معلومات متضاربة عن مقتل أربعة من المخطوفين اللبنانيين في سوريا خلال قصف كثيف على أعزاز
Read this story in Englishقتل أربعة من المخطوفين اللبنانيين الـ 11 في سوريا وأصيب آخرين خلال عملية قصف كثيف طال منطقة أعزاز السورية، في حين تضاربت المعلومات حول مقتلهم جميعا أو نجاتهم من القصف.
وأكد محمد نور رئيس المكتب الاعلامي لابو ابراهيم للـ LBCI عن "مقتل 4 من المخطوفين اللبنانيين في سوريا في منطقة اعزاز، وعن جرح الباقين في قصف بطائرات الميغ على المنطقة التي يتواجدون فيها "، مؤكدا أن "الجرحى تم نقلهم الى المستشفيات من الجانب التركي" .
إلا أن نور عاد أعلن عبر قناتي "الجديد" والـ LBCI، عن نجاة سبعة من المخطوفين وأن أربعة منهم في عداد المفقودين".
وفيما أشارت عائلة آل مقداد للـ LBCI الى مقتل اللبنانيين الـ11 جميعا في سوريا مع الخاطف أبو ابراهيم، نقلت قناة "المنار" عن مصادر تركية أن "المخطوفين اللبنانيين جميعهم بخير وبعضهم أصبح بتركيا".
وكانت نقلت "الجديد" معلومات عن مقتل 15 شخصا من المجموعة الخاطفة وإصابة أبو ابراهيم والقائد الميداني في حلب أحمد الغزالة بالقصف.
ولقد بحث رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي مع الرئيس التركي عبد الله غول في قضية المخطوفين اللبنانيين في سوريا والمسعى التركي لاطلاقهم، وذلك خلال تواجده في السعودية لتمثيل لبنان في قمة التضامن الاسلامي الاستثنائية.
وإذ أعرب ميقاتي عن أسفه لخطف مواطن تركي في لبنان، طالب السلطات التركية في الوقت ذاته بالمساعدة في كشف مصير المخطوفين اللبنانيين ، مستنكرا "أعمال الخطف التي حصلت في بيروت اليوم".
ودعا "المواطنين اللبنانيين التحلي بالهدوء والوعي في هذه الظروف الحرجة التي يشهدها لبنان"
وقال: "لا تشكل الحل المناسب لمعالجة خطف مواطن لبناني في سوريا، بل تعيدنا الى حقبات الحرب الاليمة التي عزم اللبنانيون على طي صفحتها".
وكان ميقاتي تابع الوضع الأمني عبر سلسلة من الاتصالات مع رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان . كما اتصل بوزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل وقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي وقادة الاجهزة الأمنية .
من جهته، أكد الرئيس التركي خلال اللقاء الذي شارك فيه وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور ووزير الخارجية التركي أحمد داوود أوغلو، " أن بلاده تقوم بكل ما يمكن من أجل كشف مصير اللبنانيين المخطوفين، وأنها ليست مسؤولة عن عملية إختطافهم"، مشيرا الى أن بلاده "تتقصى المعلومات عن تعرض المخطوفين للقصف، ولكنها لا تملك معلومات بعد عن الموضوع وستزود الجانب اللبناني بها فور ورودها" .
وإثر النبأ أقدم أهالي المخطوفين بقطع طريق المطار، مهدديت بتعطيل حركة الملاحة الجوية بشكل كامل.
وحملوا المسؤولية للدولة اللبنانية، معربين عن رفضهم لأي "وجود لسفراء تركيا وقطر والسعودية وسوريا في لبنان لان اي منهم لم يتحرك لقضيتهم"، داعيين "الجميع الى عدم التوجه الى طريق المطار لان التحرك الاول سيكون تجاهها".
وأفاد مراسل وكالة "فرانس برس" من حي السلم، أن بعض الشبان قاموا بضرب خمسة عمال سوريين في ساحة الحي وهددوهم اذا عادوا لاعمالهم في الحي، بينما حصل الامر نفسه مع عامل سوري آخر يسكن الحي.
و أفادت "الجديد" عن أن أهالي المخطوفين قاموا بخطف فان مليء بالعمال السوريين قرب طريق المطار.
وفي 22 أيار خطف 11 حاجا لبنانيا في سوريا أثناء عودتهم من زيارة دينية إلى إيران. ويتواجدون اليوم في أعزاز بحلب في حراسة الخاطف "أبو ابراهيم" الذي يقول أنهم ضيوف وأنه سيفرج عنهم حين تعترف الحكومة اللبنانية بالثورة السورية.

If this is confirmed, then this is just another example of the regime's indiscriminate firing in residential areas, which amounts to war crimes. Unacceptable.

gcb1 granted, but let us remember that it was NOT the regime that kidnapped these people.

Murdered by terrorists, not by the Syrian army bombardment, this is just a perfect excuse by the terrorists.

May they rest in peace !!! Shame on those who captured them and shame on those who killed them !!!

l balad 3am yedahwar ya jame3a, wel matloub l tahdi2a!
bala kalem 3onsori w ta2ifi ma2ilo 3eze, hodoli lebneniyi bari2in lezim kelna net2assaf la mawtoun!
nkhatafo wel dawli l lebneniyi ma t7arakit, hayda te2ssir kbir w 3eb men 2ibal l "Dawli" lebneniyi!

The families of the 11 pilgrims called on everyone not to head to the airport road

Sad news, may they Rest in peace.
and blame the one who refused to apologize.

I think we should stop calling them pilgrims... Nobody goes on a pilgrimage in the middle of a civil war!

The Lebanese govt has failed these people. They've abandoned them, and even if they claim that behind the scenes they've worked hard to save them, they should've been more transparent and done more publicly.
The Lebanese government failed Lebanese citizens. That unfortunately is not a surprise.

The lebanese gouvernment has failed all those Lebanese in syrian jails for years. That yes.

By definition the state is responsible for the safety of Lebanese citizens. Regardless of these citizens' political views, they were abducted and thus any Lebanese institution, be it the state or Hezb, should have done more to save them.

While your part about thieves could be applied to politicians on both M8 and M14, I do believe you're correct in that Syrian political influence on some politicians in government led to half-hearted efforts to curb Syrian actions in the North.
Of course the regime's influence on some of our politicians could also explain why the government did not do enough to save our citizens. Here's why:
If the government gave its full efforts to save them, it probably would have forced them to intervene more in the Syrian crisis, which is not in the best interest of the Syrian regime.

You are expecting too much of the gouvernment. Today there are 2 states in Lebanon. The state represented by sleiman and mikati who represents the nonchiite lebanese, and HA represented by sayyed hassan who represent the chiites. Most chiites like their hezb more than Lebanon. They only expect handouts from the lebanese gouvernment while paying no taxes and doing nothing. While they have all their loyalty to the hezb

Having said that, please tell your friends M8 supporters to open their eyes and start blaming the Lebanese government (Aoun, Berri, Jumblat, & HA) and not Saad Hariri...The Lebanese government failed these innocent people not me not you not Saado...What did Hassan Nassrallah or Nabih Berri do about those pilgrims!!! Absolutely nothing...so go clean your own kitchen first!!! Hypocrites

The syrian government knew where the pilgrims were held all along. This premeditated air strike was aimed to kill them so the story would overtake the Samaha affair.

ana ma3ak that the lebanese government failed to liberate those Lebanese in Syrian jails. bass kamen hodoli nafess l shi!
Lok kelna lebneniyi walla l3azim kelna lebneniyi!
l ne2ta yali 3am bi2oula gcb1 w ana bwef2o 100% hiyi tari2et l ta3emol ben ba3ed. shouf kaza shakhess men M14 2aw M8 fans kiff 3alatoul met7azbin lal 3adem, w met3asbin lal 3ama. Ya khayi kel wa7ad 7er yentemi lal maw2af 2aw lal 7ezeb yali bye7lelo bass bala ma n2awiss 3a ba3ed, w bala man2oul enno hodi masalan shi3a byentemo la HA byestehalo la2an met7elfin ma3 beit l Assad. ykoun 3ena mabda2 w intime2 watani bi ghad l nazer 3an l ta2ifi!
Ma hodoli fe2ra m3atarin, jame3a moselimin keno 3am bisalo ( hek ana fhemet), w 3ala "dawli l lebneniyi" te7miyoun! w metel ma 2elet " Alla yer7amoun"!

@ Lebanon_first
ya khayi ana ma3ak fi kaza dawli bel balad, w dawlit HA l dawli l 2a2wa. bass shou mna3mil?
2awalan moch kel l shi3a ma3 HA , la bal fi moch shi3a ma3 HA, fa2izan lezim nbatil HA=Shi3a. If you want to critisiza HA, just say HA.
tnen, inta bi balad majbour te2bal ghayrak w teshteghil 3ala damjo bel balad, ta 7atta nebni l mowatani. Masalan 3layna minimum 2enno net3ataf ma3 hodoli l pilgrims...
Ma fina nekhlo2 3adewe ben ba3ed ka lebneniyi wa 2ella ma mnebni balad!

When you say "Most chiites like their hezb more than Lebanon. They only expect handouts from the lebanese gouvernment while paying no taxes and doing nothing. While they have all their loyalty to the hezb", this is the case with most Lebanese people. Most Sunnis pay their loyalty to Hariri, why? Because he is Sunni. Most christians will support a christian, either aoun or geagea or gemayel. Most Druze will support Jumblatt.
You attack the shias for something that all Lebanese people suffer of: The lebanese people put their sectarian background before their country, and this goes for political followers on all sides.

True Christians, druze and sunnites like their respective leaders. But most pay their taxes. Most beleive in the lebanese entity. Today even sunnites believe in the lebanese state. Hariri sent them to college. they like him. But he doesnt ask them to carry weapons. Only the chiites do not trust the lebanese state. Maybe for good reason because for years they were ma7roumin. But still chiites consider the lebanese state as "them". and all others consider it as "us"

One, please let us not generalize. Hezb followers have a different view from the state because they come from a region where, historically, they were neglected by the state.
To compare the status of Sunnis and Shiites is like comparing apples and oranges. First, the circumstances of Southern Lebanese residents having weapons is largely due to their suffering under Israeli occupation, which no one could deny. While Sunnis today and before have suffered under the hands of the Syrians, I doubt it is to the extent that Israel was in the south.
Hezb also has financial assistance to its supporters for education, this is not limited to Hariri. And Hariri, according to Wikileaks, does have or has access to militias/weapons.

Most importantly right now, Lebanon is caught between murderous and oppressive regimes, be it Syria, Israel, Iran, or Saudi Arabia. Our politicians abide by at least one of those regimes, and this creates division across the country and invites sectarian conflicts. This further destabilizes Lebanon and hurts economic growth, which then makes all Lebanese people worse off.

The Syria government did this on purpose to get the Samaha affair out of the news.
Same tactic they used every time Aoun had a TV interview from France when the so called "Resistance" used to mount an operation in South Lebanon so the Israeli response would be the first item on the news.

gcb1 you are right absolutely but you have to add to that dynamic and your analysis that the ignorance, hatred and stupidity of Lebanese who cannot see that the intrigue in Syria only aids Israel, will only lead to even more suffering in Lebanon and Syria and in due course more hatred ,stupidity and finger pointing that will only aid Israel and hurt Lebanon. It's a never ending cycle. I pity you if you really care.

May God have mercy on them.
it is amazing why a syrian jet would bomb houses in a region where there is no fighting with a mig 29.
this airstrike is a complete murderous act.