Ministers Remain Mum over Extension of Security Officials Term as Deadline Closes
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Ministers refused on Tuesday to comment on the possible extension of the terms of high-ranking security officials, citing the delicate situation that the country is passing through.
Defense Minister Samir Moqbel refused to comment to As Safir newspaper on the thorny matter, saying: “I will not enter in any political rhetoric amid the current circumstances, which everyone realizes their sensitivity.”
Asked about Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun's stance from the extension, Moqbel said that the FPM chief's opinion is highly taken into consideration.
Moqbel and the FPM were recently at loggerheads after Aoun decided to withdraw confidence from him over the extension of the term of the head of the Higher Defense Council, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Khair.
For his part, Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq said that “discussing the delicate security matter via media would put the military and security institutions at risk.”
“An accurate decision will be taken in accordance with the constitution,” he added.
The tenure of Army chief General Jean Qahwaji is set to end in September. His term was extended for two years in September 2013.
The military positions in Lebanon are suffering as a result of the months-long presidential vacuum in light of the parliament's failure to elect a successor for Michel Suleiman. The vacuum also threatens the position of Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Basbous who is set to retire in June.
Meanwhile, An Nahar newspaper reported that Prime Minister Tammam Salam discussed on Monday with Moqbel the tenure of Army Intelligence chief Brig. Gen. Edmond Fadel, which ends on March 20.
The newspaper said that the term of Fadel and other security officials will likely be extended.