مناصرو الاسير يتظاهرون بصيدا ويعتدون على الاعلاميين

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خرج مناصرو امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ احمد الاسير، متجهين محو دوار الكرامة في صيدا، رافضين خطبة الشيخ الجديد بالمسجد محمد ابو زيد الذي لم يات على ذكر الاسير في خطبته.

وتوجه المناصرون بعد خطبة الجمعة، الى دوار الكرامة على دفعتين، حاملين الاعلام الاسلامية ومرددين هتافات مؤيدة للأسير.

وأقدم المتظاهرون على الاعتداء على عدد من فرق الاعلام كـ"المستقبل" و"الجديد" والـMTV والـLBCI والـOTV، ما دفع بالجيش اللبناني الى الطلب من وسائل الاعلام مغادرة صيدا لحين انتهاء تحرك الاسلاميين، حفاظاً على سلامتهم.

اضافة الى أن الجيش طلب أيضاً، من وسائل الاعلام المتواجدة في طرابلس مغادرة المدينة، حرصاً على عدم تعرضهم لاعتداء مماثل لزملائهم في صيدا.

وكان علماء ومشايخ طرابلس قد اتهموا الجيش اللبناني والقضاء بأنهما أصبحا بأمرة ايران، مضيفين أن المؤسسة العسكرية باتت متواطئة مع حزب الله من أجل قتل أهل السنة.

يُذكر أن تسجيلاً صوتياً بث الخميس، نُسب الى الأسير، طلب فيه من مناصريه، التحرك بعد صلاة الجمعة "بالتنسق مع المشايخ ونقف وقفة رمزية نرفع الصوت عاليا نريد محاكمة المجرمين ولتسمى الجمعة "كفى استخفافا بكرامتنا" تحرك سلمي راقي حضاري لنرفع الصوت عاليا".

يُذكر أن مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر، بعد أن تسلم الملف من مخابرات الجيش، ادعى، الخميس، على 27 موقوفا و10 غيابيا من بينهم امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ احمد الاسير والفنان السابق فضل شاكر بمواد تصل للاعدام.

وكان صقر قد كلف مخابرات الجيش، اواخر حزيران الفائت، اجراء التحقيقات الأولية في حادثة عبرا والتحقيق مع الموقوفين.

يُذكر أن المعارك بين الجيش اللبناني وعناصر امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الاسير، يومي 23 و24 حزيران في عبرا في صيدا، أدت الى سقوط 18 قتيلاً و20 جريحاً من الجيش اللبناني، فضلاً عن مقتل أكثر من 20 عنصر من عناصر الاسير.

في حين لم يظهر أي من الاسير أو شاكر بعد انتهاء الاشتباكات وسط معلومات متضاربة عن مكان وجودهما أو مصيرهما.

التعليقات 22
Missing rami 14:36 ,2013 تموز 05

The press gave unnecessary attention and coverage to Asir since the beginning, and that was wrong and contributed to his somehow rise, becoming a daily topic in the news. It seems that they don't learn, instead of ignoring them, now that he has disappeared, the're still after them possibly hoping for a new Asir to come up again. The article "La Presse Qui Tue" says it all.

Missing helicopter 19:59 ,2013 تموز 05

it failed, because real sunnis dont back such a scumbag, but the PR still lingers................
That is right, real Sunnis are moderates. I wish the Shi3a exhibited the same, then HA would have failed as well and the Lebanese State would have been in control, our economy would have been better off, our young would be pursuing careers in Lebanon, and the army would be in control (I am assuming the Palestinians will be disarmed as well)

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:43 ,2013 تموز 05

lol, trying to hide your shame of these savages you support by attempting this weak diversion?

Thumb Chupachups 15:05 ,2013 تموز 05

that pic can't be you... but the avatar i have is totally me.

Missing tourettes 15:05 ,2013 تموز 05

put em in a cage in roumieh , specialy those who assaulted the tv crew. filthy ppl

Missing --karim_m2 15:26 ,2013 تموز 05

This is the true face of the February 14 Saudi-Wahabi coalition. The mask has fallen and the rest of Lebanon is now seeing the truth.

Missing helicopter 20:02 ,2013 تموز 05

Asir and HA are the true face of extremism ..... We disavow the first but you are a blind follower of the latter.

Thumb benzona 15:32 ,2013 تموز 05

You mean so 2000 and late!

Thumb benzona 15:33 ,2013 تموز 05

Incitation à la haine? C'est condamnable aux yeux de la loi.

Thumb LebCynic 15:58 ,2013 تموز 05

What do these extremist think they are doing?? Who are they protesting for? A puppet of KSA that has done nothing but create strife ever since his talents were discovered. No Lebanese man, woman or child should put up with or tolerate these thugs ruining Lebanon. Lebanon has always been known for its friendly hospitality and friendly faces, ever since the KSA supported salafists have been on the scene they have effected and even tarnished the image of Lebanon.

Missing helicopter 20:05 ,2013 تموز 05

You must see an eye Doctor, because your vision is limited to seeing only one half of what is wrong with Lebanon (the small half... Asir and Salafists). But you fail to see the big half of the problem (HA, Iran and Syria). But you guys are liked a programmed Robot. You are brain washed and incapable of critical thinking.

Thumb geha 16:16 ,2013 تموز 05

this asir issue is going stronger as it seems.
I said it since day one: we will have 100 new asir.
thank you hizbushaitan for increasing sectarian strife.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 16:20 ,2013 تموز 05

Show the damn bank Audi footage.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:00 ,2013 تموز 05

Haha. Show that damn tape too. Answers a lot of questions. Both would.

Missing helicopter 20:09 ,2013 تموز 05

UF.T., until you and others in M8 acknowledge that HA is more dangerous to Lebanon than Asir (given their size and armament, and strategic thinking of how to lead us to WEelayat Elfaqih), then you will lack credibility.
Can you repeat after me: Asir, Salafists, Palestinians, and HA are should be disarmed.
But I can almost predict your answer, so I am not holding my breath

Missing peace 19:21 ,2013 تموز 05

they attack TV crews like hezbi friends burned down future tv... two fanatical parties, both against press... no wonder coming from extremist muslims....

Missing helicopter 20:10 ,2013 تموز 05

They are brothers from different mothers.

Missing helicopter 20:01 ,2013 تموز 05

So it is true that HA and the Americans and the Zionists are all working together.
Yes the Lebanese are after both Asir and HA, but HA is too big of a fish at the present time, their day will come.

Missing VINCENT 00:16 ,2013 تموز 06

I hope that day comes soon when every Lebanese no matter what religion, ethnic background, social economical class can live together in peace. But the first thing that needs to be done even before disarming H.A. is to disarm the Palestinian camps in Lebanon as this is most likely the kind of weakness foreign interests look for to exploit Lebanon, and the precursor to any other Lebanese group to arm outside the auspices of the State.

Thumb cedre 00:52 ,2013 تموز 06

They are fed up from hizbi control of state institutions and arrogance of so-called resistance, dont even speak about syrian war impact...

Thumb thefool 01:57 ,2013 تموز 06

What is this "Assir Supporters"? Since when? how many? who knows them?

Missing helicopter 06:16 ,2013 تموز 06

The video you are referring to has been band for violating youtube policy. Your language is indecent and should be band for violating human decency (and hopefully Naharnet) policy. Common brother, please keep this forum clean and family friendly -please.