
Gemayel to Run for Presidency Based on Local Situation, Calls for Election of 'Strong President'

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel stressed that the upcoming presidential elections should be carried out within the constitutional time-frame, calling for consensus among Christian parties over the name of the presidential candidate.

“The Phalange Party reject by all means any vacuum at presidential post,” Gemayel said during an interview with the Tehran-based Arabic-language Iranian television channel al-Kawthar.

Asked if he is a candidate to the presidential post, the official didn’t rule out the option, saying that it “depends on the stage and the conditions that the country is passing through.”

Gemayel considered that the cabinet of Prime Minister Tammam Salam is demanded to carry out its tasks and follow up the delicate issues and not “achieve miracles.”

“The new government provided all the Lebanese military and security institutions the necessary cover to carry out their tasks and end the security chaos,” he pointed.

Gemayel said that “the shifting security situation in Lebanon was mainly caused by the lack of consensus among the Lebanese.”

President Michel Suleiman's tenure ends in May 2014, but the constitutional period to elect a new head of state begins on March 25, two months prior to the expiration of Suleiman’s mandate.

Gemayel emphasized that the Lebanese need to unite “to confront the terrorist that was nourished because of the protection provided by some politicians and the appropriate medium.”

He stressed the importance of an International and regional cooperation to confront terrorism and diminish it.

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