فرنسا ستطرد كل من يهدد النظام العام باسم الاسلام
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اعلن وزير الداخلية الفرنسي مانويل فالس الخميس في ستراسبورغ انه لن يتردد في "طرد الذين يعلنون انتماءهم الى الاسلام ويشكلون تهديدا خطرا للنظام العام" بعدم احترامهم "قوانين" الجمهورية و"قيمها".
غير ان فالس اضاف لدى تدشين جامع ستراسبورغ الكبير، اكبر مسجد في فرنسا، انه "لكي يكون المرء فرنسيا ويعيش في فرنسا ليس عليه ان يتخلى عن ممارسة عقيدته او ان يتنكر لاصوله".

Same goes for Jewish extremists in France? How about dual french/israeli citizens who serve their military service in occupied Palestine and harass, terrorize and murder Palestinian civilians on daily basis? They are welcome to come back to France and live normal life like if nothing wrong have been committed? France should bring those to justice if they wish to treat all under the same law.

Yes keep blaming Israel and the Jews for Islamic radicalism, for if Israel ceases to exist today, then automatically Saudi Arabia and Iran will become freedom loving democracies, and Pakistan will become the new land of tolerance and love for non-Muslims (especially Christians, Hindus, and even Muslim Shiaa), and Al Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas will directly disarm, renounce violence and become followers of Mother Theresa's teachings...
The "victim game" that many keep playing with the regular "poor Palestinians" will work no more In Europe and elsewhere, and remember that this is the Leftist French government that came to power with the votes of French Muslims, and not a right wing one that will be branded as "Fascist" if it took such a NOBLE decision.
Islamic radicalism will definitely be the title for humanity's struggle in the next 50 years, and God bless people from all faiths who are facing that monster.

Great news, hopefully all muslims will expelled from scandinavia also

Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde.....which one are you today schizo Farsi Motormouth? I see your enjoying yourself/BSThrower. Get over it with Israel. Your like a broken record with the same sewage flowing time after time. I've said it many times Israel is evil but at this stage foaming at the mouth everytime HA clergymen preach Israel to your empty skull does nothing but make you look like those typical regressed stone-aged extremists (for all we know you are indeed one of those). Mishmakoul....enough!

Bravo France indeed! Can't beleive i'm reading similar words from schizo BSThrower! Quite contradictory for someone who worships/kneels to an organization that belongs to this extremist Islamic group that will be expelled!

It's ironic that Saudi Arabia supports every single mosque being built in western countries, yet won't let you in their country if you have so much as a little cross or Bible on you. Europe (and the rest of the West) should halt all Islam-related projects until Islamic nations like KSA and other GCC countries, Iran, Pakistan, etc... learn to get over themselves and respect other people's religions.