Killer of Soldiers in Akkar Shoots Himself Dead, Accomplice Arrested

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The killer of two Lebanese soldiers in an area in the northern district of Akkar committed suicide overnight and another accomplice was caught, the army and the state-run National News Agency said Wednesday.

The army said in a communique that Ali Hussein Taleb was found dead after he committed suicide but the military was able to arrest Bara' al-Kik after carrying out several raids in the town of Fnaideq.

Taleb is a 30-year-old soldier who deserted from the army three years ago and has long been sought by the security forces.

NNA said he shot himself when his uncle and two mayors from Fnaideq approached him to convince him to hand himself over to the authorities.

The army said in a communique on Tuesday night that a military vehicle was ambushed by armed men riding a car in the area of al-Qamouaa.

An officer and non commissioned officer were killed while another was injured in the shooting, the communique said.

The head of the Federation of Municipalities of al-Qaiteh, Abdullah Zakaria, told Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) that Taleb shot himself dead after he was chased by the armed forces until 1:30 am Wednesday.

The attack on the army patrol in al-Qamouaa took place around 9:30 pm.

Zakaria said that the attacker was drunk when he opened fire on the soldiers.

An inquiry was launched to determine the motive for the armed assault.



Comments 19
Missing forces 09 April 2014, 08:40

Drunk = cover up. Either way one less. Good riddance.

Thumb cedre 09 April 2014, 15:51

yeah exactly, didn't ft tell us yesterday they were akkaris meaning salafis or at least sunnis ? I'd interested to know the real motive behind this...

Thumb cedre 09 April 2014, 16:14

jnoubi, not all deserters become murderers.
Why did he desert will lots of my cousins dream of a career in the LAF ? Then why did he kill soldiers instead of just getting arrested ?
How long do deserter normally get in jail ?

Thumb geha 09 April 2014, 20:19

just for clarification as ft and mowaten were too quick to accuse yesterday: these murderers who attacked the army are once more shia.

Default-user-icon sempre (Guest) 09 April 2014, 09:09

What every terrorist should do. May God grant him His punishment and give him mercy.

Thumb -phoenix1 09 April 2014, 13:18

Sempre, punishment yes and by all means. Mercy? Huh, may he roast in hell.

Thumb ex-fpm 09 April 2014, 10:27

Ali Hussein

Thumb popeye 09 April 2014, 10:32

go ahead, who's stopping you keyboard Samurai.

Thumb EagleDawn 09 April 2014, 11:04

lol fllamthrower, yes you have all this and more.

Thumb FlameCatcher 09 April 2014, 12:06

@Southern !

I totally agree with you !

First things first, we need to abolish the sectarian army of Hezbollah which is the main factor of division (sectarian) in the country !

Thumb zahle1 09 April 2014, 13:48

No doubt HA is the most sectarian group.

Missing samy.. 09 April 2014, 15:31

southern the model iranian citizen. I do not mind you being a sectarian to the bone, but please brother, stop convincing us, day in day out, that you support the abolishment of sectarian divisions. You need a miracle to do that.

Missing samy.. 09 April 2014, 15:42

so he claims

Thumb cedre 09 April 2014, 16:20

+1000 jnoubi, sunnis and christians are partely responsible for shias running into HA & Iran's arms. Oqab Saqr also explained it as a sociological fact. Ali Al Amin is a great and honest man by the way...

Default-user-icon marko (Guest) 09 April 2014, 11:03


Just an FYI, you don't have to "Signed Wolf..." every single time.
It clearly states your name at the beginning of each one of your posts.

Or is that on purpose for a dramatic effect?!

Signed Marko

Missing coolmec 09 April 2014, 12:58

where is wolf's comment?? lol

Default-user-icon marko (Guest) 09 April 2014, 13:59


Missing coolmec 10 April 2014, 00:34

The amazing thing on this site is that most of you guys change screen names like you change underwear. yet every one seems to know who that person is under his new screen name

Thumb liberty 10 April 2014, 02:22

this is roar (wolf) he thinks he is funny.