Berri Says Hizbullah-Mustaqbal Dialogue Possibly Next Week
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Speaker Nabih Berri has said that a meeting held on Thursday between his aide and al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri's adviser could be the last before the much anticipated dialogue between Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal.
Local dailies published on Friday quoted Berri as telling his visitors that the talks between his aide Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil and Nader Hariri to agree on the agenda of the dialogue could be the last one.
The dialogue's first session could be held next week if a final agreement was reached on the agenda, said Berri.
The speaker reiterated that the talks will focus on all issues that the two parties could reach agreement on and avoid controversial topics, such as Hizbullah's arsenal and its involvement in Syria's civil war.
Asked whether the presidential deadlock would be on the agenda of the talks, Berri replied: “Yes it will, like the rest of other major issues such as the new electoral law.”
Lebanon has been without a president for the past six months because the rival March 8 and March 14 alliances have been unable to agree on a compromise candidate.
President Michel Suleiman's six-year term ended on May 25.
On the meetings held by a parliamentary committee to agree on the electoral draft-law, the speaker said the MPs have specified the controversial clauses in the hybrid draft-law, which combines the winner-takes-all and proportional representation systems.
The committee wraps up its work by the end of December. If lawmakers failed to agree on the law by that time, then Berri would call for parliamentary sessions to deliberate on all electoral law proposals.

Asked whether the presidential deadlock would be on the agenda of the talks, Berri replied: “Yes it will, like the rest of other major issues such as the new electoral law.”
But no, Aoun said the talks are only to ease the Sunni-Shi3a tensions...

The caporal is a loser...a mentally ill person...who will explode when not elected....long live imbassil the heir emperor of Napoleaoun.

It's rather Geagea your hero, that explodes when Resistance entered Syria, to destroy his little plot.

Poor fake "7akim" still dreaming about government change in Syria, and total M14 takeover. Dream on kids

Ah yes geages is the mastermind behind the troubles is syria. With Mystic you see the benefits if the Dahieh educational system, where every classroom comes complete with a mock up of the flat earth instead of a globe.

What do you mean? Have you lost your last neuron through Ebola virus?
Mr. Berri, your anticipated dialog will be deemed as usual, the dialog of the dumb and deaf. You can speak on behalf of Hezbollah, Saad hariri can talk on behalf of his Mustaqbal party, but both of you cannot talk on behalf of all the Lebanese. Your dialog is a stillborn, like the ones that preceded it. Mr. Hariri should beware, twice smitten means that third mean the wiser up.
Mystic, I know that you are a lot smarter than this, but to simplify life for you, I am talking of the Lebanese that do not agree with the policies of Hezbollah and who are also not so confident of Saad Hariri's leadership. It might just concern you to know that these Lebanese are today in the majority, just go around and ask, but beware of Beirut traffic congestions that's all. :)

As confident with Hairi, as anyone else in the M14. Doesn't matter who they bring along, always the same gets said. "Hezbollah arms, Hezbollah Syria out, Hezbollah this hezbollah that.
I got it phoenix, you do not need to be Einstein, to understand M14's intentions.