لبنان يشيّع اللواء وسام الحسن بمشاركة رسمية وشعبية حاشدة..السنيورة: لا حوار قبل رحيل الحكومة

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شيع لبنان الرسمي والشعبي الاحد رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن ومرافقه المؤهل أحمد صهيوني اللذان اغتيلا في تفجير الأشرفية الجمعة بعد دعوة المعارضة الى مشاركة "شعبية حاشدة" في الجنازة التي أقيمت في ساحة الشهداء.

وتدفق الآلاف الى ساحة الشهداء في وسط بيروت للمشاركة في تشييع الحسن الذي يعزى اليه الفضل على رأس جهاز فرع المعلومات في كشف شبكات تجسس لصالح اسرائيل ومجموعات اسلامية "ارهابية" ومخطط تفجيرات في لبنان اخيرا اتهمت السلطات اللبنانية مسؤولين سوريين بالتورط فيه.

وبعد صلاة الغائب بعد الظهر في جامع محمد الأمين على الجثمانين أكد رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة في كلمة أمام المشيعين أن لا جدوى للحوار قبل رحيل الحكومة.

وقال السنيورة "لا حوار على دم الشهداء واللبنانيين ولا حوار قبل رحيل الحكومة".

وكررها قائلا "ليكن واضحا وجليا لا حوار على دم الشهداء واللبنانيين" متابعا "هذه الحكومة هي المسؤولة عن جريمة اغتيال اللواء الشهيد وسام الحسن ورفاقه لذا فلترحل".

وتوجه السنيورة إلى الحسن بالقول " آخر إنجازاتك أن فضحت سماحة والمملوك فقتلوك".

وأعرب عن اعتقادع أن "هناك مساعدة ومؤازرة محلية للقاتلين من مطار بيروت حتى الأشرفية".

وخاطب السنيورة رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي قائلا "لم يعد بإمكانك يا دولة الرئيس ميقاتي أن تستمر في موقعك لتغطي الجريمة فقد قتلوا أحد أهم حماة الدولة (..) لم يعد بإمكانك يا ميقاتي أن تبقى حيث أنت فيعني أنك موافق على ما جرى وسوف يجري".

وتابع "تمت حماية المجرمين بصمتك يا ميقاتي؟ أين أصبح التحقيق باستهداف (النائب بطرس ) حرب؟ أين التحقيق بمحاولة اغتيال (رئيس حزب القوات اللنانية سمير) جعجع؟".

وأشار السنيورة إلى أن "الدم ما زال على الأرض وبعض الوزراء رفضوا إعطاء داتا" الإتصالات للأجهزة الأمنية.

وختم السنيورة خطابه بالقول "السنيورة: أخرج يا دولة الرئيس ميقاتي إلى حيث يريدك اللبنانيون أن تكون وإلا فأنت متهم بتغطية المجرمين. الآن أنت المسؤول الآن أنت المسؤول الآن أنت المسؤول".

وكانت قد اتهمت المعارضة النظام السوري بالوقوف وراء الانفجار الضخم الذي دمر حيا بكامله في الاشرفية، فيما لم يصدر بعد اي تعليق عن السلطات السورية حول هذه الاتهامات.

واسفر التفجير بسيارة مفخخة بما بين "ستين الى سبعين كيلوغراما من ال تي ان تي"، بحسب ما ذكر مدير عام قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء اشرف ريفي، عن سقوط ثلاثة قتلى هم العميد الحسن الذي رقي بعد مقتله الى رتبة لواء، ومرافقه المؤهل احمد صهيوني، وسيدة لبنانية.

كما ادى الى اصابة 126 شخصا بجروح، كما ذكرت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام الرسمية مساء السبت في حصيلة نهائية.

وتقام مراسم "تكريم وتأبين" عسكرية للضابط الكبير في مقر المديرية العامة لقوى الامن الداخلي قبل ان ينقل الجثمان الى وساط العاصمة حيث تتم الصلاة عليه الساعة الثالثة عصراً، ثم يدفن الى جانب رئيس الحكومة السابق رفيق الحريري الذي قتل مع 22 شخصا آخرين في تفجير في بيروت العام 2005.

وكان الحسن مديرا للمراسم مع الحريري قبل مقتل هذا الاخير. ثم عين رئيسا لفرع المعلومات في 2006، وظل محسوبا على نجل الحريري، رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري، ابرز زعماء المعارضة الموجود خارج لبنان منذ حوالى سنتين.

وشكل اغتيال الحسن في انفجار منطقة الاشرفية زلزالا في لبنان حيث دعت المعارضة الى "مشاركة شعبية حاشدة" في تشييعه.

كما طالبت باستقالة رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي وحكومته. ورد ميقاتي بانه ليس متمسكا بمنصبه، معلقا اي قرار حول هذه المسألة على مشاورات مع ابرز القيادات الوطنية في البلاد سيجريها رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان.

ويرأس ميقاتي حكومة مؤلفة من اكثرية تضم حزب الله المدعوم من دمشق وحلفاءه، الى جانب وسطيين ممثلين بفريق ميقاتي ورئيس الجمهورية ورئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط.

واتهم جنبلاط الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد بالوقوف وراء العملية بينما اكد رئيس الجمهورية ورئيس الحكومة السبت ومن دون ان يشيرا الى سوريا بالاسم، وجود رابط بين اغتيال الحسن وكشف فرع المعلومات قبل فترة مخططا للقيام بعمليات تفجير في لبنان اتهم به الوزير اللبناني السابق ميشال سماحة والمسؤول الامني السوري علي مملوك.

التعليقات 45
Thumb geha 09:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

today is the start of Lebanon regaining its independance. mark this day in your calendars as the day we regain our dignity, freedom and country.
good luck for us all as it is going to be a long hard way, but we shall prevail because we right.

Missing fsa1979 09:57 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

God bless the free Lebanese people and may all your martyrs rest in peace. Our battle in Syria against the majoos and the butcher of Kurdaha is one.

Default-user-icon Avenging Angel (ضيف) 09:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Those bastards starting with ali baba nasrallah, Aoun, Franjieh, etc... are not sorry that this national hero is now gone... However their day is coming and we will gloat and celebrate their departures... And I pray that it would be as violent as that of this national hero... General Wissam Al-Hasan...

Default-user-icon Pashko Zivalla (ضيف) 10:01 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

No gathering is complete without cheikh Saad taking his shirt off, dropping his pants and Ammar Houry sucking the lollipop.

Missing bigfish 10:04 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

God bless Major General Wissam al-Hasan.

Thumb phoenician 10:15 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Cant wait for that fat Meerkat nesralla to come out denying he had anything to do with it, murdering traitor.

Missing freeforever 10:24 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Our beloved Wissam rest in peace for I sincerely hope that we are up to the occasion that you were perfectly suited for. Our only hope for continuing forward is to carry our guns and fight our internal enemy to the last drop. We can only then carry the torch, the holy torch that will be lit forever knowing that Hizboshayatan that murdered you by orders from Iran and Syria will be a grain of sand in the deepest ocean that will never resurface. Rest in peace Wissam and may the mercy of God be upon the Lebanon. We will cry for in golden tears our beloved.

Missing ulpianus 11:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

I expect everyone to participate in the demonstration for the victims. All sides, inclusive Aoun and Hezb. supporters!

Missing fsa1979 11:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Flamer, you're a brainwashed idiot.

Missing peace 13:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

how could supporters of the killers be welcomed to the funeral of a man they insulted, how could those supporting a regime involved in this killing be welcome...
how could people supporting a regime ready to plant bombs in christian vilages in the north to accuse sunnis and create war be welcome at the funeral of the man who discoverd the plot?

Missing peace 14:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

yes microbe... your syrian friends did it... like it or not, these are your allies!
your very same allies ready to plant bombs in christian villages to accuse the sunnis...
like it or not the facts are there....

Missing ulpianus 14:53 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

I have to side with flamethrower here. Even if we "suspect" that Aoun for political reason is siding with the syrian regime I do not think that we can hold his supporters accountable. His supporters , support him ,I guess, for other reasons. Anyway, politics aside in this situations. Imagine the courage it takes for aoun supporters to go down in a situation like this.
It´s worth respect.

Missing peace 15:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

oh! poor FT... yes in your opinion allies will kill each other! elhassan discovered a plot involving people from the syrian regime and those fighting this same regime will prevent him from doing his job!
i bet for you at FPM all the M14 people killed were killed by M14!

and you of course are honorable people , just victims.
see how stupid your logic becomes only to save your balls and defend what facts deny... M8 is reaching the bottom but still are digging!
at least you make us laugh

Missing fsa1979 13:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Aoun is an iranian baathist wlayit il fakih stooge and you are his slave. Go read the memoirs of his soliders whom he left in Baabada like a coward. Don't worry about toppling the Syrian regime your number one ally, we are going to hang bashar and send his corpse to you for you to keep under your pillow.

Default-user-icon where is berri? (ضيف) 14:23 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

where is nabi berri? .............

Missing samiam 19:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

trying to cover his operatives in the airport who probably informed the syrians of the arrival of al-hassan into the country,

but seriously, all of the airport employees should have deep background checks conducted on them because it seems that many of them have loyalties elsewhere.

Missing lqu7 14:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Hehe, we see all flags except for Lebanese ones. 3a 2ases "Loubnan awalan"??? LOL

Missing peace 14:36 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

open your tv set and watch, you ll see more lebanese flags than in any hezbi meetings!

Missing peace 14:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

stupid FT.... there are more lebanese flags than in any hezbi meeting, just watch and compare... even here you deny facts you can see with your eyes?
oh! i bet the sh... in it prevents you to see...

Missing peace 15:12 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

yes sure... in denial as usual... so brandishing a hezbi flag is more honorable than the lebanese one...brandishing a lebanese flag by those who oppose you is masquerade, but you for sure it s true patriotism!
you are getting stupider by the minute....

i didn t expect more from you...

Default-user-icon assaad (ضيف) 14:55 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

wissam alhassan n'est pas parti avant d'achever sa mission. On voulait la verite' et il nous l'a montree. il nous reste a savoir comment faire pour arreter ceux qui nous tuent et comment nous comporter avec ceux qui continuent a les soutenir jusqu'a en devenir des vrais complices.

Missing ulpianus 15:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Hayete Paul. ana ma3 hal mozahara. Bas turn on the TV. It is true there is unfortunately lots of black flags. Hopefully it is not what we suspect it is.

We all want it to be a demonstration for all secret agents in Lebanon to be kicked out...be it syrian, iranian israel or american.

Missing ulpianus 16:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Sanyoura wala awta. 3am byehke 3an eskat el hokome w ebno la Wissam Hassan 3am yebke 3ala bayo...

Default-user-icon Zomba Rakk (ضيف) 16:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

The thugs of March 14 (actually, they are nothing but thugs and hoodlums) are on the loose! THE WARRIORS ARE ON THE LOOSE! Surely, they love the institutions! The warriors woke up about 22 years late after collaborating with Syria, yes, Syria, Rafic's Syria!!! 3alehom warriors.

Missing peace 17:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

so i guess this applies to M8 too as they are STILL collaborating with syria, lol...
a bit stupid you are no?

Missing greatpierro 18:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

It is true that Rafic was collaborating with Syria. But do you think he had the choice with the Syrian army and moukhabarat occupying Lebanon. When he tried to stopped collaborating he got killed. So much for the other political and public figures that stood against the Syrians.
It does no good accusing each others because no one can wrong or right. What we need is to breach our differences and work together for a strong Lebanon aside from any regional influences.

Default-user-icon Stormattos (ضيف) 17:07 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

The warriors can amass massive masses! Where were you at the height of the Syrian occupation? Oh, forgot you were busy collaborating with them against ebn baladkon YA WARRIORS AND HEROES. One word sadly describes you, low lives: kharjkon.

Missing greatpierro 18:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

At the height of Syrian occupation? You know how the Syrian dealt with Lebanon and Lebanese. At the height of the occupying syrian army and moukhabarat, those who tried to oppose Syria got killed. Unfortunately, it is still on going.

Why Kharjkon? It's all Lebanon that is a victim of these assassinations, M8 and M14 alike. Can M8 accept that their political opponent are being assassinated?

Missing ulpianus 17:26 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Eno el mazha el kbire hiye el mufti/sheikh sho ken 3am bi2ol.

Ya3ne fa3liyan al eno lezim kel el 3alam yelha2o Saad el hariri. W haida kalem ktir ghalat yetla3 men rejel din.

Thumb shab 03:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

At least they he was not preaching death like the Shiite mullahs do.

Default-user-icon FlameCatcher (ضيف) 17:37 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

And examples of M8 Patriotism :)
- http://www.dailystar.com.lb/dailystar/Pictures/2011/11/22/34438_mainimg.jpg
- http://s3.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20101014&t=2&i=225846711&w=460&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=2010-10-14T184435Z_01_BTRE69D19RA00_RTROPTP_0_LEBANON-IRAN

M14 support the syrian and iranian people ! Not their oppressive regimes !

Missing peace 17:57 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

flamecatcher for FT that is patriotism.... the M8 way!

Missing peace 18:07 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

poor FT always trying to get out of his illogic stances...
you forgot qatar KSA koweit... who also helped in reconstructing lebanon, so it makes you the ungrateful moron always criticizing them...
and one guy standing on the statue you generelize it to the whole M14! what a populist idiot you are...
i guess being allied with a country that killed thousands of lebanese and still is doing it is patriotism!!! you are so Full of BS...being allied with a party deciding the fate of a whole country spitting on the institutions is patriotism...
out of context? what a weak argument to justify the unjustifiable...
stupider by the minute those FPMers....

Missing greatpierro 18:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

FT, I remember M8 demonstration back in 2005 not only there were syrian flags, picture of Assad but also thousands of Syrians demonstrators. M8 is siding with Syria and M14 is siding with who else is helping against the Syrians. Unfortunately Lebanese are stuck in this struggle.

Missing rami 18:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

btw, i just turned my TV on too, Manar is showing how they discovered gold in Sudan, truly Lebanese.

Default-user-icon Node (ضيف) 18:36 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

I don't think there need be any clarification or investigation into the subject as to who killed Gen. Wissam Hasan.

Gen. Wissam Hasan was anti-syrian, anti-hezbollah, was the person under whose authority Michel Samaha was apprehended and his allies' plans to terrorize our once-glorious nation foiled. He was going to be promoted to oversee our intelligence branch. He was also involved in the investigations regarding Hariri's murder ( in which he implicated Syrian influence ). A person of such stature, mentality, and vigor being promoted to oversee the entirety of our intelligence agency would greatly threaten outside influence. He was also planning to eventually interrogate Hezbollah lap-dog, Minister of Telecommunications.

There's really no point in arguing, seeing as how the perpetrators knew ahead of almost everybody exactly when he was arriving in Lebanon and where he was staying that unfaithful day and at what time.

It's highly dubious that this preset was coincidental.

Thumb tfeh 19:39 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

كان بطل في التعامل مع كل المخابرات الأجنبية ضد أبناء بلده إنهم لا يتركون عملاءهم أحياء أفهمو يا عملاء إسرائيل

Thumb tfeh 19:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

الربيع العربي والشتاء السوري - وثائقي تركي


Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 22:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

and the big loser today was...saado.
the biggest joke when saado said that he will send his security from beit el wassat to defend the sarail!!!!!!!!!!is it the same security of may 7???????

Default-user-icon Love_lebanon_or_leave (ضيف) 23:15 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

@FlameThrower M8 M14 HA and all you are all the same any person who carry a flag in Lebanon other them the Lebanese flag regardless what the reason is... need a bullet in the head ...hope to see Geagea and Hassan Nesrallah funeral very soon

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 02:05 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

hahahahaha.yes heroes resist under occupation in it,the same general kisseye resisted but lasting 35 min before making the Speedy Gonzales to French embassy
Are you calling honourable siding with a regime that slaughtered thousands of lebanese?
obviously you know nothing about honour.

Default-user-icon Clint (ضيف) 02:08 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

How much are they paying you FT ?
jeeeeee 24 hours a day ,u must be getting a lot from hizb el jayyeh.

Thumb joesikemrex 04:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

RIP. We will avenge you.

Default-user-icon whatever (ضيف) 06:05 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

I want flamethrower to explain to us why every singl person who was killed since 2005 is in the same political group? Why were they all anti bashar? Tel us why all the remaining anti bashar are either out of the country or cannot leave their houses? Explain to us why every M8 person except nasrallah the coward can roam in lebanon freely and no one ever hurts them?

Default-user-icon Al Haqiqa (ضيف) 09:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

Lebanon, a truly democratic banana republic, has always known how to dispose of uncomfortable personalities. Even the greatest in a mammoth list of 'martyrs' such as the real brave voice of all true Arabs, Antoun Saadeh was disposed of by the Lebanese 'justice' system in a matter of hours. It is an uncivilized society and ALWAYS will be as long as the millions who reside there are beholden to a few money grabbing cockroaches who do not understand the meaning of public SERVANT. Rather than servants they think of themselves as 'Gods'. It sickens me and I hope all educated and thinking humane human.