Baroud Says Only Political, Judicial Solution Would Give him Back his Rights
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Ziad Baroud has said that the settlement for the army to take over the second floor of a building affiliated with the telecommunications ministry did not mean that the crisis was solved.
Baroud, who relieved himself of his duties as caretaker interior minister last week, said that he doesn’t consider himself involved with the settlement because a solution to Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi’s rejection to abide his orders was not found yet.
Rifi rejected to pull members of ISF’s Intelligence Bureau from the building on Thursday after Caretaker Telecommunications Minister Charbel Nahhas sought to dismantle equipment of a third GSM network at the facility’s second floor in Beirut’s Adliyeh area.
Baroud told his visitors that the army’s presence in the building does not give way for a political and judicial solution. “It doesn’t also give me my right because the withdrawal of members of the Intelligence Bureau did not come in response to a minister’s order.”
The visitors told As Safir daily on Monday that Baroud would return to his caretaking tasks if the “big mistake was corrected.”
He lamented that Rifi’s behavior was disrespectful towards President Michel Suleiman given that Baroud is part of his share in the government.

this very bad Mr baroud now kissing 8 march just to appont him again in some kind of minister I see that you are talking to much about riffi without what is going on with nahas and his team the one that target it you and the president . it is your job to support riffi and stop nahas from giving the equipment to hizballah but i guess to be a minister is more important then protecting what is belong to the people . sad to see you going that way

Both Rifi and Nahas should be investigated for disciplinary actions. Nahas actions are more dangerous because they place public institutions at the service of political parties allowing individuals close to this party to benefit financially so they can fund the party in return in an incestuous relationship known as political mafia. Nahas may also give Hizbollah access to sensitive communication surely to be passed to Assad and Iran harming national security. But greatest danger is political mafia, worst type of political corruption, mastered by Aoun and his ministers. Nahas degrades whole cabinet. His vindictiveness will cause many decent Lebanese to leave the country disgusted by M8 confrontations and corruption. M14 has failed to represent the Cedar Revolution. Free Lebanese should declare independence from M14 and start tracking all individuals and businesses illegally benefitting from this political mafia so soon they'll have their day in court as in Egypt. We’ll make sure of it.