for me till so recently, I was almost a king for you, remember, you were running short of praise for the one and only Phoenix. Man you referred to me as the man to take the example from. Time for you to make good on your word and do as you suggested to people, follow my example and show class here, elevate yourself, say it frankly but give yourself that much needed dash of class, that's all, and life will go on nicely.

Phoenix, old pal. This is funny you mention it now. The other day, you said I accused you of being Pro-American, and now you do not deny it.

Hezbollah are the storm troopers of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
They are the best weapon Iran has against their frenemy Israel.
If Hezbollah goes, the Mullahs in Teheran will have no lies to hold on to power and steal Iran's vast resources.
Hezbollah does not care about the Lebanese presidency. In fact they do not care if Lebanon exists.
Furthermore, By boycotting the electoral process, General Megalomania has proved that the presidency in Lebanon is irrelevant and is just a symbolic sectarian insurance.
Hezbollah can only applaud his efforts.

LOL @ geagea the bottom feeder of the neocon elite? Oh pls pls masters throw some breadcrumbs my way, I pwwooomise ill get rid of the thorn in your side HA :( Pls masters!!! BIBI!!! PLS!!!

Nasrallah is a criminal who ordered his men to kill the prime minister of Lebanon. If he wasn't he would have sent the accused Hezbollah team to face the International Court that was set up on the demand of the Lebanese government.
FD, you said, "Machia pls use a bit of sense. YOu know FULLY WELL who murdered Hariri, it is those who wanted to pressure HA to disarm and ignite the Sunnis vs Shias. This is basic analysis, take your propaganda elsewhere thanks" unquote. If I may ask you, how can anyone be sure of who killed Rafic Hariri? My few questions to you should render your argument baseless and devoid of an tangibility. Masalan, why immediately after the assassination of Hariri was crime scene tampered with by Frangieh, President Lahoud and the rest of the pro-Syria team then in power? Then after, who was all the time doing everything to delay and infringe on the STL's work? Who were getting killed one after the other M8 leaders or M14? You may want to deface the truth, but we all know that the rope of lies is a very short one. Things have a way to float you people like you won't be able to do much when the evidence becomes too damning.

Phoenix, why doesn't the U.S provide the sattelite images then? Who would gain on this approach? Certainly not the Resistance and neither Syria, the Syrian army pulled out a few days after, I'd say this was done for that purpose, get the Syrians out of Lebanon, make Lebanon free for Israel to attack. Inside job anyone?

The answer is simple Phoenix. If you take at the region you will find your answer. So its just a coincidence that only a year later the 06 war happened, and since then the Sunnis have been receiving arms from the US and Israel poodles in KSA? ISIS? Syrian Civil war? STL accusing HA members? Freeing the Western puppet from jail all of a sudden? Massive "anti syria" protests? All HA's fault right? Look closely and you will find your general trend to destroy anyone who opposes the Western imperialist plans. Plain and simple.
Tampered evidence? Please provide proof. STL is bought and paid for.. since when do they give a crap about Lebanon, but now specifically they do? It's simple. They killed the one person they could kill that would cause division and internal strife against Hezbollah. They try destroying it externally and then try internally through such actions. Same with the other M14ers who were murdered (get the Christians on the anti-HA bandwagon).

Let me guess.. you believe the 9/11 hijacker story too, am I right? Lol. The world is run by a group of greedy elites Phoenix, and Lebanon is only a small dot in the big picture of global domination. They murdered their own citizens, trust me, there is nothing they wont do.
FD, the July 2006 was started by Hezbollah, simple, no conspiracy theory, even Sayed Hassan admitted it. About 9/11, I will take the official version and spare myself all these theories that are even harder to prove. About ISIL I agree with you and understand who invented it and now wants it destroyed, or is it so? About the Hariri murder, those that tampered seriously with the crucial site evidence are the pro-Syrian Lebanese otherwise why move all the cars to 7beish police station. I very much understand and appreciate your belonging to the M8 thinking, but there are irrefutable proofs, as abundant as they are, no one can turn his back to facts. Let's not call anything as theories till the STL is final.

Glad you used the words "accused" for some & yet the convicted murders paid & are worthy of your worship.
keep the propaganda machine in full swing boys !
how sweet it is seeing you guys confirming day after day.

You don;t support him, but you never protested he becomes a candidate for your countries top job?
spare me the BS .

Hezbollah is a tool in the hands of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The mullahs need them in order to consolidate their power at home and in the region.
Their show with Israel is a tool to monopolise power. They have no problem buying weapons from Israel when it suits their interests.
I am sad that so many Lebanese fall for these regional games that only bring misery to the country.
Fool me once, Nasser, fool me twice, Arafat, fool me thrice, Assad, Saddam and Gaddhafi but now Luv u will not be fooled a fourth time by degenerates in beards.

They are supported by Iran & its no secret.....Who isn;t supported by some one else? the only thing to remember is this....
1 HA are Lebanese no matter how much propaganda you shove down forum.
2. HA Liberated Lebanon & continue to be Lebanons resistance.
3. They operate with the LAF as one.
(2). In 1999, Samir Geagea and ten other members of the Lebanese Forces were convicted of the assassination. Soon after Syria's withdrawal from Lebanon, Samir Geagea and the others were provisionally pardoned and released from jail). Wikipedia.
-killed dani chamoun along with his wife and children (The Syrian army, who also had a hand in Frangieh's death, aim, to divide the Christians of Lebanon).
-buried toxic waste in mount lebanon (Still unknown).
-supported taef and annihilated the presidential prerogatives. (geagea partook in those talks).
(1)-looted the port (Every citizen that had access to the port then, there were no LF or Geagea then).
-killed toni frangieh. (Under cover of darkness on 13 June 1978, a combined force of 1,200 Phalangists led by Elie Hobeika and Samir Geagea, attacked and killed Tony Frangieh and his immediate family, thereby eliminating one of the protagonists vying for political power in the Christian Lebanese community).Wikipedia.
-killed a prime minister (Assassination and burial[edit]
On 1 June 1987, Karami was killed after a bomb was placed in his Aérospatiale Puma helicopter en route to Beirut. Karami was the only one killed in the blast. Interior Minister Abdullah Rasi and at least three of a dozen other aides and crew members aboard the helicopter were reported wounded.[7][8]
Following the assassination, a man claimed responsibility for the killing on behalf of the previously unknown Lebanese Secret Army, calling to a Western news agency in Beirut.[10]

On behalf of Iran and Syria:
- Hezbollah liberated Lebanon from its Prime Minister, Rafic Hariri in 2005, Bassel Fleihan and 20 others innocents
- Hezbollah liberated Israel to kill 1,500 innocent Lebanese in 2006
- Hezbollah liberated Beirut in May 2008
- Hezbollah was going to liberate Lebanon from Boutros Harb in 2012
- Hezbollah is liberating Syria and Lebanon in 2013 and 2014 from Syrians and Lebanese

- Hezbollah has liberated the Lebanese from their money
- The Mullahs in Tehran have been liberating their people from their money to give to Hezbollah
Machia, thanks man, you're doing a good job, please, keep us posted with everything because the Syrians have distorted almost everything they laid their hands on. Now we truly need to bring the truth to the surface, enough of Syria's lies and cover ups, only the truth will do. Again, thanks.

For someone who insists on reading history carefully or honestly.
you have skipped the year 2000.....now that's called liberation my failed historian.

- In 2000 he liberated Israel from Lebanon and became the best border guard.
- In 2014 Hezbollah is liberating the Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon.

apparently honesty is wasted on you ..clearly evident by your fictional propaganda posting.
keep the propaganda machine on full blast, machia..it serves against you the more obvious lies you post.

I am here to expose the lies and propaganda that were sold to us since the Syrians took over Lebanon in 1990. Hezbollah is the biggest lie.

Guess how they took over in 1990? did you mention who helped them against the Lebanese Armed forces, or is that little detail not important?

Of course Geagea's forces helped them. I am not saying that Geagea wasn't a warlord!
What I am saying that he was criminal like Aoun, Jumblatt and Berri but at least he paid the price.
Moreover, we have been fed pro-Syrian and then pro-Iranian propaganda since 1990. But now we must break free of these lies.
These guys are out for power. The Baath in Syria and the Islamic Republic of Iran have been monsters to their populations. They lock them up for expressing their opinions, plunder their wealth and feed them anti-Israeli propaganda the same way all dictators do to their populations.

My point exactly, I admire what you call "Western" values. Relatively speaking it is the best system around.
Communism failed, Islamism is a sectarian failure and other forms of dictatorships are a total disaster.
Democracy works when people are educated and cultured enough to resolve their disputes within institutions, when people accept the rule of law, when people accept election results and when people are accountable for their actions.

Hezbollah does not understand that. Hezbollah understands violence. It is in their DNA. They cannot evolve unless the head Mullah in Iran tells them to.
But the head Mullah is protecting a dictatorship under the guise of religion and the ultimate fight for human dignity when in fact he is sucking the blood of his people.
And whoever stands up against oppression is accused of being an Israeli stooge, a US spy, etc. This cliche does not work anymore. In fact these accusations died because those so called "resistance" regimes from Gaddhafi to Khamanei have been responsible for the death of millions of innocents in the name of the higher cause, which is to fill their pockets and dominate their people.

"not with aoun in the 'only person who stood up against syrian occupation' category."
Flamey stfu you stupid Aouneh revisionist. Tell me, where was Aoun in 1978 during the Harb al-Miyat Yawm? And what about the Battle of Zahleh, when the Ouwwet had to march through the snow to save the town?? And when Hobeiqa agreed to a Syrian deal and Geagea took over Ouwwet because of secret deal?? And what exactly did Aoun do in his "war of liberation"?? He destroyed East Beirut and was the main reason for the mass emigration of Christians.
By the end of the war, the Ouwwet learned that Lebanon will never be free (Gemayel died for that cause), and that's what Aoun has learned today (he's pro-Syria). You're just mad that Ouwwet accepted reality before Aoun.

"never once, did hariri accuse hezb of murdering his father. hariri knows who did it, just like amine gemayel knows who killed his son."
Lmaoooooooooo do you remember why Hezbollah toppled Hariri's government??? Wasn't it because he supported the STL?? Did not Hezbollah warn him for months that they'd quit if they were being indicted?? Didn't Hariri refuse to hold an emergency cabinet session to discuss withdrawing cooperation with the STL??? When the trial began at the Hague this year, didn't he say it was important for Lebanon to find out who killed his father???
And since you've been in Bikfaya do tell us who killed Pierre?? Are you sure it had nothing to do with overthrowing the government by making a third of the ministers "unavailable"???
Your views are sickening Flamey.

Every warlord was a war criminal and Michel Aoun was a warlord in 1989. He bombarded Beirut in 1989 along side Samir Geagea's forces and killed innocent Lebanese civilians in the process.
Geagea, Aoun, Berri and Jumblatt are war criminals. Geagea stood trial and went to jail for his crimes, the others are still around.
Jumblatt had the audacity to admit his crimes on national TV. Aoun and Berri never have. Aoun, so far, has no armed militia. Berri has one.
But the only armed mercenaries that are carrying operations in Lebanon and Syria are Hassan Nasrallah's and their commander in chief is Khamanei, an Iranian Mullah.