قاسم: لبنان لا يمكن أن يكون قويا من دون المقاومة
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رأى نائب الامين العام لحزب الله الشيخ نعيم قاسم أن ثلاثية الجيش والشعب والمقاومة دفعت لبنان ليقف ثابتا أمام التحديات.
وقال في كلمة ألقاها في الليلة الرابعة من عاشوراء في منطقة الأوزاعي أمس الثلاثاء، إن "المقاومة لم تعد مشروعا، بل أصبحت مقوما من مقومات لبنان ومن ثوابت لبنان".
وأضاف أن "لا لبنان بدون المقاومة، لأن لبنان الضعيف كان مسحوقا بلا مقاومة، والآن أصبح ذا شأن وفي موقع محترم من قبل العالم".
واعتبر أن "المقاومة تكاملت في علاقة فريدة ومميزة مع الجيش اللبناني، فالعلاقة بين المقاومة والجيش والشعب في لبنان ليس له مثيل في العالم".
كما أضاف أنه "مع كل التطورات التي ترونها في لبنان والمنطقة نحن في أعلى درجة إطمئنان ولسنا خائفين لا على المستقبل القريب ولا البعيد".
ورأى ان "التآمر على لبنان لم يتوقف ولن يتوقف، والاستقرار الذي ترونه في لبنان هو ببركة ثلاثي القوة الذهبية: الجيش والشعب والمقاومة".
وقال "أميركا تريد الفوضى في لبنان ونحن نريد الإستقرار، أميركا تعمل ليل نهار من أجل أن تفتن بين مقومات الشعب اللبناني، ونحن نمد أيدينا إلى الآخرين ونقول لهم سنبقى معا ونتعاون لما فيه مصلحة لبنان".
ودعا إلى النظر "إلى العالم العربي اليوم، حيث يوجد فوضى وتعقيدات وأخطار ستجدون أميركا حاضرة".

No Sir Qassem,
Lebanon CAN'T live without the shiaa, but it CAN live very well without the resistance, actually it can live better without it!
Just stop brainwashing people and admit that you are losing!

hizbushaitan problem is they cannot realize how vulnerable the country is due to their presence in this manner :)
this proves one thing only: they are so happy they control the country with their weapons that they lost sight of anything else, like the cost these weapons will be on lebanon in the near future.
when weapons need to be defended, they lose their value, especially that weapons are normally there to defend us.

The resistance of lies and hell, helping the Zionist dream to become true and helping them to use it for their continues violation by air, sea and Land.
This resistance is a big lie and cover helping the enemy of Lebanon to violate the Lebanese unity. The only resistance is the united Lebanese and their united army, Hezboshaitan is a gang, just like the Drug Cartel of America

I am glad we can now put to rest the naive and absurd claims of some that the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon will hand over it's weapons to the state once the remaining Lebanese occupied territories are liberated.

I beg to differ
Lebanon can do without resistance by strenghening it's National Army.
The same rockets that Hizb uses for retaliation can be handed to the Army and they can retaliate against Israel if Lebanon is attacked.
A national cross sect resistance would be a stability. But an armed party belonging to one sect is a cause of internal civil war. Soon other sects will seek arms to defend themselves against the Hizb who has been threatening and jeopardizing democracy to promote his agenda

Is he kidding us or kidding himself? The resistence is the cause of all problems in Lebanon and without it lebanon would have been a stable and properous counttry. On the other hand, what's the role of this clergy in resistence and killing. I guess God that he says he represent will pit him in the last corner of hell to suffer from his transgressions. What this man should do is refrain from being a nuthead and act like a clergyman who should coach people towards peace and love not to killing and resistence.
We have become fed up from these people who want to impose their will on all of us even though we categorically disagree with them. They want us to believe that resistence is an integral part of Lebanon. No sir and a million no. Resistence can't stay for centuries until huzbullah maybe liberates the USA from the infidels. I bet you that if tommorrow Israel disappears, huzbullah will still find a cause to remain as a resistence. Maybe, until he conquers the devil.

Mr Qassem. ALL off Lebanon with all it's sects will coexist fine without your criminal organization. You are doing nothing for Lebanon except dividing it even more.

Again with these autocrats equating the country to themselves.
"Lebanon cannot exist without the resistance" translated means: "Hezbollah cannot exist without the resistance".
As such, it may well be a true statement. What is Hezbollah without its arms. It has never developed into a ruling party or even a political party that can win heats and minds through its ideas. It wins supporters by serving as a medium for transfer of oil money from its Iranian patrons, and by pointing its weapons at the others and daring them to object.
This is not a political party with staying power, but a mafia operation that will melt like the snow on Sannine in the spring time when its patron cuts it off from funds and when its supply of weapons dries up.

Your weapons weaken our country, threatens co-existence, and unbalence the sects equilibrium!
PS: Aren't your weapons getting rusty? They have been sleeping in caves for over 5 years now...Resistance my a..!!

user, actually lebanon can survive just well without the shia, something it did before they came here from iran, kurdistan, east saudi arabia, syria and bahrain.

looking forward to not seeing armed people with turban in Lebanon. Holy people do holy things and for the rest, go somewhere where it is cool to wear a turban and call for jihad !

Blah, blah, blah......the irrelevant towel head is speaking the same tired line again. He isn't waving his finger though.

The compliance of Lebanon with the Arab sanctions is yet another defeat for M8, even if it is just verbal, what happened today from temweel to this is no small matter. This is the "law kuntu a3lam" mode.. soon there will be "law kuntu a3lam" that the nizam in syria will fall i would not have said what i said about the Syrian people. hahahah

Blah blah....u just funded the STL....u my friend are irrelevant

I think that now it is called resistance because it is trying to resist IN Lebanon, and not FOR Lebanon.
Get the difference Sir Qassem??