اختفاء قاصر في فنيدق و"مصير شخصين" يرتبط بعودتها
Read this story in English
حجز افراد عائلة في بلدة فنيدق شخصين على خلفية اختفاء ابنتهم القاصر بعد ان غادرت منزلها من دون عودة صباح الاربعاء.
وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" الاربعاء، ان "القاصر فاطمة (خ .م) مواليد 1999 غادرت مدرستها في بلدة فنيدق، برفقة المدعوة (ف.ك) مواليد 1996 بتاريخ 22 الحالي ولم تعد".
واوضحت ان "افراد عائلتها بدأوا بتقصي المكان المحتمل ان تكون قد ذهبت اليه، واقدموا مع اخرين على استدراج شخصين احدهما يدعى (م.د) ظنا منهم ان ابنتهم كانت موجودة لديهم خلال هذه الفترة".
وبحسب "الوطنية للإعلام" فقد تم "ابلاغ الاجهزة الامنية بان مصير الشخصين مرتبط بمصير عودة الفتاة الى ذويها".
وقد بوشرت التحقيقات لكشف مكان اختفاء الفتاة واحتجاز الشخصين المختطفين من قبل عائلتها.

Mr. and Mrs. Nassrallah have taught the Lebanese people how to negotiate from a position of strength.

The intelligence branch of the ISF has now revealed the identity of the kidnappers of the 15 year old school girl as Abbas Haidar and Ali Hmeid, both residents of the town of Brital in the eastern Bekaa valley.
The culprits confessed in the presence of their lawyer, Mr. Nawar Al Sahili, their involvement in the kidapping and the sexual assault on the schoolgirl. They claimed to be members of the iranian terrorist sectarian militia who recently returned from a tour of Jihadist duty in war torn Syria.
Hezbollah is a known terrorist organization with proven links to money laundering, human trafficking, illegal drugs, and terror activities that reach the world's corners.

lol really... and he posted a few minutes ago on another article:
"...flamethrower-- 31 minutes ago 20
gratuitously calling people 'sectarian' means the real sectarian is you, liberty filth."

rolf !!! ok flamethrower, here is one of yours in which you don't mention the "keyword" gratuitously;;;
" ...flamethrower--
remember, the one who keeps saying 'sectarian' (because it cannot win any argument otherwise) is in all likelyhood the hypocrite sectarian itself."
Wiggle out of this one if you may....LOL

lol mowaten, if only you knew when it's best to shut it for your own good. I am not sure why naharnet tolerate such language and allows this mouthpiece/troll to post.

mowaten, is this your attempt at rebuttal or is it the real character behind the name?