الإمارات تقرر ترحيل 70 لبنانيا والخارجية تؤكد أنهم "عامل خير وازدهار" لها
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قررت دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة ترحيل سبعين لبنانيا عن اراضيها، معظمهم من الشيعة، في الساعات الاربع والعشرين المقبلة.
وقال وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل لفرانس برس "تبلغت وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين من سفارة لبنان في الامارات ان السلطات قررت ترحيل سبعين لبنانيا في الساعات الاربع والعشرين المقبلة".
بدورها أعلنت في وزارة الخارجية في بيان بعد ظهر الجمعة ان باسيل أبلغ الخميس رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام ومجلس الوزراء مجتمعا بورود هذه المعلومات الاولية "وواصل اتصالاته للوقوف على آخر المستجدات في هذا الملف، وعلى تزايد أعداد المستدعين".
وقد أجرى باسيل الاتصالات بالمعنيين للاستفسار عن هذا الامر ومعالجته، وفي هذا السياق اتصل هاتفيا بوزير خارجية الامارت الشيخ عبدالله بن زايد آل نهيان.
وأكدت الخارجية في بيانها أنها سعت الى "إعادة العلاقات اللبنانية-الامارتية الى أفضل ما يكون، وتجلى هذا الامر في إعادة تعيين سفير للامارت في لبنان اخيرا، وبدء مناقشة كل الاشكالات القنصلية والديبلوماسية والسياسية".
كما شرحت أن "اللبنانيين الموجودين في الامارات يندمجون في شكل كامل ضمن المجتمع الاماراتي، ويلتزمون القوانين الاماراتية، وهم عامل خير وازدهار لهذا البلد العزيز".
وردا على سؤال لفرانس برس، اكتفى مسؤول اماراتي بالقول "لا تعليق حاليا".
وفي السياق عينه، اشار رئيس لجنة المبعَدين حسّان اليان في حديثٍ الى صحيفة "الاخبار" الى "إنّنا نتابع اتصالاتنا مع المسؤولين اللبنانين".
واوضح ان " قرارات الإبعاد كانت قد جمّدت سابقاً طيلة فترة الخمس سنوات، على رغم بعض عمليات الترحيل المخفيّة".
من جهته نفى مصدر ديبلوماسي معني لصحيفة "النهار" أن يكون اللبنانيون كلهم ينتمون الى الطائفة الشيعية، لافتا الى ان "بعض اللبنانيين ينتمون الى طوائف اخرى".
إلا أن مصدرا وزاريا اخرا أشار لـ"فرانس برس" الى ان 63 شخصا من المشمولين بقرار الترحيل، ينتمون الى الطائفة الشيعية.
وفي وقتٍ لاحق، اشارت اذاعة "صوت لبنان 93,3" الى ان قرار الترحيل "يشمل 130 عائلة يقيمون في ابو ظبي،عجمان والشارقة".
ورحلت السلطات الاماراتية عام 2009 عشرات اللبنانيين من الطائفة الشيعية الذين عاشوا لسنوات طويلة على اراضيها للاشتباه بعلاقتهم مع حزب الله.
وفي عام 2013، رحلت قطر 18 لبنانيا بناء على قرار صادر عن دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بفرض عقوبات على حزب الله نتيجة تدخله العسكري في سوريا الى جانب قوات النظام.
ويعمل اكثر من مئة الف لبناني في الامارات فيما تستضيف دول الخليج اعدادا كبيرة من الجالية اللبنانية من مختلف الطوائف بينهم شيعة.

The terrorists and their supporters curse the Gulf countries on a daily basis yet they expect to make a living in the Gulf countries that they so love to destroy.
FT, I cannot refuse what you said, that the Lebanese have built the UAE, very true, and until now, the Lebanese are still major players for the running of the UAE, Qatar, Bahrein, the KSA and Kuwait to name a few. But ironically and forgive my bluntness, whilst we build the nations of others, back here at home we are destroying our country so much so that nowadays quite possibly the most important cash asset our economy has is in the form of repatriation of our capital gains from overseas. However even that seems to be at risk, as Hezbollah doesn't seem to be satisfied with messing up Lebanon, but also putting in jeopardy that most crucial of incomes from the Diaspora. Now these 70+ Lebanese that are being deported, who will sustain them? I can assure you, the moment they'll land at Beirut airport they'll be blaming the Lebanese State in the usual form, "weynil dawleh". Just my drift mate.

60 shiites or so deported hardly shows government intention to deport shiites from the UAE. There are thousands of shiites working in the UAE and the Gulf countries. There had to be a genuine reason to justify deporting those specifically.

FT, you can rant all you want and pollute this forum with ur endless, useless comments. but one thing is for sure: those 70 hizbullah supporters will still be deported from the UAE. there is nothing u can do about it.

The reality is that UAE has an authoritarian government - the type that FT has indicated many times he favor. The populace, especially the weakest part, are at the whims of the government.
Having had their economy destroyed by militias - the latest of which we are are all aware of - Lebanese have no choice but to immigrate to make a living and send in remittance to their families. In life actions, have consequences and Lebanese and their politicians seems to not to realize this or simply not care. If you hurt the interest of a country, that country will hurt yours. Iran creates militias and undermine governments, the UAE will tell your citizen to leave!
These people who are expelled may well be innocent and do not deserve to a fate of returning to a country like Lebanon with little prospects. If they did voice such support or have materially supported the Hizb, then UAE actions are understandable(no matter how authoritarian their methods are).

FT - do not exaggerate the important contribution of Lebanese. There were many others who contributed to building the Gulf. As you see, they do not need us. We need them.

A step that is very welcomed and more needs to be done to stifle Hezbollah funding sources and its supporters.

Why don't the so called "patriotic" Lebanese go make a living in Iran, @southern? After all, they share the same religion, same Jihadi views, and same hatred.

I lived in the UAE for 8 years, no problems what so ever if one is not involved in politics.
For the people who are suspected of supporting unwanted activities, they are first warned then watched closely , if they repeat the offence, then they are deported.
It is a country governed by the rule of law, with very hospitable locals and an excellent ruling system...
Simple rule, don't break the law, you wont be deported.. respect the regulations of the country where you make your living..

lebanese chiites that i know still enjoying UAE and never ever once threatened ...

sure FT ... you have no chiite friends outside hezbi ones... you cannot understand...

Only if the different political opinion is armed to the teeth and pursuing destabilizing as many Sunni nations to further the goal of Welayat Elfaqih with the Kahmeinni at the helm. Iza ma metet ma shift meen met? Smart move by the UAE (Patriotoc USE step). I wish Lebanon would do the same for all the traitors on its soil.
@loudnclear, you've made a great analysis and contribution to this thread. I've been to the UAE and other Gulf states, what you said is perfectly true. My personal experience buttresses everything you said here, to focus on the UAE, correct, they are very hospitable people, in fact, in the UAE one feels released from the stress we Lebanese encounter here. They have laws and one just needs to respect and observe the law and one can live and work in the UAE as happily as one wishes. It's a pity what is happening to both us Lebanese and our country Lebanon, like Bachir Gemayel used to say, we are but a collection of farms and farmers competing against each other.

just hurry to exploit our oil and gaz so Lebanese work and stay in Lebanon
I a state of law like the usa or france or england if someone did something against the law they put him in jail they do not deport the person
and now we know why politicians close to the gulf countries they pt the oil and gaz file on a shelf
god bless emocracy

Backward Shiites still being expelled from everywhere.
where is Hassan Nasrallah & Naiim Qassem? oh yeh living in a the sewers under Dahieh whist Hassan places the highest emphasis on sending more Shiites to their death in foreign lands because the Ayatollah said so.
But the backward Shiites will die for them.

Good one, very witty flamethrower, especially how you compare Hassan Nasrallah and the Ayatollah to Jesus. I guess for you lot nothing is sacred unless it's blessed by the Iranian supreme leader.

Sure southern of course I am, a wahabi, takfiri, zionist, imperialist.. hey just pick a buzz word from the drop down menu you imbeciles use them so much they've lost their meaning. Still like the well trained ape that you are you cut and past the same tired idiotic attacks whenever you have nothing useful to say, which is 90% of the time. Now go smash your head against a wall, call it Ashura practice.

flamethrower, I wasn't the one who shoved Jesus and the Christian martyrs into this you idiot, you did. If you cannot understand what you are posting tell whoever is giving that crap to explain it to you before you do. By the way the more accurate comparison would be comparing Muslim Jihadis to Muslim Jihadis, they give the same arguments for what they are dying for. Also, I think the yawning is a sign of lack of sleep. You need to get some sleep man.

Yep southern and harming walls is somehow sectarian, good boy! FYI my initial comment was a paraphrasing of something your buddy the_roar wrote yesterday. But his target was not the hallowed saintly followers of the Ayatollah but a different group so that was OK.

flamethrower, Christian Martyrs died for Jesus, some Shiaa lose their jobs because they support Hezbollah and Iran, same thing I guess. If you insist into digging yourself deeper and deeper into that hole get a tractor it's go faster.

according to flamethrower hezbollah and shiism is one and the same...lol.

the price to pay when you support terrorist hezbollah... i know chiites that are not supporting hezbollah in dubai... never were they threatened to pack....
it says it all....

why don't they deport chiites that are not propagating hezbi lies if it was just a matter of sectarianism?
that says it all.....

the thing is Bigjohn: when you go and work in a foreign country just have a low profile and abide by the host country's laws.... which i guess hezbi lovers forget....

well i guess it is not just limited to the Gulf countries but also to the countries M8 support... LOL
as long as there is a dictature, one cannot voice his opinion... but M8ers only focus on the Gulf countries and are blind to Iran or syria which do the very same thing but nevertheless criticize the gulf countries and praise other dictators! go figure their logic! ... LOL !

they did not kill them like hizbollah does. They are still alive and can make a good living in iran.

Like any other country UAE has the right to extend or shorten the work permits to any of their foreign workers it's not about fairness as working there is not a right, tough if you don't like it go work elsewhere.

Let us suppose it is true, how about Iran? Are you satisfied with how the Iranian wealth is being accumulated by the Kahmeini and his loyalists? How about Syria's assad? Were the Syrians wealthy during their 50 year reign? Give me who your idol State/Ruler is so I can address that and compare.

I like how even now HA brings Christians in...using them yet again...UAE did the right thing, nobody is above the law ;).

Anyone who doesnt think this is punishment for not falling in line with the one world government stooges needs his head checked.