Operator of Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade Twitter Account in ISF Captivity

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The Internal Security Forces announced on Thursday evening the arrest of the operator of the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade's Twitter account, revealing that he a 19 years old man who hails from the Bekaa's Baalbek region.

"The Intelligence Bureau arrested on Thursday the operator of the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade's Twitter account,” the ISF said in a tweet on the same social media website.

He is Lebanese national H.Sh.H., 19, and has confessed to managing the shadowy group's account, the ISF added.

The mysterious Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade had in the past claimed that it is an affiliate of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, but the ISIL later denied that.

The Brigade has claimed responsibility for several rocket and bomb attacks inside Lebanon, the last of which were the suicide blasts in Dahr al-Baydar and Raouche's Duroy Hotel.

But what raised suspicions over the seriousness of the vague group's influence was a war of words it engaged in on March 16 with al-Nusra Front in Lebanon, believed to be a local franchise of the Syria-based, Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front.

The dispute erupted after both groups claimed responsibility on Twitter for a deadly suicide bombing that rocked the Bekaa town of al-Nabi Othman.

On July 24, the account was unreachable on Twitter, despite having many followers. Another account was founded to replace it but could not enjoy the same popularity.

The obscure group has threatened to target Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq, army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji and Maj. Suzan al-Hajj, chief of the Internal Security Forces' Cyber Crime and Intellectual Property Protection bureau.

It has repeatedly slammed the military institution as the “Crusader Army” and it vowed to task gunmen to attack churches in Lebanon and in the eastern Bekaa valley in particular.

Consequently, another Twitter account emerged as a response to the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade under the name of “Free Crusader Brigade.”


Comments 15
Missing people-power 15 August 2014, 00:48

Whenever it's a Shia, they never publicize his name, only initials.

But I understand his name is Hassan Shitforbrains Hassan

Thumb Kalzyturks 15 August 2014, 13:10

No what his trying to say ignoring the sectarian side to this is...

When an event like this happens in Bekaa's Baalbek region they rarely reveal the full names except letters of names.

But in other parts of Lebanon they give full names

Thumb ex-fpm 15 August 2014, 16:13

بعد فضح مشغل حساب ما يسمّى بـ”لواء أحرار السنة – بعلبك” على تويتر وتوقيفه من قبل شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي، الذي تبيّن أنه يدعى حسين شامان الحسين (مواليد 1995) وهو لبناني من سكان “حيّ الشراونة”، في حين أشارت بعض المصادر انه ينتمي تنظيميّاً لـ”حزب الله”، وهنا يسأل متابعون “حزب الله” ومن خلاله رئيس تكتل “التغيير والإصلاح” النائب ميشال عون عن الهدف وراء ترهيب المسيحيين في لبنان من خلال هذا الحساب؟

Default-user-icon Fearbug Wartgoo Badsquawk (Guest) 15 August 2014, 07:36

and you think hizbollah allowed him to sit in baalbick and operate the account...hahaha

Thumb Kalzyturks 15 August 2014, 09:06

No Flame thrower, no mowaten, no mystic, no patriot, no Hizbollah Hasbara operators here today interesting......

Default-user-icon CFTC (Guest) 15 August 2014, 09:40

kakalzyturks...good point. you know why ? coz naharnet deleted our comments :-)

Thumb ex-fpm 15 August 2014, 14:42

CFTC, are you one of them?

Default-user-icon CFTC (Guest) 15 August 2014, 15:06

ex-fpm, i'm like Robin Hood...i take what i have to take from rich people (in other words what they stole) and give it back to whom deserve it (-:
By the way ex-fpm: are you rich ?

Thumb Kalzyturks 15 August 2014, 09:45

It's interesting when they caught red handed they disappear.

But it's ok guys, you can come here & lie cause taqqiya is a righteous act.

Flame thrower, mowaten mystic lebpatriot & HA CO....

Default-user-icon CFTC (Guest) 15 August 2014, 09:55

kakalzyturks (nanaharnet)...very very good point, please refer to my two previous posts that were not displayed :-)

Thumb Kalzyturks 15 August 2014, 13:13

Read southern or a you an imposter?

"But what raised suspicions over the seriousness of the vague group's influence was a war of words it engaged in on March 16 with al-Nusra Front in Lebanon, believed to be a local franchise of the Syria-based, Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front.

The dispute erupted after both groups claimed responsibility on Twitter for a deadly suicide bombing that rocked the Bekaa town of al-Nabi Othman.

Thumb Kalzyturks 15 August 2014, 13:17

Southern or are you an imposter.

Please take it easy breath slowly & easy 1....2...3 there you go that's it relax....

I request one thing imposter or are you southern? Please rewrite your statement & make some sense.

Thumb Kalzyturks 15 August 2014, 14:33

Yes it seems your THIRD language is English.

Farsi Arabic English


Arabic Farsi English

with a hint of Hebrew

Thumb Kalzyturks 15 August 2014, 14:32

Yes it seems your THIRD language is English.

Default-user-icon Bill (Guest) 15 August 2014, 17:56

Wondering what is HA motive in doing that? Hummmmm